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David Harvey

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David Alan Harvey is an American photographer, based in The Outer Banks, North Carolina and New York City. He has been a full member of the Magnum Photos agency from 1997 and has photographed extensively for National Geographic magazine.
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Capitalism and Slavery, Third Edition book cover
Capitalism and Slavery, Third Edition
Eric Williams - 1994-10-14 (впервые опубликовано в 1944)
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Discover the history of how slavery helped finance the Industrial Revolution in England and expanded capitalism worldwide. Eric Williams' Capitalism and Slavery, published in 1944, established the centrality of the African slave trade in European economic development. His profound critique, blending an economic view of history with strong moral argument, refuted traditional ideas of progress and established the exploitation of commercial capitalism and its link to racial attitudes. A must-read for those interested in imperialism, economic development, and the lasting impact of slavery on our world.
David Harvey
I aspire to write a concluding chapter as clear and succinct as Eric Williams did for his book, Capitalism and Slavery.      источник
Капитал book cover
A Critique of Political Economy, Vol. 1
Karl Marx - 1996-07-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1867)
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«Капитал» - фундаментальный труд Карла Маркса (нем. Karl Heinrich Marx; 1818 – 1883), известного немецкого экономиста, писателя, общественного деятеля и основоположника марксизма.***Оно включает в себя три тома («Процесс производства капитала», «Процесс обращения капитала», и «Процесс капиталистического производства, взятый в целом»), которые посвящены законам и правилам капиталистического общества и описывают главные экономические открытия.«Капитал» Карла Маркса, как и «Критика экономического разума» Канта, считается классикой экономической теории.
David Harvey
My aim is to get you to read a book by Karl Marx called Capital, Volume I, and to read it on Marx's own terms... one of his terms, I can assure you, is that you read, and read carefully. Real learning always entails a struggle to understand the unknown.      источник
Elon Musk