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Brian Solis

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Brian Solis is a digital analyst, speaker and author. He is a principal analyst studying disruptive technology and its impact on business at Altimeter Group, a research firm acquired by global brand management consultancy Prophet in 2015.
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Excellence Now book cover
Excellence Now
Extreme Humanism
Tom Peters - 2021-03-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism provides timeless and new leadership lessons for the NOW. Tom Peters, known for launching a maverick approach to management thinking, sets an even higher bar with this book, revealing how excellence in leadership is achieved through an obsessive focus on the growth of those being led. In a world turned upside down, this book powerfully delivers the management and leadership direction needed to move forward.
Brian Solis
An incredible foreword to an incredible book. @ValaAfshar @tom_peters      источник
Vala AfsharTom Peters
Punk CX book cover
Punk CX
Adrian Swinscoe - 2019-05-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Punk CX" by Adrian Swinscoe explores the world of customer experience, comparing it to the technical and overly measured world of prog rock. Swinscoe asks readers to consider what a punk rock version of CX would look like and offers key insights and practical takeaways to help transform customer experience. With endorsements from customer service experts and business leaders, "Punk CX" is a bold and thought-provoking read that challenges traditional approaches to CX.
Brian Solis
Such a fun, but insightful book to read! #PunkCX by @adrianswinscoe #CX 🤘      источник
Imagine It Forward book cover
Imagine It Forward
Beth Comstock With Tahl Raz - 2018-09-18
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Imagination Works" by Beth Comstock is a powerful guide to navigating change in our fast-paced world. As vice-chair of General Electric, Comstock argues that it is the power of human imagination that drives businesses to thrive and develop over time. With personal anecdotes and real-world examples, this book encourages readers to think beyond the technology and data that surrounds us, and harness the power of our own imaginations to create the new. Featuring practical tools and exercises, "Imagination Works" provides a passionate call to arms to embrace the challenges of the future.
Brian Solis
Yes. This is a great book! 👏      источник
Sreenath Sreenivasan