Shay-Akil McLean
Libros Recomendados
Shay-Akil McLean is a Queer Trans man racialized as Black, on stolen Indigenous land, educator, writer, public intellectual, human biologist & sociologist. Shay-Akil is an Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation Biology PhD student in studying Du Boisian sociology, STS/HASTS, race, human health demography, evolutionary genetics, & theoretical population genetics.
3 libros en la lista
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The Invention of Women
Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses
Explore the origins of gender constructs in Western and Yoruban society in this illuminating work. Rejecting the notion of a universal "woman question," the author argues that the concept of gender is a Western invention rooted in biology. By contrasting Western concepts of gender with the Yoruban culture, the book challenges long-held assumptions about the nature of gender constructs. Delve into a rigorous analysis of the history and epistemology of an African society and its approach to social organization. This thought-provoking work will reframe your understanding of gender discourse and cultural study.
Shay-Akil McLean
2020-07-06T19:24:46.000ZThis book explores the topic of self-confidence through the lens of Leonardo da Vinci's childhood. The author, Charles Pépin, delves into Freud's misinterpretation of a hawk visiting Leonardo's cradle, and offers a new reading that seamlessly fuses psychoanalysis with fifteenth-century Florentine art history. Through this journey, readers uncover a deeper understanding of self-confidence and its roots in our past experiences.
Shay-Akil McLean
Bruce Lee Artist of Life
Inspiration and Insights from the World's Greatest Martial Artist
Discover the philosophical brilliance behind the iconic martial artist in this installment of the seven-volume Bruce Lee Library. Edited by Lee expert John Little, "Bruce Lee Artist of Life" offers a glimpse into Lee's private notebooks and explores his thoughts on Gung Fu, philosophy, psychology, poetry, Jeet Kune Do, acting, and self-knowledge. With rare letters, essays, and poems shedding light on Lee's unique personal philosophy, martial arts practitioners and fans alike won't want to miss out.
Shay-Akil McLean