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Думай и богатей book cover

Думай и богатей

Napoleon Hill

Ao revelar o segredo do seu sucesso ao jornalista Napoleon Hill, o multimilionário Andrew Carnegie serviu de inspiração a um dos maiores best sellers de todos os tempos. Pense e Fique Rico reúne os segredos de alguns dos homens mais influentes do século XX, como Henry Ford, Jonh D. Rockefeller ou George Eastman, o fundador da Kodak. A formula mágica que os conduziu ao sucesso encontra-se nos 15 capítulos de Pense e Fique Rico, um livro prático que transformou a vida de milhares de pessoas. Conheça os três princípios básicos de Napoleon Hill: > Qualquer sucesso começa com uma ideia > Qualquer pensamento exige acção > pense positivo e obterá resultados positivos
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1937
Рейтинг Goodreads
Think And Grow Rich is one of the true greatest business books of all time...      источник
People always talk about summer book lists, but what's on your fall list? I wanted to share one of my all-time favorite books, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The main takeaway from this book that I learned is goal-setting. This book made me realize the importance that when you don't set very specific goals for yourself, you can find yourself making excuses for why you're not working as hard as you can be.      источник
Amazing.      источник
4. Think and Grow Rich One of the most conclusive books on understanding money, and a simple one to start with, at that.      источник
Reposting- via @Crowdfire Have you ever read the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill? If you haven't, I highly recommend this book, it's a great read. In this post we have summarised the 12 main principles for success as outlined in the      источник
@MichelHodl @Cryptonian86 @100trillionUSD @bull_ish_ @PriceSmith8 @saifedean It's a book about programming yourself. Your subconscious is acting on the programming you continue to feed it each day...most people aren't aware that the majority of the code scripts running in their head aren't accessible by their small (relatively speaking) consciousness.      источник
I’m asked all the time what books I suggest. These are the best of the best. Links to each book are here #marketing #entrepreneur      источник
“Nothing great was ever accomplished without inspiration.” Here is a great free audio book. Think and Grow Rich      источник
8 Must-Read Finance Books : •Rich Dad Poor Dad •Think And Grow Rich •The Millionaire Next Door •The Psychology of Money •The Automatic Millionaire •The Simple Path to Wealth •I Will Teach You to Be Rich •The Richest Man in Babylon What would u add?      источник
Books that had a great impact on me: #1 Switch #2 Think and Grow Rich #3 Outliers #4 Nudge      источник
Just finished Napoleon Hill book. Think & grow rich. Great read      источник
@DeJuanlWright Awesome book. Need to read it again      источник
Written in 1937, after a 25-year research on people of great wealth and achievement, Napoleon Hill's “Think And Grow Rich” is a personal development masterpiece and one of my favorite all-time books. Despite its title, the book is deeply spiritual.      источник
I’d bet money this book has restored countless relationships, made millions of millionaires and saved many lives.      источник