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Read This Twice
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Сила настоящего

A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Eckhart Tolle

Все проблемы, страдания и боль порождаются нашим эгоистичным умом, цепляющимся за свое ложное я. Вырваться из его плена можно только через абсолютное присутствие в Настоящем - единственно реальном моменте жизни. Именно в Настоящем мы обретаем свою истинную суть, а также радость и понимание того, что целостность и совершенство есть не цель, а реальность, доступная нам уже Сейчас.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1997
Рейтинг Goodreads
Meg Ryan and Ellen DeGeneres gave me copies of this book, and it's gotten me through more crises than I can count. It truly helped me discover how to live in the now—to not linger on past mistakes, but to learn from them and then let them go. For me, this is the Mama Jama of super-soulful books. At every moment, it keeps me in a state of awe and amazement.      источник
@blusoup Start with "The Power of Now" if you haven't read it yet. If inspired, move to meditation.      источник
@BisqaMusic power of now! I love it on CD, hearing him read it helps      источник
Five books that have the potential to change your life: 1. The Power of Now 2. The Slight Edge 3. Rich Dad Poor Dad 4. Influence 5. Unlimited Power What else?      источник
@NesbertC This book changed my life.      источник
Here’s my ranked reading list from the past year. These books have changed my life! The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership Leadership and Self-Deception The Score Takes Care of Itself The Way to Love Playing to Win The Power of Now Can’t Hurt Me Atomic Habits      источник
The Power of Now and The Secret were two books that added onto me greatly earlier in my journey Understanding that we can take space from our thoughts & allow our mind to simplify (meditation) and then understanding our creative abilities (manifestation)      источник
A few books that have influenced me - 1. Personal Finance: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 2. Trading: Trading in the Zone 3. Mindfulness: The Power of Now 4. Philosophy: Letters from a Stoic, Tao Te Ching 5. Read Anytime: A Book of Simple Living      источник
Absolutely life changing and I have to thank Eckhart Tolle for opening my eyes and helping me see what has always been and always will be. My experience and view of my life and the world is completely different than one month ago      источник
It was so powerful because it outlines non-dual states—a.k.a something bigger than my own personal, limited view of the world.      источник