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Рекомендации от 36 статей, Richard Branson, Sarah Silverman, Twinkle Khanna и ещё 34 других.
91 книга в списке
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The Book with No Pictures book cover
The Book with No Pictures
B. J. Novak - 2014-09-30
Рейтинг Goodreads
This charmingly witty read will have you in stitches, despite its lack of pictures. The Book With No Pictures encourages readers to let their imagination run wild, creating their own silly sounds and ridiculous voices along the way. With its ingeniously imaginative approach, this book teaches young children that storytelling is more than just pictures, introducing them to the idea that the written word can be an endless source of mischief and delight. Get ready for some serious laughter!
Ада Твист, экспериментатор book cover
Ада Твист, экспериментатор
Andrea Beaty - 2016-09-06
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Scientist Ada has a boundless imagination and has always been hopelessly curious. Why are there pointy things stuck to a rose? Why are there hairs growing inside your nose? When her house fills with a horrific, toe-curling smell, Ada knows it’s up to her to find the source. What would you do with a problem like this? Not afraid of failure, Ada embarks on a fact-finding mission and conducts scientific experiments, all in the name of discovery. But, this time, her experiments lead to even more stink and get her into trouble!
Emily Chang
The Day the Crayons Quit book cover
The Day the Crayons Quit
Drew Daywalt - 2013-06-27
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This playful, imaginative story will leave children laughing and playing with their crayons in a whole new way. Debut author Drew Daywalt and New York Times bestseller Oliver Jeffers create a colorful solution to poor Duncan's problem: all of his crayons have quit! Each color has its own hilarious reason for no longer wanting to be used. What will Duncan do without his crayons? Find out in this charming book.
Olivia WildeKelly Klein
Не давай голубю водить автобус! book cover
Не давай голубю водить автобус!
Mo Willems - 2004-07-05 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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Знакомьтесь, вот он, тот самый Голубь, легендарный Голубь. Который вот уже несколько лет непрерывно оказывается в списке 10 бестселлеров "Нью-Йорк Таймс"! Мо Виллемс написал про Голубя уже так много книг! Ну что тут скажешь - в этой книге он очень - ну просто очень-очень - хочет поводить автобус. Позволишь? А вот водитель, когда уходил, попросил тебя не разрешать голубю водить автобус...
Where the Wild Things Are book cover
Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak - 2000-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1963)
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Step into the imaginative world of a wild and mischievous boy who is transported to a land of wondrous creatures. In this story, Max becomes a king among the Wild Things, who were originally planning on having him for dinner. Adventure, friendship, and the power of imagination await you in this classic tale.
Richard Branson
We Don't Eat Our Classmates book cover
We Don't Eat Our Classmates
Ryan T. Higgins - 2018-06-19
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A hilarious children's book about a dinosaur named Penelope starting school and struggling to make human friends because they look too delicious to resist. But when she finally tastes her own medicine, she learns an important lesson about friendship and being at the top of the food chain. Award-winning author-illustrator Ryan T. Higgins delivers another fun-filled story that young readers will love.
Duncan's Crayons are back with yet another wild range of colorful demands! Boy, Duncan's crayons sure are a colorful bunch of characters. Having soothed the hurt feelings of one group who threatened to quit, Duncan now faces a whole new group of crayons asking to be rescued! From Maroon Crayon, who was lost beneath the sofa cushions and then broken in two after dad sat on him; to Turquoise, whose head is now stuck to one of Duncan's stinky socks after they ended up in the dryer together—each crayon has a woeful tale to tell and a plea to be brought home to the crayon box. Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers have combined once more to create a companion book every bit as funny and as kid-friendly as their #1 bestselling 'The Day the Crayons Quit' (2013). Sure to delight children and inspire refrigerator door paintings for generations to come! Age Rating: 3-8+ / Lexile Rating AD550L
Julián Is a Mermaid book cover
Julián Is a Mermaid
Jessica Love - 2018-05-22
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A young boy's encounter with mermaids on a subway ride leaves him brimming with awe and inspiration. Returning home, he creates his own mermaid costume out of household items, but what will his abuela think? With stunning illustrations and a touching message, this picture book is a celebration of self-love and embracing one's unique identity.
Neil GaimanJudd Greenstein
We Are in a Book! book cover
We Are in a Book!
Mo Willems - 2010-09-14
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In this children's book, best friends Gerald and Piggie learn about the magic of being read. But what happens when the book ends? With easy-to-understand vocabulary for young readers, author Mo Willems creates a fun and interactive experience that fans of the Elephant & Piggie series won't be able to resist.
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish book cover
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Dr. Seuss - 2003-10-06 (впервые опубликовано в 1960)
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This children's book is a playful rhyming adventure about a boy and a girl and the many amazing creatures they have as friends and pets. With a freewheeling plot and a simple writing style, it's perfect for young readers. Originally part of the Beginner Book Video series, it's a must-read for any kid's book collection.
Narwhal by Ben Clanton
Принцесса в чёрном by Shannon Hale
Awesome Jokes That Every 6 Year Old Should Know! by Mat Waugh
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Bob Books Set 2 by Bobby Lynn Maslen
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins
See the Cat by David Larochelle
Знакомьтесь, Дори! by Abby Hanlon
Пеппи Длинный Чулок by Astrid Lindgren
Penny and Her Marble by Kevin Henkes
Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña
Bink and Gollie by Kate Dicamillo
Чарли и шоколадная фабрика by Roald Dahl
Паутина Шарлотты by E. B White
Папин дракон by Ruth Stiles Gannett
A Whale of a Time by Lou Peacock, Matt Hunt
Gaston by Kelly Dipucchio
Догмен by Dav Pilkey
Waiting Is Not Easy! by Mo Willems
Это только начало! by Dr. Seuss
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont
Гектор-Архитектор by Andrea Beaty
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective by Donald J. Sobol
Nate the Great by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Doggy Defenders by National Geographic Kids
DK Readers L2 by Laura Buller
Фантастичният господин Фокс [Fantastichniyat gospodin Foks] by Roald Dahl
Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown
We're Different, We're the Same by Bobbi Kates
Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? by Dr. Seuss
National Geographic Readers by Laura Marsh
Сказки by Hans Christian Andersen
Мальчик, который выращивал драконов by Andy Shepherd
Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Prasadam-Halls
Timmy on the Toilet by Peta Lemon
The Dinosaur's Diary by Julia Donaldson
Dear Hound by Jill Murphy
Trouble! by Alan MacDonald
Whispers in the Wind by Deanna Dewey
TheHatFullofSecrets by Karl Newson
Funny Stories for 6 Year Olds by Helen Paiba
День шалостей [Den shalostey] by Sophie Kinsella
Donut Feed the Squirrels by Mika Song
Fly Guy Presents by Tedd Arnold
Драконы любят тако by Adam Rubin
I am Martin Luther King, Jr. by Brad Meltzer
Junie B. Jones's First Boxed Set Ever! by Barbara Park
Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry
The Boxcar Children Books 1-4 by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Александр и ужасный, кошмарный, нехороший, очень плохой день by Judith Viorst
Лев, Колдунья и Платяной шкаф by C. S. Lewis
Медвежонок по имени Паддингтон by Michael Bond
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
Bob Books, Set 1 by Bobby Lynn Maslen
Frog and Toad Storybook Treasury by Arnold Lobel
Bob Books Set 3 by Bobby Lynn Maslen
Bob Books Set 4 by Bobby Lynn Maslen
Midge & Mo by Lara Williamson
The Kitten Next Door by Holly Webb
When You Can Swim by Jack Wong
Bear and Bird by Jarvis
Маленький принц by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Bee by Britta Teckentrup
Grumpy Monkey Freshly Squeezed by Suzanne Lang
Jenny and the Cat Club by Esther Averill
Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard Atwater
Щедрое дерево by Shel Silverstein
Джеймс и гигантский персик by Roald Dahl
Живая книга by Herve Tullet
The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud
The Puffin Book of Stories for Six-year-olds by Wendy Cooling
I Can Read! Oxford Poetry for 6 Year Olds by Fellow and Tutor In Philosophy John Foster
No Brainer by Jeff Kinney
Doodle Adventures by Mike Lowery
Mail Duck by Erica Sirotich
Пуговица by Arnold Lobel
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka
Super Narwhal and Jelly Jolt by Ben Clanton
Fox & Chick by Sergio Ruzzier