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Dave Ramsey

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David Lawrence Ramsey III is an American personal finance advisor, radio show host, author, and businessman. He is an evangelical Christian, and hosts the nationally syndicated radio program The Dave Ramsey Show.
20 книг в списке
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From Paycheck to Purpose book cover
From Paycheck to Purpose
The Clear Path to Doing Work You Love
Ken Coleman - 2021-11-09
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Discover how to find and do meaningful work with the help of national bestselling author and career expert Ken Coleman. No matter where you are in your career, Coleman can guide you through his seven-stage process for finding work you love. Learn how to identify the work you were uniquely made to do, get qualified and connected, overcome obstacles, develop winning habits, and leave a legacy. It's time to exit the daily grind and start living your dream by using your talents in the most fulfilling way possible.
Dave Ramsey
Making great money and loving your job IS possible! @KenColeman will show you how. His latest book is a proven, step-by-step playbook to making money while also making an impact. This isn't a cute pep talk, it's the real deal. Preorder TODAY!      источник
Know Yourself, Know Your Money book cover
Know Yourself, Know Your Money
Discover WHY you handle money the way you do, and WHAT to do about it!
Rachel Cruze - 2021-01-05
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Unlock the reasons behind your money habits with Know Yourself, Know Your Money. #1 New York Times bestselling author and Ramsey Personality Rachel Cruze helps you discover childhood experiences that shape your spending and saving, and provides actionable steps to build lasting money habits. Replace your fears with facts and improve your communication around finances, with this book that can help you reach your financial goals faster.
Dave Ramsey
This is NOT just another money book— it's a game-changer. @RachelCruze has created a framework to help you dive deep into the WHY behind your money tendencies, so you'll be better equipped to make wise financial decisions going forward. Check it out:      источник
Leadershift book cover
The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
John C. Maxwell - 2019-02-05
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Leadershift teaches readers how to stay nimble and adapt to the rapidly changing world of leadership in order to be successful. John C. Maxwell, an internationally recognized leadership expert, shares the eleven shifts he made throughout his long and successful career that ultimately strengthened and sustained his leadership abilities. From learning how to adapt to changing plans, to ladder building instead of ladder climbing, to gaining moral authority, Maxwell provides specific guidance to help readers make these shifts in their own lives. Discover how to innovate, improve, and influence others as a successful leader in today's fast-paced world.
Dave Ramsey
YEP. Love this from @JohnCMaxwell's latest book, "Leadershift". You can preorder it now: #leadershiftbook      источник
Steve KomphelaFola Aina
Богатый папа, бедный папа book cover
Богатый папа, бедный папа
What the Rich Teach their Kids About Money
Robert T Kiyosaki - 2001-12-31 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
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Эта аудиокнига докажет вам, что для того, чтобы разбогатеть, совсем не нужно много зарабатывать; разубедит вас в том, что дом - это удачное капиталовложение; даст родителям понять, что нельзя целиком полагаться на школу в образовании детей относительно денег; раз и навсегда объяснит куда лучше вкладывать деньги; поможет вам научить детей правильно обращаться с деньгами и достигнуть материального благополучия в будущем.
Dave Ramsey
Robert and I are friends. Highly recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad book. We disagree on debt.      источник
Hero book cover
Being the Strong Father Your Children Need
Meg Meeker - 2017-05-15
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Discover how to be the hero father your children need in this must-read book by bestselling author and pediatrician Meg Meeker. With step-by-step instructions and expert advice, Dr. Meeker shows dads how to overcome the demands of fatherhood and create a stronger relationship with their children. Learn why fathers are crucial to their children's development, even more than mothers, and how to be a hero father no matter the circumstances. Get ready to become the dad your children need you to be.
Мама и сын book cover
Мама и сын
Как вырастить из мальчика мужчину
Meg Meeker - 2014-04-08
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Мама - главная женщина в жизни мальчика. Именно мама должна помочь сыну найти цель и предназначение в жизни, научиться понимать и прощать, стать самостоятельным и нести ответственность за свои поступки. И мамам, конечно, нелегко. Как найти правильные слова и поддержать в сложной ситуации? Как стать хорошим примером? Как научиться выражать свою любовь и поддержку, а в нужный момент с легким сердцем отпустить сына во взрослую жизнь? Каждая мама мальчика ежедневно решает множество задач, связанных с воспитанием мужчины. И книга Мэг Микер призвана помочь им в этом непростом, но важном деле.
The Good Fight book cover
The Good Fight
How Conflict Can Bring You Closer (English and English Edition)
Leslie Parrott - 2013-04-23
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Learn to manage conflict constructively in your relationship with the help of this NYT best-selling book. Written by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott, The Good Fight explores new techniques based on extensive research to help couples navigate conflict in a healthy and constructive way.
The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers book cover
The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers
Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity
Meg Meeker - 2011-03-08
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This book tackles the pressures and expectations that come with motherhood and offers practical solutions for maintaining emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. Drawing from her experience as a pediatrician and counselor, the author presents the 10 most positive habits of happy mothers, including fostering true friendships, learning to trust your faith, and prioritizing self-care. With a new tool kit of wellness tips and exercises, this book is a must-read for any mother looking to be happy, fulfilled, and able to teach their children to be their best.
Necessary Endings book cover
Necessary Endings
Henry Cloud - 2011-01-18
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Learn how to let go of what is holding you back with Necessary Endings. Bestselling author Henry Cloud offers a proactive approach to correcting the bad and broken elements in our personal and professional lives. Cloud provides crucial insight on making tough decisions and achieving the growth we desire for a successful business and a better life. Don't miss out on this crucial read.
Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
The Go-Giver by Bob Burg
48 Days by Dan Miller
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker
7 навыков высокоэффективных людей by Stephen R. Covey
Где мой сыр? by Spencer Johnson
От хорошего к великому by Jim Collins
21 качество лидера by John C. Maxwell
Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей by Dale Carnegie, Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster Audio
Малый бизнес by Michael E. Gerber
Boundaries by Henry Cloud