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Theodora Lau

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8 libros en la lista
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País Nómada book cover
País Nómada
Supervivientes del siglo XXI
Jessica Bruder - 2018-09-04 (publicado por primera vez en 2017)
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Desde los campos de remolacha de Dakota del Norte hasta los campamentos de National Forest de California y el programa CamperForce de Amazon en Texas, los empleadores han descubierto un nuevo grupo de mano de obra de bajo costo, compuesto principalmente por temporeros estadounidenses adultos. Al descubrir que el Seguro Social se queda corto y ahogados por las hipotecas, decenas de miles de estas víctimas invisibles de la Gran Recesión se han echado a la carretera en vehículos recreativos, remolques de viaje y furgonetas, formando una creciente comunidad de nómadas: migrantes trabajadores que se autodenominan workampers. En un vehículo de segunda mano que bautiza "Van Halen", Jessica Bruder sale a la carretera para conocer a estos sujetos más de cerca. Acompañando a su irreprimible protagonista Linda May y a otras personas en la limpieza de inodoros de un campamento, en el escaneo de productos en un almacén, en reuniones en el desierto y en el peligroso trabajo de la cosecha de remolacha, Bruder relata una historia convincente y reveladora sobre el oscuro vientre de la economía estadounidense, que presagia el precario futuro que puede esperarnos a muchos más. Pero, al mismo tiempo, celebra la excepcional capacidad de recuperación y creatividad de estos estadounidenses que han renunciado al arraigo ordinario para sobrevivir. Como Linda May, que sueña con encontrar tierras en las que construir su propia casa sostenible "Earthship", son personas que no han perdido la esperanza.
Theodora Lau
@Clagett The book is excellent too. Highly recommended.      fuente
The Color of Law book cover
The Color of Law
A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Richard Rothstein - 2017-05-02
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Explore the true history of America's racially divided cities through the eyes of a top authority on housing policy. In "The Color of Law," Richard Rothstein unearths the startling truth that de jure segregation – government policies and laws – were responsible for discriminatory housing patterns that still exist today. Discover the untold story of racial zoning in the 1920s, the flawed urban planning of the 1950s, and federal subsidies for builders that enforced segregation in post-World War II suburbs. Learn how police and prosecutors furthered these policies through violent resistance to black families in white neighborhoods. With recent outbursts of violence in cities, this is a vital examination to enlighten and support the fight for racial justice.
Theodora Lau
Policies have played a big role in creating residential racial segregation in our country. “The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein is a must read - to better understand the forces preventing economic mobility in our country. #policy #books #reading #inequality      fuente
Recomendado por
Rick Klau
The 100-Year Life book cover
The 100-Year Life
Living and Working in an Age of Longevity
Lynda Gratton - 2016-06-02
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The 100-Year Life is a thought-provoking book that helps you imagine a future where you might live up to 100 years. Lynda Gratton emphasizes that the traditional concept of work, retirement, and education is quickly vanishing. She suggests new ways of living, learning, working, and building productive relationships in a 100-year life. With a diverse range of analysis and solutions, The 100-Year Life presents a wake-up call and empowers you to make informed choices to design a fulfilling life.
Theodora Lau
@PaultheBanker_ @Kasasa @leimer @Clagett Ah yes - Love that book - changed my perspective a few years ago as well.      fuente
Recomendado por
Chip Conley
Grace Hopper book cover
Grace Hopper
Queen of Computer Code (Volume 1) (People Who Shaped Our World)
Laurie Wallmark - 2017-05-17
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Discover the inspiring life of Grace Hopper, the computer science pioneer who broke boundaries and revolutionized the industry. From coining the term "computer bug" to teaching computers to "speak English," Hopper was a rule breaker, chance taker, and troublemaker who always believed in her ideas. This picture book biography celebrates her life and achievements, showing how Hopper's insatiable curiosity and determination paved the way for future generations in science and math. A must-read for anyone interested in technology and the women who make history.
Theodora Lau
Such a beautiful book on Grace Hopper. This is a must-read for any children (and parents)! #books #reading #WomenInSTEM #WomeninTech @lauriewallmark cc @guzmand @charliehalkett @sallyeaves @nigelwalsh @leimer @JolaBurnett @CreativeTrae @annie_parker @inayulo @digitalcloudgal      fuente
Factfulness book cover
Diez razones por las que estamos equivocados sobre el mundo. Y por qué las cosas están mejor de lo que piensas
Hans Rosling - 2018-04-03
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Cuando se hacen preguntas sencillas sobre las tendencias mundiales: ¿qué porcentaje de la población mundial vive en la pobreza? ¿Por qué la población mundial está aumentando? ¿cuántas chicas terminan la escuela? Sistemáticamente obtenemos las respuestas incorrectas. Tan incorrectas que incluso un chimpancé eligiendo las respuestas al azar superará siempre a los maestros, periodistas, premios Nobel y banqueros de inversión. En Factfulness, el profesor de Salud Internacional y el fenómeno TED global Hans Rosling, junto con sus dos colaboradores, Anna y Ola, ofrece una nueva y radical explicación de por qué sucede esto. Nos revelan los diez instintos que distorsionan nuestra perspectiva: desde nuestra tendencia a dividir el mundo en dos campos (generalmente en nosotros y de ellos) a la forma en que consumimos los medios (donde el miedo gobierna) y cómo percibimos el progreso (creyendo que todo está empeorando). Nuestro problema es que no sabemos lo que no sabemos y que, incluso nuestras suposiciones, se basan en prejuicios inconscientes y predecibles. Resulta que el mundo, a pesar de sus imperfecciones, está en un estado mucho mejor de lo que podríamos pensar. Eso no significa que no haya preocupaciones reales. Pero cuando nos preocupamos por todo constantemente, en lugar de adaptar una cosmovisión basada en hechos, podemos perder nuestra capacidad de enfocarnos en las cosas que más nos amenazan. Inspiradora y reveladora, llena de anécdotas e historias conmovedoras, Factfulness es un libro urgente y esencial que cambiará la forma de ver el mundo y le permitirá responder a las crisis y oportunidades del futuro.
Theodora Lau
"Cultures, nations religions, and people are not rocks. They are in constant transformation." Indeed - look to the East for inspiration. Thank you @DanLatimore for the #book recommendation. 🙏📚 @OlaRosling #Factfulness #reading #inspiration #humanity      fuente
Mujeres de ciencia book cover
Mujeres de ciencia
50 intrépidas pioneras que cambiaron el mundo
Rachel Ignotofsky - 2016-07-26
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Este fascinante libro pone de relieve las contribuciones de cincuenta mujeres notables a los campos de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas, desde el mundo antiguo hasta nuestros días. Entre las pioneras incluidas en esta obra, están figuras conocidas, como Marie Curie y Jane Goodall, y otras no tan conocidas, como Rachel Carson, que ya a comienzos del siglo xx advertía sobre los efectos nocivos de los pesticidas en el medio ambiente y de la creciente contaminación. Esta colección de historias apasionantes también contiene infografías sobre temas relevantes como equipos de laboratorio, tasas de mujeres que trabajan en campos relativos a la ciencia y un glosario científico ilustrado. Mujeres de ciencia celebra los logros de las intrépidas mujeres que han allanado el camino para las próximas generaciones de mujeres ingenieras, biólogas, matemáticas, médicas, astronautas, físicas…
Theodora Lau
If you have little kids - consider giving them this fantastic book, so that they are familiar with not just Neil Armstrong and Alan Turing, but also Valentina Tereshkova and Ada Lovelace, as well as many other fearless pioneers who changed the world. #womenintech #womeninstem      fuente
Digital Human book cover
Digital Human
The Fourth Revolution of Humanity Includes Everyone
Chris Skinner - 2018-02-15
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Welcome to the fourth age of humanity: the digital age. Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, trade, and transact, and the impact echoes beyond our personal lives. In "Digital Human," you'll find a roadmap for navigating the world of finance in this new era. This visionary guide explores the digital evolution's impact and offers clear insights on thriving in this new age of agility and connectivity. Get ready to rethink your business practices and notions of efficiency, and discover how to construct new business models entirely around the customer.
Theodora Lau
“If everyone has a voice, and the power of the one voice can be as powerful as the many, will we move beyond self-interest?” Great book by @Chris_Skinner #digitalhuman #fintech #FinServ #FinancialInclusion      fuente
Deep Thinking book cover
Deep Thinking
Donde termina la inteligencia artificial y comienza la creatividad humana
Garry Kasparov - 2017-05-02
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In May 1997, the world watched as Garry Kasparov, the greatest chess player in the world, was defeated for the first time by the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue. It was a watershed moment in the history of technology: machine intelligence had arrived at the point where it could best human intellect. It wasn't a coincidence that Kasparov became the symbol of man's fight against the machines. Chess has long been the fulcrum in development of machine intelligence; the hoax automaton “The Turk” in the 18th century and Alan Turing's first chess program in 1952 were two early examples of the quest for machines to think like humans—a talent we measured by their ability to beat their creators at chess. As the preeminent chessmaster of the 80s and 90s, it was Kasparov's blessing and his curse to play against each generation's strongest computer champions, contributing to their development and advancing the field. Like all passionate competitors, Kasparov has taken his defeat and learned from it. He has devoted much energy to devising ways in which humans can partner with machines in order to produce results better than either can achieve alone. During the twenty years since playing Deep Blue, he's played both with and against machines, learning a great deal about our vital relationship with our most remarkable creations. Ultimately, he's become convinced that by embracing the competition between human and machine intelligence, we can spend less time worrying about being replaced and more thinking of new challenges to conquer. In this breakthrough book, Kasparov tells his side of the story of Deep Blue for the first time—what it was like to strategize against an implacable, untiring opponent—the mistakes he made and the reasons the odds were against him. But more than that, he tells his story of AI more generally, and how he's evolved to embrace it, taking part in an urgent debate with philosophers worried about human values, programmers creating self-learning neural networks, and engineers of cutting edge robotics. He surveys the serious questions facing a world that is becoming increasingly reliant on AI, creating an essential guide for the business readers and educators he speaks to by the thousands every year.
Theodora Lau
Garry Kasparov and the game of artificial intelligence (p.s. I love his book "Deep Thinking") #AI #MachineLearning #robots #automation #futureofwork #innovation @PRI @Kasparov63 cc @pierrepinna @DeepLearn007 @ahier      fuente