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Рекомендации от 22 статей, Richard Branson, Naval Ravikant, Tom Holland и ещё 4 других.
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Он поет танго book cover
Он поет танго
Tomas Eloy Martinez - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 2004)
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Хулио Мартель поет танго, но никогда не записывает своих выступлений. Лучшего в мире певца можно услышать только вживую! В погоне за его голосом американский аспирант, пишущий диссертацию о статьях Борхеса, посвященных танго, покидает Нью-Йорк и открывает для себя Буэнос-Айрес - город литературы, любви и насилия, город, в котором подвал скромного пансиона может скрывать знаменитый борхесовский алеф - точку, содержащую все точки и все мгновения вселенной.
The Argentina Reader book cover
The Argentina Reader
History, Culture, Politics (The Latin America Readers)
Gabriela Nouzeilles - 2002-12-25
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Explore the paradoxical nation of Argentina in The Argentina Reader. This diverse collection of songs, articles, scholarly essays, poems, and short stories sheds light on Argentina's complex history, culture, and society. Featuring more than 40 texts never before published in English, this book provides a comprehensive look at the nation's indigenous roots, workers, women, and other marginalized groups, in addition to the country's major political figures. Focusing on the 20th century, it covers Peronism, dictatorship, and the neoliberalism that plunged the nation into economic crisis. Perfect for those seeking to learn about Argentine culture, history, and society.
Дневник мотоциклиста book cover
Дневник мотоциклиста
Notes on a Latin American Journey
Ernesto Che Guevara - 2003-08-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
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Дневниковые записи 23-летнего Эрнесто Че Гевары, предпринявшего в 1951-1952 гг. путешествие на мотоцикле по Южной Америке со своим приятелем Альберто Гранадо. За семь месяцев приятели объехали Аргентину, Чили, Перу, Колумбию и Венесуэлу. По мотивам книги был снят фильм, номинировавшийся на Оскар-2005 за сценарий.
В Патагонии book cover
В Патагонии
40th Anniversary Edition
Bruce Chatwin - 2003-03-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1977)
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An exhilarating look at a place that still retains the exotic mystery of a far-off, unseen land, Bruce Chatwin’s exquisite account of his journey through Patagonia teems with evocative descriptions, remarkable bits of history, and unforgettable anecdotes. Fueled by an unmistakable lust for life and adventure and a singular gift for storytelling, Chatwin treks through “the uttermost part of the earth”— that stretch of land at the southern tip of South America, where bandits were once made welcome—in search of almost forgotten legends, the descendants of Welsh immigrants, and the log cabin built by Butch Cassidy. An instant classic upon publication in 1977, In Patagonia is a masterpiece that has cast a long shadow upon the literary world.
Richard Branson
My Fathers' Ghost Is Climbing in the Rain book cover
My Fathers' Ghost Is Climbing in the Rain
A Novel
Patricio Pron - 2013-05-21 (впервые опубликовано в 2011)
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A young writer returns to his home in South America to say goodbye to his dying father. While going through his parents' house, he discovers a cache of documents that uncovers his father's obsession with the disappearance of a local man. As he delves deeper, he comes face-to-face with Argentina's dark political past and his family's underground resistance against an oppressive regime. This daring novel highlights corruption, responsibility, and the power of remembrance.
Вымышленные истории book cover
Вымышленные истории
Jorge Luis Borges - 1994-02-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1944)
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Naval Ravikant
Enduring Patagonia book cover
Enduring Patagonia
Gregory Crouch - 2002-10-08 (впервые опубликовано в 2001)
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Explore the wild and mysterious land of Patagonia through the eyes of one man who has dared to push himself to the limit in seven expeditions there. Gregory Crouch shares both his successes and failures climbing the terrifying peaks of Patagonia, and reveals the gritty reality of the alpine craft, including the menial labor often required to fund the next expedition. With stunning color photographs that showcase the many different moods and landscapes of Patagonia, Enduring Patagonia is a breathtaking odyssey through one of the last truly wild places on earth.
The Gaucho Martin Fierro UNESCO Collection of Representative Works book cover
The Gaucho Martin Fierro UNESCO Collection of Representative Works
Latin American)
Jose Hernandez - 1974-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1872)
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This powerful poem is a protest against the loss of freedom and individuality experienced by the gaucho - a minority group in Argentina forced to adjust to a new culture imposed by the government. Over a century old, the poem has been translated into nineteen languages and appeals to oppressed groups around the world. It provides a historical link to the gauchos' contribution to Argentina's development, from fighting in civil wars to clearing the pampas of Indian bands. A masterpiece of world literature, this English version captures the poem's substance and tone, making it a catalyst for enjoyment, provocation, and insight.
Игра в классики book cover
Игра в классики
A Novel (Pantheon Modern Writers Series)
Julio Cortazar - 1987-02-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1963)
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Перед вами - `Игра в классики`. Книга, которую литературные критики традиционно сравнивают то с `Игрой в бисер` Германа Гессе, то с `Улиссом` Джеймса Джойса. Книга, считающаяся своеобразным эталоном магического реализма. `Игра в классики`. Текст в тексте. Роман, в котором мистические откровения подлежат жесткой классификации, а обычные события обретают глубинный, многоуровневый смысл. Книга, без которой не было бы не только Фаулза и Коэльо, но даже и `позднего` Маркеса!
A Quiet Flame book cover
A Quiet Flame
A Bernie Gunther Novel
Philip Kerr - 2008-01-01
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This gripping thriller follows Bernie Gunther, falsely accused of Nazi war crimes, to 1950's Buenos Aires. But when a serial killer begins murdering young girls and the murders are linked to Gunther's past in Berlin, he can't resist getting involved. A Quiet Flame is loaded with evocative historical detail and is among the best work of acclaimed thriller writer Philip Kerr.
Lewis Cantley
Живые by Piers Paul Read
The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato
Дистанция спасения by Samanta Schweblin
Министерство по особым делам by Nathan Englander
The Wind That Lays Waste by Selva Almada
О героях и могилах by Ernesto Sabato
Angels with Dirty Faces by Jonathan Wilson
My Name Is Light by Elsa Osorio
DK Eyewitness Argentina by Eyewitness
!Che Boludo! A gringo's guide to understanding the Argentines, 3rd edition by James Bracken
August by Romina Paula
The Secret in Their Eyes by Eduardo Sacheri
The Seven Madmen by Roberto Arlt
The Invention of Argentina by Nicolas Shumway
The Magic Bean Tree by Nancy van Laan
Shantytown by César Aira
The Linden Tree by César Aira
Brazil by Thomas E. Skidmore
The Buenos Aires Quintet by Manuel Vazquez Montalban
Who Is Vera Kelly? by Rosalie Knecht
The Buenos Aires Broken Hearts Club by Jessica Morrison
Cartwheel by Jennifer Dubois
Conoce a José de San Martín / Get to Know Jose de San Martin by Adela Basch