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АвторыErlend Loe

Книги автора Erlend Loe

Erlend Loe is a Norwegian novelist. He worked at a psychiatric clinic, and was later a freelance journalist for Norwegian newspaper Adresseavisen. Loe now lives and works in Oslo where in 1998 he co-founded Screenwriters Oslo - an office community for screenwriters.In 1993 he debuted with the book Tatt av kvinnen, and a year later published a children's book, Fisken, about a forklift operator named Kurt. Loe has a distinctive style of writing which is often likened to naïve art. He often uses irony, exaggeration and humor.
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А ну-ка, бля, спать! book cover
А ну-ка, бля, спать!
Adam Mansbach - 2011-12-06
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Эта утешительная книга для всех родителей нашей планеты возникла случайно. Молодой родитель Эдам Мэнзбэк, в очередной раз много часов подряд безуспешно пытаясь уложить спать свою 2-летнюю дочь Вивьен, впал в отчаяние и написал колыбельный стишок. Он так понравился друзьям Эдама, что совсем скоро Эдам, совместно с художником Рикардо Кортесом, сделал иллюстрированный макет колыбельной. Эту красоту показали музыканту и издателю, знаменитому в кругах независимого книгоиздания Джонни Тэмплу, хозяину издательства »Акашик Букс». Весной 2011 г. книга стала бестселлером № 1 в крупнейшем мировом онлайн-книжном Амазон.ком — за месяц до начала продаж. Инструкция по пользованию этой книгой: 1. НЕ давайте ее детям. У детей навалом своих книг с кисами и птичками, должно перепадать что-то и нам, взрослым. 2. НЕ читайте ее детям вслух как колыбельную. Есть экспериментальные данные, что при таком использовании она поддерживает в детях оживленность и подвижность, что в условиях укладывания спать в большинстве случаев непрактично. 3. Дарите эту книгу детным семьям — они тоже заслужили этот утешительный приз! 4. Передавайте эту книгу по наследству — готовьте ваших совершеннолетних детей к вашим же внукам. 5. С помощью этой книги вдохновляйтесь обожать друг друга. Даже если нам трудно укладывать друг друга спать.
Charlize Theron
Fvonk book cover
Roman (German Edition)
Erlend Loe - 2011-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
A burnt-out Norwegian Prime Minister moves into the guest house of an unsuspecting citizen in Oslo, and a heartwarming friendship develops as they bond over typical Norwegian activities. Will the Prime Minister choose to go back to governing, or stay in the peaceful life he has found? A delightful and surprising book about male friendship.
Stille dager i Mixing Part book cover
Stille dager i Mixing Part
Erlend Loe - 2009-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
A humorous and satirical tale of a couple on vacation in Germany, where the wife loves the country and the husband hates everything German. Will their marriage survive the holiday?
Muleum book cover
Erlend Loe - 2007-01-01
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A tragic plane crash leaves 18-year-old Julie from Oslo's wealthy west end without her family. Told through her diary entries, she takes us on a journey through grief, attempted suicide, and ultimately, a desperate search for self-discovery. As she travels the world, she is a rebellious young woman battling inner demons, trying to escape conformity and find her own path.
Kurt Koker Hodet book cover
Kurt Koker Hodet
Erlend Loe, Kim Hiorthoy - 2003-01-01
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"Kurt Koker Hodet" follows the story of Kurt, a truck driver who is tasked to polish containers at a new dock. However, strange noises and an unexpected discovery of a group of diverse people inside one container cause major problems for him and his wife, Anne-Lise. This book offers a unique and entertaining look into the complexities of human relationships and unexpected twists in everyday life.
"Discover the incredible story of two friends who find a magic seed that grows into a giant pear overnight, in this whimsical children's book by acclaimed author Jakob Martin Strid. Through stunning illustrations and an engaging plot, Strid's unique and funny style captures the power of imagination and wonder. This book has already gained attention at the Frankfurt Book Fair and has been sold to publishers in eight different countries before even being fully illustrated."
Fakta Om Finland book cover
Fakta Om Finland
Erlend Loe - 2001-01-01
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A brochurist who fears water is tasked with creating a travel brochure about Finland, a country he knows nothing about. His car is stolen, and he lies to the Finnish embassy to secure the job. Along the way, he meets a woman whose little brother is involved in politics, relying on him to help. This book is filled with Erlend Loe's unique sense of humor, while exploring themes of longing, loneliness, and fear of change.
Kurt Quo Vadis? book cover
Kurt Quo Vadis?
Ersend Loe - 1998-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
A captivating third novel by Ersend Loe, Kurt Quo Vadis? follows the story of Kurt, a forklift driver with many curious questions and doubts about his work, family, society, and life's purpose. As he seeks answers, Kurt finds himself in bizarre and humorous situations, asking the ultimate question: what is the meaning of life?
Sa Mor (Mother Said) book cover
Sa Mor (Mother Said)
Hal Sirowitz - 1996-04-16
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This poetry collection centers around the comedic and sometimes harrowing advice of a Jewish mother, offering gems like "don't stick your finger in the ketchup bottle" and "don't swim in the ocean while it's raining." Sirowitz weaves in personal reflections on his love life, resulting in an amusing and poignant read.
Naïve. Super by Erlend Loe
Méchant Kurt ! (Récits) by Erlend LOE, Kim HIORTHØY
Tatt av kvinnen by Erlend Loe
Fisken by Erlend Loe
Drømmer om Babylon by Richard Brautigan