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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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A Nigerian writer whose works range from novels to short stories to nonfiction. She was described in The Times Literary Supplement as "the most prominent" of a "procession of critically acclaimed young anglophone authors [who] is succeeding in attracting a new generation of readers to African literature.."
13 libros en la lista
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Cuz book cover
An American Tragedy
Danielle Allen - 2018-09-04 (publicado por primera vez en 2017)
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This powerful memoir by Danielle Allen delves into the tragedy of mass incarceration through her own personal experience of trying to rescue her baby cousin, who was arrested for an attempted carjacking at just fifteen years old. Despite her heroic efforts, Michael served eleven years in prison and was later found murdered. Through her compassionate retelling of his story, Allen raises important questions about the American justice system and the devastating impact of mass incarceration on families and communities. A must-read for anyone interested in social justice and systemic change.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
A memoir about the loss of a beloved cousin, is unbearably moving. It illuminates the injustice often meted out to young black men by the American criminal justice system.      fuente
Speak No Evil book cover
Speak No Evil
A Novel
Uzodinma Iweala - 2018-03-06
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"Speak No Evil" is a powerful and heart-wrenching novel that explores what it means to be different in a conformist society, and how that difference can lead to devastating consequences. Set in Washington D.C., the story follows Niru, a gay teenager from a conservative Nigerian family, who must navigate the complexities of coming out to his parents and friends. As Niru struggles to reconcile his desires against society's expectations, he finds unexpected solidarity in his best friend Meredith. But when Niru's father discovers his secret, their world is turned upside down, and they are both forced to confront the brutal realities of love and violence. This deeply compassionate and timely novel is a must-read for anyone interested in the power of words and self-identification, and the struggle to find one's voice in a world that seeks to silence it.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
A young Nigerian American comes out as gay, is a coming of age story about the difficult, churning mix of family expectations. It is elegant and elegiac, and evokes Washington DC with subtle power.      fuente
El color púrpura book cover
El color púrpura
A Novel
Alice Walker - 2019-12-10 (publicado por primera vez en 1982)
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El color púrpura cuenta, a lo largo de distintas décadas, la intensa vida de Celie, una mujer de la América rural del Sur. Forzada a casarse con un hombre brutal. Celie se retrae y comparte su desgracia sólo con Dios. Celie sufrirá una transformación gracias a la amistad que comparte con dos extraordinarias mujeres, adquiriendo la autoestima y la fuerza que necesita para perdonar.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I admired the fierce honesty in the single-mindedly feminist world-view of this book      fuente
Padres e hijos book cover
Padres e hijos
Ivan Turgenev - 2005-02-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1862)
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El espíritu pacífico y conciliador de Turguénev con su eterna tendencia a la concordia le causó más de un estrago en su vida. Pocas veces una personalidad tan asequible ha sido objeto de tantos ataques. Tildado de revolucionario por los conservadores y de conservador por los revolucionarios, sus frecuentes viajes a Europa le costaron más de una crítica por parte de los eslavófilos. Su carácter aristocrático y su acicalado aspecto de «gentleman» inglés despertaron resquemores en sus adversarios ideológicos. Su visión lírica de la vida aúna en su obra el latido de la naturaleza con la vibración del alma humana. «Padres e hijos» es una obra sumamente trascendente para la historia de la literatura rusa. Se atribuye a esta obra una innegable influencia en la abolición de la servidumbre imperante en Rusia hasta 1861. Hay en ella, además, una descripción de la confrontación de dos ideales, el aristocrático y el nihilista. Turguénev culmina en esta obra el perfil de sus héroes portadores de dos tipologías, de dos ideales contrapuestos en constante pugna: entrega y sacrificio de la propia persona contra el yo dubitativo sobre el sentido de la propia existencia.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I loved this book as a teenager and have never forgotten how completely absorbed I was by Turgenev’s wonderfully evocative world.      fuente
Recomendado por
Ernest Hemingway
Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery book cover
Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery
John Gregory Brown - 2001-09-14 (publicado por primera vez en 1994)
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This haunting novel explores family loyalty and relationships between races in New Orleans, uncovering the heartbreaking legacy of an Irish Catholic family. Moving through different decades, the story illuminates the impact of race on destiny.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
It is filled with longing, melancholy and nostalgia, and it is so atmospheric, so hauntingly described, that the reader never quite emerges from the book      fuente
Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals book cover
Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals
Caribbean and African Literature Translated from French)
Ahmadou Kourouma - 2001-03-29
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"Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals" by Ahmadou Kourouma is a satirical novel that exposes the political machinations of African dictators during the Cold War. Through vivid storytelling, Kourouma describes the palaces, shrines, and hunting preserves built for the personal gratification of the leaders, who paraded around with mistresses, marabouts, and advisers. The novel follows the thirty-year career of the master hunter and president Koyaga, a fictionalized Gnassingbe Eyadema of Togo, who assumes power through treachery, assassination, and sorcery. The novel culminates in an apocalyptic stampede that underscores Kourouma's sharp critique of African politics.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This is a humourous, irreverent and unabashedly political novel; it is an enraged lament about post-colonial Africa and how the leaders who inherited supposedly independent countries went on to fail their citizens. Some leaders are closely modelled on real characters – Mobutu of Zaire and Lumumba of the Congo are impossible to miss. The simplified summary of Kourouma: Colonialism has spawned monsters in the name of African leaders, and the West is the creator of these Frankensteins. The narrative is complex. There is a wonderfully oral quality to the telling, and many stories and anecdotes are laugh-aloud funny. Kourouma insists – and this underlies the narrative – that African dictators are mostly guided by their belief in the traditional, the supernatural, and that Islam or Christianity are mere window-dressing. This is a good example of an intelligent and important book that’s also genuinely interesting.      fuente
Arrow of God book cover
Arrow of God
Chinua Achebe - 1989-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1964)
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African traditions clash with modernity in this poignant story of a father-son conflict set in Nigeria. Ezeulu, chief priest of the god Ulu, is losing his authority to rivals, his family, and the white government. Unwavering, he leads his people even as destruction looms. "Arrow of God" is a spare and powerful tale of faith lost and struggle against the forces of change. The second volume of Achebe's African trilogy, it follows the classic "Things Fall Apart" and precedes "No Longer at Ease."
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
It made me see that it was, in fact, possible for people of colour to exist within literature. Arrow of God has remained one of my favourite novels. Set in 1920s Igboland, it tells the story of a remarkable priest, Ezeulu, and a British administrator, and the ways in which colonialism brought not only political but cultural changes. It is funny and absorbing, moving and beautiful. I love this book.      fuente
The Famous Five Collection book cover
The Famous Five Collection
Books 4-6 (Famous Five Gift Books and Collections) [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2012] Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton - 2015-02-05 (publicado por primera vez en 1995)
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Embark on thrilling adventures with the Famous Five Collection, featuring three classic Enid Blyton novels. Follow the Five as they explore a mysterious house filled with secret tunnels, uncover sinister plans at a circus, and investigate their uncle's strange behavior on a secluded island. With original illustrations, this collection is a value-for-money must-read for fans of suspenseful children's fiction.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I was entranced by the children who had these wonderful adventures and who were always magically at the right place at the right time.      fuente
Los restos del día book cover
Los restos del día
Kazuo Ishiguro - 2005-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1989)
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Inglaterra, julio de 1956. Stevens, el narrador, durante treinta años ha sido mayordomo de Darlington Hall. Lord Darlington murió hace tres años, y la propiedad pertenece ahora a un norteamericano. El mayordomo, por primera vez en su vida, hará un viaje. Su nuevo patrón regresará por unas semanas a su país, y le ha ofrecido al mayordomo su coche que fuera de Lord Darlington para que disfrute de unas vacaciones. Y Stevens, en el antiguo, lento y señorial auto de sus patrones, cruzará durante días Inglaterra rumbo a Weymouth, donde vive la señora Benn, antigua ama de llaves de Darlington Hall. Y jornada a jornada, Ishiguro desplegará ante el lector una novela perfecta de luces y claroscuros, de máscaras que apenas se deslizan para desvelar una realidad mucho más amarga que los amables paisajes que el mayordomo deja atrás.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
It’s a stunning book, and the movie came close to being just as stunning      fuente
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