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Marcus du Sautoy

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Marcus du Sautoy is a British mathematician, author, and populariser of science and mathematics. In 1996, he was awarded the Title of Distinction of Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and in 2008, he was appointed to the Simonyi Professorship for the Public Understanding of Science and a fellowship at New College.
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Niña, mujer, otras book cover
Niña, mujer, otras
Bernardine Evaristo - 2019-05-02
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Un estilo literario rompedor a caballo entre la poesía y la prosa que la autora define como "literatura fusión". Un texto escrito al margen de las convenciones literarias y las reglas habituales de puntuación que, sin embargo, sorprende por su fluidez y facilidad de lectura. Una Gran Bretaña como nunca se ha contado. De Newcastle a Cornualles, desde principio del siglo veinte hasta las adolescentes del veintiuno, en Niña, mujer, otras seguimos a un reparto de doce personajes en sus viajes personales por este país y sus últimos cien años de vida. Todas están enfrascadas en una búsqueda: un pasado compartido, un futuro inesperado, un lugar al que llamar hogar, un sitio donde encajar, una amante, una madre desaparecida, un padre perdido, e incluso, lisa y llanamente, un rayo de esperanza...
Marcus du Sautoy
Enjoyed listening to the audio book of GIRL, WOMAN, OTHER @BernardineEvari especially when Carole chooses her favourite number 1729, the smallest number = sum of two cubes in two different ways 1^3+12^3 and 9^3+10^3 (although I think the narrator said 2 rather than 12 cubed)      fuente
East West Street book cover
East West Street
On the Origins of "Genocide" and "Crimes Against Humanity"
Philippe Sands - 2016-05-24
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Explore the creation and development of world-changing legal concepts resulting from Hitler's Third Reich. This profound and moving personal detective story uncovers secret pasts and traces the intellectual evolution of two men who simultaneously originated the ideas of "genocide" and "crimes against humanity." Alongside this exploration, the author shares his spellbinding family memoir, tracing the mysterious story of his grandfather who maneuvered through Europe in the face of Nazi atrocities. This book changes the way we look at the world, and our understanding of history and civilization.
Marcus du Sautoy
Just finished reading @philippesands staggeringly brilliant book #EastWestStreet In such political times understanding the origins of the bill of human rights has never been so important. But it’s also an incredibly crafted narrative. Read it!      fuente