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Series de LibrosBlood on the Tracks

Manga de Blood on the Tracks

From Book 1: From the creator who brought you notable works such as The Flowers of Evil, Happiness, and Inside Mari, comes a new suspense drama centering on the theme of a toxic parent. Dive into this latest thriller by master storyteller, Shuzo Oshimi. Seiichi's mother loves him very much, and his days pass with placid regularity. School, friends, even the attention of his attractive classmate Fukiishi. Until one terrible summer day, that all changes...Shuzo Oshimi (The Flowers of Evil) delivers his most unsettling work yet, the tale of a seemingly normal family suddenly swallowed up by the creeping horror of everyday life. Gorgeous art and an understated script only serve to heighten the tension as we watch Seiichi Osabe's life spiral into nightmare.
Rastros de sangre, vol. 2 book cover
Rastros de sangre, vol. 1 book cover
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 3 book cover
5 libros en la serie
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Rastros de sangre, vol. 1 book cover
Libro 1
Rastros de sangre, vol. 1
Vol. 1
Shuzo Oshimi - 2017-09-08
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Seiichi, de trece años, es introvertido y algo inseguro, por lo que nunca ha tenido muchos amigos en la escuela. Su madre, Seiko, que siempre se ha comportado de manera excesivamente sobreprotectora con él, lo tiene muy mimado. Pero ahora que Seiichi empieza a ser más independiente y pasa más tiempo con otras personas, como su primo Shigeru o su compañera de clase Fukiishi, Seiko teme que alejen a “su niño” de ella. Por eso mismo, piensa cortar de raíz cualquier relación de su hijo con los demás, haciendo lo que sea necesario para conseguirlo...
Rastros de sangre, vol. 2 book cover
Libro 2
Rastros de sangre, vol. 2
Shuzo Oshimi - 2017-12-27
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Durante una excursión familiar a la montaña, Seiko nuevamente da muestras de ser una madre demasiado sobreprotectora con Seiichi, provocando las bromas de los demás. En un momento dado, de repente se oye un estremecedor grito. Ante la mirada de Seiko y de Seiichi, Shigeru se ha despeñado mientras hacía el tonto al borde de un precipicio. Las risas dan paso al drama, y Seiko no para de pedir perdón por no haber sido capaz de evitar la caída de su sobrino. Seiichi se encuentra en shock por lo ocurrido... ¿O acaso porque no ha sucedido tal como cuenta su madre?
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 3 book cover
Libro 3
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 3
Shuzo Oshimi - 2018-04-27
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A psychological horror masterpiece, Blood on the Tracks Vol. 3 delves into the unraveling psyche of Seiichi's mother and the emotional torture he faces amidst his family falling apart. As tension builds, Seiichi is pushed to his breaking point and finds himself unable to speak. Don't miss this captivating and haunting read.
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 4 book cover
Libro 4
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 4
Shuzo Oshimi - 2021-01-19 (publicado por primera vez en 2018)
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This captivating manga delves into themes of trauma and navigating complex relationships. Seiichi struggles to come to terms with his past while finding solace in a newfound love with Fukiishi. However, his mother's irrational jealousy threatens to destroy everything. Will Seiichi be able to make the right choice and save what he holds dear?
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 5 book cover
Libro 5
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 5
Shuzo Oshimi - 2021-03-30 (publicado por primera vez en 2019)
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Experience the intense coming-of-age tale of Seiichi as he struggles to navigate the complex and conflicting emotions of adolescence. Encouraged by his ally Fukiishi, Seiichi rebels against his mother, but her specter never strays far from his mind. As he fumbles toward sexual awakening, he finds refuge in Fukiishi's room, hidden from watchful eyes. But his mother's desperate search for him leads her to Fukiishi's doorstep, setting the stage for a psychological terror that will leave you breathless.