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Experience the thrilling and treacherous early days of commercial aviation through the eyes of a pilot with this classic memoir. Ernest K. Gann's vivid storytelling takes you into the cockpit, giving you an intimate look at the triumphs and terrors of those who flew when flying was far from routine. The New York Times Book Review raves that Gann is "truly the artist" when it comes to drawing readers into the "shielded sanctum" of the cockpit. This is not just one man's story, but the story of all men who fly.
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Larry EllisonThis influential book has been a go-to for flight instructors for over 30 years. It is the first analysis of the art of flying and breaks down important phases of flight in a clear and understandable way for learners. "Stick and Rudder" dives into what pilots do while they fly, how they do it, and why.
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В начале ХХ века человечество охватила "летная лихорадка" - страстное стремление воплотить, наконец, в жизнь многовековую мечту об управляемом полете. Правительства США и стран Европы тратили огромные суммы на программы по созданию первого летательного аппарата с мотором. А в это время в небольшом американском городке в штате Огайо два сына местного епископа на собственные небольшие средства строили свою летающую машину. История о том, как скромные владельцы велосипедной мастерской, не окончившие даже колледжа, сконструировали и испытали первый в мире управляемый самолет, рассказанная лауреатом Пулитцеровской премии, обладателем Национальной книжной премии США Дэвидом Маккаллоу.
Орвилл и Уилбур Райт заинтересовались полетами после знакомства с детской французской игрушкой, похожей на "вертолет" с двумя пропеллерами и резиновой лентой. Любопытство, пытливость ума, чтение книг и страсть к полетам помогли братьям Райт сконструировать первый управляемый самолет.
Из книги, полной биографических и исторических подробностей, читатель узнает, как братья Райт наблюдали за птицами и почему этот опыт оказался необходимым при испытании первых планеров в неприметном Китти Хок на Внешних отмелях, как неудачи только подтолкнули к окончательной решимости летать и как четыре полета на "Флайере" в декабре 1903 года изменили ход истории человечества.
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Fly safely with the ultimate guide to weather flying. This comprehensive book covers everything a pilot needs to know about different weather types and how to navigate through them. From weather creation to modern technological devices and changes in weather briefings, this updated fifth edition has it all.
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Ainsi les trois avions postaux de la Patagonie, du Chili et du Paraguay revenaient du sud, de l'ouest et du nord vers Buenos Aires. On y attendait leur chargement pour donner le départ, vers minuit, à l'avion d'Europe.
Trois pilotes, chacun à l'arrière d'un capot lourd comme un chaland, perdus dans la nuit, méditaient leur vol, et, vers la ville immense, descendraient lentement de leur ciel d'orage ou de pais, comme d'étranges paysans descendent de leurs montagnes.
Rivière, responsable du réseau entier, se promenait de long en large sur le terrain d'atterrissage de Buenos Aires. Il demeurait silencieux car, jusqu'à l'arrivée des trois avions, cette journée, pour lui, restait redoutable...
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This memoir is about a woman who defies all expectations of how a woman should live and what a single person can achieve. She grew up in East Africa among animals such as zebras, horses, baboons, lions, leopards, and gazelles. Her life consisted of adventuring, racehorse training, and aviation. She even became the first person to fly nonstop from Europe to America.
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This essential guide for new pilots covers the hazards that await them in the "killing zone," the dangerous period between 50 and 350 flight hours when pilots fly solo for the first time. Based on a recent scientific study, this second edition offers practical tips to help new pilots stay safe with updated information on glass cockpits and collision avoidance systems. Avoid the 12 mistakes that could prove deadly and learn how to manage risks with a personalized survival strategy.
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The Thinking Pilot's Flight Manual
Or, How to Survive Flying Little Airplanes and Have a Ball Doing It
The Thinking Pilot's Flight Manual is not your average flight training manual. This guide covers everything from preflight to surviving a crash, and even delves into flying classic airplanes and dirty industry secrets. Written in a controversial style, this book is perfect for pilots who want to push their knowledge beyond standard training. The author, Rick Durden, is an experienced pilot, aviation attorney, writer, and conservationist, making him a true Renaissance man in the aviation world.
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Discover how to stay safe while flying from a lifetime pilot's personal insights. In this new book, learn to manage the risks every time you get in the cockpit. Find out the three-word emergency checklist every pilot should know, why a pilot's thought process matters more than his experience, and more. With real-life examples from the author's vast experience, this book is a must-have for any pilot looking to make their next hour in the sky a safer one.
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This book tells the story of how the invention of the airplane changed the world. From global commerce to technological advancements to wartime, the sheer exhilaration of flight captured the imagination. The author weaves together a compelling narrative of the people, machines, and ideas behind the air age. Learn about the enthusiastic amateurs who created an industry that determined the rise and fall of nations. Although progress was not always easy, the cast of characters who wrote history in the sky is truly fascinating.
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Fly Girls by Keith O'Brien
A Higher Call by Adam Makos
Nuts! by Kevin Freiberg
FAR/AIM 2020 by Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)/aviation Supplies & Academics (Asa)
Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide by Michael D. Hayes
Airplane Flying Handbook by Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)/aviation Supplies & Academics (Asa)
The Cannibal Queen by Stephen Coonts
The Thinking Pilot's Flight Manual by Rick Durden
Flight of Passage by Rinker Buck
В полете by Mark Vanhoenacker
Fly the Wing by James Webb
Битва за космос by Tom Wolfe
Devotion by Adam Makos
First light by Geoffrey Wellum
Планета людей by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Flight Of The Intruder by Stephen Coonts by Stephen Coonts
The Spirit of St. Louis by Charles A. Lindbergh
Hard Landing by Thomas Petzinger Jr.
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge by Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)/aviation Supplies & Academics (Asa)
Violet the Pilot by Steve Breen
To Fly and Fight by Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson
Mike Busch on Engines by Mike Busch A&p/ia
Ace The Technical Pilot Interview 2/E by Gary Bristow
Propellerhead by Antony Woodward
The Student Pilot's Flight Manual by William K. Kershner
Aircraft Inspection, Repair & Alterations by Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)/aviation Supplies & Academics (Asa)
Airman's Odyssey by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Beyond the Blue Horizon by Alexander Frater
FlyGirl by Syd Blue
The Little Airplane by Lois Lenski
Instrument Procedures Handbook by Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)/aviation Supplies & Academics (Asa)
Inside the Sky by William Langewiesche
Flying Tigress by Norah O'Neill
Radio Mastery for IFR PIlots by Jeff Kanarish
Glory Lost and Found by Seth Kaplan
Radio Mastery for VFR Pilots by Jeff Kanarish
Blue Moon over Cuba by William B. Ecker, Kenneth V. Jack
Russian Tactical Aviation by Dmitriy Komissarov
The Flying Life by Lauran Paine Jr.
Wings Around the World by Polly Vacher
Slipping the Surly Bonds by Dave English
Circling the Sun by Paula McLain
Into the Abyss by Carol Shaben
Blue Streak by Barbara Peterson
America's Secret MiG Squadron by Gaillard R. Peck Jr.
Contact Flying by Jim Dulin
Атомные привычки by James Clear
Маленький принц by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry