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Seth MacFarlane

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Seth MacFarlane is an American actor, animator, filmmaker, comedian, and singer. MacFarlane is the creator of the TV series Family Guy and The Orville, and co-creator of the TV series American Dad! and The Cleveland Show
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Lifespan book cover
Why We Age―and Why We Don't Have To
David A. Sinclair - 2019-09-10
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Discover the groundbreaking theory that aging is a disease and is treatable in this fascinating book by a leading authority on genetics and longevity. Exploring research from Harvard, the author reveals how activating vitality genes can slow down or even reverse aging. Prepare to be enlightened on this bold new approach to aging.
Seth MacFarlane
This was a really cool, fun, thoughtful read - part hard science, part speculative analysis, this book by @davidasinclair needs more eyeballs on it. Right up your philosophical alley if you’re an Orville fan.      fuente
Sometimes Brilliant book cover
Sometimes Brilliant
The Impossible Adventure of a Spiritual Seeker and Visionary Physician Who Helped Conquer the Worst Disease in History
Larry Brilliant - 2016-10-11 (publicado por primera vez en 2015)
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Sometimes Brilliant is the inspiring story of a young doctor and revolutionary hippie who works with the World Health Organization to eradicate smallpox, a disease that killed over half a billion people in the 20th century alone. Larry Brilliant’s experiences with spiritual teachers, cultural heroes, and tech innovators across the world, including Steve Jobs and the founders of Google and Facebook, make for a riveting epidemiological adventure and moving spiritual memoir. A testament to love, faith, and service, this book explores life’s most important questions and embodies the power of positive change.
Seth MacFarlane
During this pandemic, you might be inspired by the heroic efforts of a man who was instrumental in the eradication of an even deadlier one—smallpox. Dr. Larry Brilliant’s work with the WHO effectively helped to wipe this disease off the face of the globe. Great read!      fuente
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now book cover
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Jaron Lanier - 2018-01-01
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A tech pioneer's persuasive argument for deleting your social media accounts. In Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Jaron Lanier explains how social media brings out the worst in us, manipulates our behavior, twists the truth, and disconnects us from reality. Lanier offers powerful and personal reasons for leaving these dangerous online platforms, and envisions a humanistic approach to social networking that can lead to a richer and fuller way of living.
Seth MacFarlane
Can’t think of a better way to draw attention to this terrific book by Jaron Lanier than with a clean slate. Can we learn to use social media with discipline and selectivity? Or will it inevitably get the better of us? I don’t know. But let’s try this again from the top.      fuente
El mundo y sus demonios. La ciencia como una luz en la oscuridad book cover
El mundo y sus demonios. La ciencia como una luz en la oscuridad
Science as a Candle in the Dark
Carl Sagan - 1997-02-25 (publicado por primera vez en 1996)
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¿Estamos al borde de una nueva edad oscura de irracionalismo y superstición? En este libro conmovedor y argumentado con brillantez, el científico de renombre internacional Carl Sagan demuestra que el pensamiento científico es necesario para salvaguardar nuestras instituciones democráticas y nuestra civilización técnica. El mundo y sus demonios es más personal y está más lleno de historias humanas entrañables y reveladoras que todo lo escrito por Sagan anteriormente. El autor, con las experiencias de su propia infancia y la apasionante historia de los descubrimientos de la ciencia, muestra cómo el metodo del pensamiento racional puede superar prejuicios y superticiones para dejar al descubierto la verdad, que, con frecuencia, resulta sorprendente. Desenmascara de forma convincente las «abducciones por extraterrestres», los «canalizadores», el fraude de los curanderos, la «cara en Marte», entre otras muchas falacias. Rechaza, asimismo, la idea de que la ciencia destruye la espiritualidad o de que es otro sistema arbitrario de creencias. Se pregunta por qué la actividad científica suele ser hoy estigmatizada, discute los peligros de utilizar mal la ciencia y proporciona un «método de detección de camelos» en el pensamiento político, social y religioso. Controvertido, provocador y sugestivo, El mundo y sus demonios será sin duda un libro del que se hablará y discutirá con pasión.
Seth MacFarlane
Gonna start posting book suggestions, as we’ve got lots of time to READ! This is one of my favorites:      fuente