56 libros en la lista
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Enter the magical world of Gormenghast - a place of bizarre creatures, doomed lords, and emergent heroes. The Gormenghast Novels are a fantasy classic, rivaled only by Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The story centers on Titus Groan, the seventy-seventh Earl who stands to inherit the grand Gormenghast Castle and its kingdom, if only conniving Steerpike doesn't take control first. Full of lush, vivid detail, this world is brought to life with Peake's own illustrations. Featuring introductory essays by Anthony Burgess and Quentin Crisp, this book is a must-read for any fantasy fan.
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Astro TellerEliot's Book of Bookish Lists is a unique and delightful compilation of hundreds of bookish lists by author, editor, and insatiable bookworm Henry Eliot. From tragic Greek tragedies to literary fart jokes, this eclectic and beautifully presented book features nuggets of trivia and recommendations that will delight, inspire, and surprise anyone who loves reading. Discover the history of Uranus' Shakespearean moons, the names of George Orwell's pets, and much more - this book is truly an essential gift for book-lovers.
Neil Gaiman
2023-01-14T03:44:44.000ZSmoky Barnable es un joven anodino que viaja a pie desde la ciudad hasta un lugar de nombre Edgewood, que no figura en ningún mapa, con la intención de casarse con Daily Alice Drinkwater, tal y como le han profetizado. Es una historia épica de cuatro generaciones de una peculiar familia que vive en una casa que es muchas casas.
Pero también es la historia de un amor fantástico, de una pérdida desgarradora, de cosas imposibles y destinos inamovibles, de la visión de un futuro distópico en el que Estados Unidos es gobernado por un déspota siniestro.
John Crowley es autor de 'The Deep', 'Daemonomania', 'Beasts', 'Love & Sleep', 'AEgypto', 'The Translator' y, más recientemente, de 'Lord Byron’s Novel: The Evening Land'. Fue galardonado con el premio de literatura de la Academia Estadounidense de las Artes y las Letras. Es profesor en la universidad de Yale. Vive en las colinas que se alzan sobre el río Connecticut, en el norte de Massachusetts.
Neil Gaiman
2022-12-11T15:32:35.000ZDiscover the life and work of one of the most original and controversial figures in 20th-century American literature in Eat Your Mind. This authorized biography of experimental novelist Kathy Acker is a feat of literary biography, drawing on exclusive interviews with hundreds of Acker’s intimates, journals, correspondence, and early drafts of her work. Acker wrote obsessively about the treachery of love, the limitations of language, and the possibility of revolution, collaging together texts stolen from other writers with her own diaries, sexual fantasies, and blunt political critiques. A must-read for those interested in important conversations about gender, sex, capitalism, and colonialism.
Neil Gaiman
All the Living and the Dead
From Embalmers to Executioners, an Exploration of the People Who Have Made Death Their Life's Work
Explore the taboo subject of death and the individuals who work in the death industry including morticians, detectives, crime scene cleaners, embalmers, and executioners. Journalist Hayley Campbell uncovers insights and stories from death experts and challenges the fear and avoidance surrounding death. Delve into this cultural critique that combines interviews, memoir, history, and philosophy to understand the psychology of Western death.
Neil Gaiman
2022-08-26T01:08:34.000ZRecomendado por
John ScalziGet lost in an enchanting and terrifying world of dreams with this epic horror/fantasy series. Follow the journey of Morpheus, the embodiment of Dreams, as he fights to reclaim his lost objects of power and rediscover his place in the universe. Don't miss the first issue of this thrilling and captivating series by renowned author Neil Gaiman.
Neil Gaiman
2022-08-20T02:22:33.000Z«Hay momentos en mi vida en los que Trieste se presenta con tal exactitud en mi inconsciente que, dondequiera que esté, me siento transportada hasta allí. Es una sensación comparable a esos instantes arcanos de quietud que en ocasiones interrumpen una conversación absolutamente banal, en los que se dice que ha pasado un ángel.»
Jan Morris, la gran autora británica, nos entrega el melancólico relato de Trieste. Un viaje en el tiempo, evocando los cafés y los muelles que fascinaron a Joyce y persiguiendo el fantasma de Italo Svevo, ciudadano ilustre de este «no lugar».
Una ciudad donde cada cual es libre de descubrir su propia identidad y de vivir sin restricciones. Paradero ideal para almas errantes y solitarias y para todo aquel que no encuentra su lugar en el mundo.
Trieste es ante todo un refinado estudio sobre la identidad. Morris hace un recorrido por su turbulenta historia: único puerto del Imperio austrohúngaro, propulsora de una civilización irrepetible, Trieste siempre fue fiel a la Casa de Habsburgo, a pesar de las tres breves ocupaciones napoleónicas. Con la caída del Imperio fue anexionada a Italia por razones meramente geográficas, hecho que marcaría el principio de su declive
Un «no lugar» que Morris siente como encarnación de una utopía, ajena al concepto de nación o nacionalismo, un híbrido de razas, lenguas y culturas, una ciudad espejismo. El sentimiento predominante del libro es la sehnsucht: la nostalgia del poder que le ha sido arrebatado, la fascinación por la grandeza perdida que ya no volverá.
Un libro poético, una acertada reflexión sobre la idea de identidad y sobre la influencia de la Historia en el destino de las ciudades, Trieste pasea por estas páginas como una gran dama que vive en el recuerdo del antiguo esplendor, incapaz de adaptarse a la modernidad y a su propia nacionalidad.
Neil Gaiman
2022-07-31T21:50:18.000ZRecomendado por
Carl BildtA failed comedian gets stuck in a small town and decides to get a tattoo, not realizing it would give him the power to move between parallel universes, leading to three versions of his life colliding. A witty and thought-provoking read, expertly crafted by Jonathan Carroll.
Neil Gaiman
2022-07-29T17:12:51.000ZExplore the fascinating world of early 20th century "wordless books" - stories told through black and white woodcuts, without any text. Discover how this short-lived but influential genre impacted the development of comic art, particularly contemporary graphic novels for adults. Scholar David A. Beronä delves into the history and art of the pioneers of woodcut novels, showcasing powerful and iconic images that are as relevant today as they were in their time. This scholarly work is a significant addition to the field of comics and comics history.
Neil Gaiman
2022-07-22T12:59:29.000ZExplore the mystery and danger of Scotland's Cuillin mountain range, the toughest expedition in the British Isles. This book leads readers on an adventure through its violent birth, the daring exploits of its pioneers, and the allure that keeps adventurers coming back. From treacherous peaks named after their intrepid conquerors, to tales of myths and monsters, this mountain range continues to captivate and challenge climbers from around the world.
Neil Gaiman
2022-05-26T20:11:34.000ZThe Boy With Wings by Lenny Henry
The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess by Tom Gauld
Jews Don’t Count by David Baddiel
Benzene Dreams by Charlie Gilmour
Julia's House Moves On by Ben Hatke
The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again by M. John Harrison
La ciudad que nos unió by N. K. Jemisin
Why You Should Read Children's Books, Even Though You Are So Old and Wise by Katherine Rundell
Everybody Died So I Got A Dog by Emily Dean
A Velocity of Being by Maria Popova
Sirenas by Jessica Love
Paco et Mozart by Magali le Huche
Bizarre Romance by Audrey Niffenegger
Paco et Vivaldi by Magali le Huche
Paco et le rock by Magali le Huche
Paco et le jazz by Magali le Huche
The Land of the Green Man by Carolyne Larrington
Paco et l'orchestre by Magali le Huche
Horns by Joe Hill
ALEC by Eddie Campbell
Pinhoe Egg by Diana Wynne Jones
Hacer cómics by Scott Mccloud
Conrad's Fate by Diana Wynne Jones
Casa desolada by Gill Tavner
El viento en los sauces by Kenneth Grahame
Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees
Climbers by M. John Harrison
Archer's Goon by Diana Wynne Jones
Mientras escribo by Stephen King
Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones
Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones
The Magicians of Caprona. Diana Wynne Jones by Diana Wynne Jones
Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones
Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud
Mitos nórdicos by Kevin Crossley-Holland
Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones
Wisconsin Death Trip by Michael Lesy
Lives of Christopher Chant by Diana Wynne Jones
The Urth of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
El Maestro y Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
La Caseta Magica by Norton Juster
Stone Cage by Nicholas Gray Stuart
Sword & Citadel by Gene Wolfe
Shadow & Claw by Gene Wolfe
Entender el cómic. El arte invisible by Scott McCloud
Views by Roger Dean