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Christopher Mims

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Christopher Mims is a technology columnist at The Wall Street Journal, which he joined in 2014. Previously, he was a science and technology correspondent and editor for Quartz. He has been an editor at Scientific American, Technology Review, Smithsonian and Grist.
14 книг в списке
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How to Do Nothing book cover
How to Do Nothing
Resisting the Attention Economy
Jenny Odell - 2019-04-09
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Discover a new way to connect with the environment and ourselves in this thrilling critique of productivity and technology. Dive into an action plan to resist capitalism's hold on our attention and find meaning in the process. This book sheds light on what we've been too distracted to see in ourselves and the world around us.
Christopher Mims
the core insight of both Cal Newport's "Digital Minimalism" and @the_jennitaur's excellent book is that it's possible to use tools rather than be used by them (but first, you have to detox so you can do it with a clear head)      источник
On the Clock book cover
On the Clock
Emily Guendelsberger - 2019-07-16
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Discover the eye-opening story of America's essential workers in "On the Clock." From an Amazon fulfillment center to a call center and a McDonald's, author Emily Guendelsberger takes readers on an up-close journey into the world of low-wage labor. With humor and biting wit, Guendelsberger explores an economy drained of slack and converted to profit, and the cost to humanity. Offering surprising solutions to make work more humane, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a better understanding of the modern workplace.
Christopher Mims
@GalenBrown18 if you're asking in good faith, here's a book that will help explian the larger issue -- if every place is essentially the same working conditions, the answer to your question is essentially "yes"      источник
Реки Лондона book cover
Реки Лондона
Ben Aaronovitch - 2011-01-10
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Меня зовут Питер Грант и до января я был простым стажером констеблем в рядах могущественной армии стражей правопорядка, известной всем добропорядочным гражданам как Департамент столичной полиции. Всех проблем у меня в жизни было — увернуться от назначения во Вспомогательный отдел и найти способ забраться в трусики Лесли Мэй. Но однажды ночью меня угораздило взять свидетельские показания у человека, мертвого уже более ста лет и это привлекло ко мне внимание Томаса Найтингейла, шеф-инспектора отдела по расследованию убийств и по совместительству — последнего волшебника Англии. В результате моя жизнь стала несколько сложнее. Гнезда вампиров в Перли, посредничество в переговорах враждующих бога и богини Темзы, раскопки захоронений в Ковент-Гарден... А в центре города, который я люблю, назрел какой-то нарыв, угнездился вредоносный мстительный дух, способный подчинять себе обычных лондонцев и превращать их в гротескные марионетки, разыгрывающие драму насилия и отчаяния. И теперь мне предстоит выбор: сотворить порядок из хаоса — или умереть, пытаясь сделать это...
Christopher Mims
@SunnySeaGold that definitely was not me, but if you're looking for some pure goodtimes escapism, I am currently LOVING this book:      источник
Brandy Jensen
Metropolis book cover
A History of the City, Humankind's Greatest Invention
Ben Wilson - 2020-11-10
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Discover the history of human civilization through the lens of 26 world cities with Metropolis. This captivating book, written by acclaimed historian Ben Wilson, explores how urban living has spurred some of humanity's greatest innovations over the past 7,000 years. From Athens to New York City to Shanghai, Metropolis takes readers on a fascinating journey through time and place, highlighting the pivotal role that cities have played in shaping our culture, art, trade, and more. Perfect for anyone fascinated by history, sociology, or urban planning, Metropolis is an erudite, page-turning tour de force.
Christopher Mims
@DavidLarter thank you. Meanwhile, I feel like you might enjoy this book, which is ostensibly about cities but actually is about trade, because what else is a city for?      источник
The Aftermath book cover
The Aftermath
The Last Days of the Baby Boom and the Future of Power in America
Philip Bump - 2023-01-24
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Discover the economic and political implications of the end of the baby boom in this sweeping assessment by a popular Washington Post columnist. Philip Bump deftly explores how power, wealth, and politics will shift as the Boomer generation fades, answering crucial questions about the future of jobs, healthcare, and political parties. With humor and accessible storytelling, Bump distills vast amounts of data into a compelling narrative about who we are and where we're headed. Don't miss out on this insightful examination of the historic disruption of the American state.
Rachel Sklar
Stolen Focus book cover
Stolen Focus
Why You Can't Pay Attention--and How to Think Deeply Again
Johann Hari - 2022-01-25
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Discover the groundbreaking examination on why our ability to pay attention is collapsing and how we can get it back. From the New York Times bestselling author of Chasing the Scream and Lost Connections comes Stolen Focus, an eye-opening journey across the world that reveals the troubling truth about who and what is hijacking our attention, and how we can reclaim it. Explore twelve deep causes of this crisis, including the decline of mind-wandering and rising pollution, all of which have robbed us of our attention. Learn from Silicon Valley dissidents who learned to hack human attention, and veterinarians who diagnose dogs with ADHD. Discover a favela in Rio de Janeiro where everyone lost their attention in a particularly surreal way, and an office in New Zealand that discovered a remarkable technique to restore workers' productivity. Essential reading for anyone who struggles with constant device switching and information overload.
Fatima BhuttoHarini Calamur
The Cult of We book cover
The Cult of We
WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion
Eliot Brown, Maureen Farrell - 2021-07-20
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Explore the fascinating rise and fall of a Silicon Valley unicorn in this definitive inside story. The audacious founder of WeWork, Adam Neumann, dazzled investors with a radical reimagining of workspace for a new generation. But his limitless ambitions and reckless spending eventually led to the company's epic unraveling. Wall Street Journal reporters Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrell uncover the delusions of Silicon Valley and the financial system's hunger for cash. Discover why some of the biggest names in banking and venture capital bought into the hype and what WeWork's downfall means for the future of unicorn startups.
Josh DawseyScott Galloway
The Great Indoors book cover
The Great Indoors
The Surprising Science of How Buildings Shape Our Behavior, Health, and Happiness
Emily Anthes - 2020-06-23
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Explore the fascinating, thought-provoking world of indoor spaces with this character-driven book. Science journalist, Emily Anthes takes readers on an adventure into the buildings we spend 90% of our time in. Discover the profound and unexpected ways our indoor environment affects our mental and physical well-being, productivity, performance, and relationships. Learn how cutting-edge research shows the power of a well-placed window, the way microbes in our homes affect our immune systems, and how cafeteria design affects what we eat. Anthes' book offers a refreshing perspective on architecture and design and is an argument for thoughtful interventions into the built environment. Build a better world, one room at a time.
Земля кочевников book cover
Земля кочевников
Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century
Jessica Bruder - 2018-09-04 (впервые опубликовано в 2017)
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Джессика Брудер рассказывает истории тех, кто вынужден скитаться по дорогам Америки. Автор параллельно раскрывает подноготную американской экономики. По книге снят художественный фильм. Автор встретила бывшего профессора, вице-президента McDonald’s, министра, администратора колледжа и полицейского на мотоциклах, а также среди многих других — 60-летнюю Линду Мэй, успевшую побывать официанткой, клерком Home Depot и генеральным подрядчиком, но оставшуюся без работы и дома. Их выбор ― погрузить свой небогатый скарб в фургон и стать одними из племени современных кочевников. Окунувшись в этот уникальный образ жизни, Брудер рассказывает истории людей, у которых есть настоящая выдержка, которые адаптируются, устойчивы, и полны решимости осуществить свои мечты. «Земля кочевников» переведена на 11 языков.
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