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Ella Dawson

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Ella Dawson is a sex and culture critic whose writing has been published by ELLE, MTV, Vox, Women's Health, and more. In her talks, she speaks to the crisis of miscommunication in our lives, from our dehumanizing culture of casual sex to how shame keeps us silent about our mental and sexual health.
28 книг в списке
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Virology book cover
Essays for the Living, the Dead, and the Small Things in Between
Joseph Osmundson - 2022-06-07
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Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in Nonfiction...
Ella Dawson
@BriannaShrum @reluctantlyjoe Not sure if he identifies as a dude but it’s one of my favorite recent books on queerness (and the pandemic)      источник
Several People Are Typing book cover
Several People Are Typing
A Novel
Calvin Kasulke - 2021-08-31
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A hilarious satire of corporate life, Several People Are Typing takes place entirely in a PR firm's Slack channels. Gerald, a mid-level employee, finds himself uploaded to the digital landscape, enlisting his co-worker's help to escape. Meanwhile, real-world problems spiral out of control. With Slackbot as his ally, Gerald navigates this strange world as the team struggles with office romances, poisonous dog food, sabotaged furniture, and more. A perfect antidote to the way we live now, this novel is sure to amuse and irreverently entertain fans of Office Space, Then We Came to the End and Severance.
Ella Dawson
If you need a book for your plane carry-on, @cjkasulke's 'Several People Are Typing' is my favorite Short Read of 2022. It's a weird and funny anti-capitalist page-turner. Read it here:      источник
Winners Take All book cover
Winners Take All
The Elite Charade of Changing the World
Anand Giridharadas - 2018-08-28
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This investigative book delves into how the world's elite work, manipulate, and rebrand themselves as saviors of the poor while preserving their power and position atop society. The author takes us into the inner sanctums of a new gilded age where the rich fight for equality and justice any way they can, except for ways that threaten the social order. An essential read for understanding the egregious abuses of power that dominate today's news and a call to action for elites and citizens alike to build a more egalitarian society through democratic means.
Ella Dawson
If you want to know more about TED and how it regurgitates the same ideas over and over again in service of the wealthy status quo, read @AnandWrites's book Winners Take All.      источник
I'm Glad My Mom Died book cover
I'm Glad My Mom Died
Jennette McCurdy - 2022-08-09
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This memoir by a former child actor details her struggles with eating disorders, addiction, and a tumultuous relationship with her overbearing mother who pushed her to become a star. Despite achieving fame on Nickelodeon, the author's anxiety and self-loathing only worsened. When her mother passed away from cancer, the author finally finds the strength to quit acting and embark on a journey of self-discovery and recovery. Told with refreshing honesty and dark humor, this memoir is an inspiring tale of resilience and independence.
Ella Dawson
I read 'I'm Glad My Mom Died' in one sitting today and I really really liked it but I am confused by the people saying it's a funny book. Maybe it's funny as an audiobook with Jennette reading it? Because the book itself is harrowing nonstop.      источник
Christina WarrenBrooke Hammerling
Queerly Beloved book cover
Queerly Beloved
A Novel
Susie Dumond - 2022-05-03
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Join Amy, a semicloseted queer baker and bartender in mid-2010s Oklahoma, as she tries to find her place in life as a bridesmaid-for-hire. Fired from her job at a Christian bakery, Amy will utilize her baking and crafting skills to create her own business. However, her desire to please others puts a strain on her relationships with her chosen family and her new love interest. Follow Amy's journey to find her voice and the courage to be true to herself in this heartwarming read.
Ella Dawson
Currently reading @SusieDoom’s #QueerlyBeloved! Perfect for queer folks who secretly love weddings. Content warnings for employment discrimination and homophobia rooted in religion.      источник
A Lady for a Duke book cover
A Lady for a Duke
Alexis Hall - 2022-05-24
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After being presumed dead at Waterloo, Viola Carroll takes the chance to live freely as herself at the cost of losing everything she once had. Years later, as they reconnect, she realizes how much she lost including her closest companion, Justin de Vere, the Duke of Gracewood. Gracewood has become a lonely and brooding man, but Viola strives to bring him back to himself and discovers new desires that may cost her everything all over again.
Ella Dawson
This book LEAPT to the top of my list of Best Books of 2022. #ALadyForADuke is an incredible love story; that it also makes history with a trans heroine makes it even more special.      источник
An Ordinary Age book cover
An Ordinary Age
Finding Your Way in a World That Expects Exceptional
Rainesford Stauffer - 2021-05-04
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Explore the ordinary yet fulfilling experiences that make up a meaningful young adult life with An Ordinary Age by Rainesford Stauffer. In this thought-provoking book, Stauffer examines the pressure to live our "best life" and the impact it has on personal and professional well-being. Through conversations with young adults and experts, she addresses topics such as social media, student debt, and the loneliness epidemic, and makes a case for the value of genuine relationships and personal growth. Gain insight into finding fulfillment beyond the narrow confines of a picture-perfect life with An Ordinary Age.
Ella Dawson
An Ordinary Age: Finding Your Way in a World That Expects Exceptional, by @rainesford. Meticulously researched, this book lovingly grants you permission to reconsider the myths you’ve been fed about success, and to re-define what happiness means to you.      источник
Неоновые Боги book cover
Неоновые Боги
A Scorchingly Hot Modern Retelling of Hades and Persephone (Dark Olympus Book 1)
Katee Robert - 2021-06-01
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Любимица светского общества Персефона Димитриу планирует сбежать из ультрасовременного города Олимпа и начать новую жизнь вдали от вероломной политики Тринадцати Семей. Но ее планы срываются, когда мать девушки тайком устраивает ей помолвку с Зевсом, опасным властителем, стоящим за темной ширмой их блистательного города. Не имея иного выбора, Персефона бежит в запретный нижний город и заключает опасную сделку с человеком, которого когда‑то считала вымыслом... с тем, ко откроет ей глаза на мир, о существовании которого она даже не подозревала. Аид всю жизнь скрывался от посторонних глаз и не намерен выходить на свет. Но выяснив, что с помощью Персефоны он может совершить акт мести, которой жаждал годами, Аид пользуется этим предлогом, чтобы помочь ей — за плату. Однако с каждой бессонной ночью, которую они проводят в объятьях друг друга, в нем начинают просыпаться чувства к Персефоне, и он готов, развязать войну с самим Олимпом, лишь бы она была рядом...
Ella Dawson
Neon Gods by @katee_robert. Far and away the hottest book I read in 2021. A masterpiece of suspense and desire.      источник
Whore of New York book cover
Whore of New York
A Confession
Liara Roux - 2021-10-12
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Explore the decision to become a sex worker and the unexpected truths learned while working in the industry in this candid study of artistic awakening and spiritual growth. Follow the author's journey of self-discovery as they critique capitalism, Western medicine, and the politics surrounding sex work, all seen through the eyes of an outsider who embraces their identity with pride.
Ella Dawson
I read 140 books this year. Here are my 12 favorites, in no particular order. 🧵      источник
Unbound book cover
My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement
Tarana Burke - 2021-09-14
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"Unbound" is a powerful memoir written by the founder of the me too movement, Tarana Burke. In this book, Tarana shares her never before told life journey, including her struggle with sexual assault and how it inspired her to launch one of the largest social movements in history. Through her own story, Tarana explores the importance of self-empowerment, empathy and healing. This is a must-read for anyone looking to understand and join the me too movement.
Ella Dawson
I read 140 books this year. Here are my 12 favorites, in no particular order. 🧵      источник
With Pleasure by August McLaughlin, Jamila Dawson
Очарован наповал by Alison Cochrun
The Viscount Made Me Do It by Diana Quincy
Somebody's Daughter by Ashley C. Ford
Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake by Alexis Hall
Blow Your House Down by Gina Frangello
Girlhood by Melissa Febos
Want Me by Tracy Clark-Flory
The Duke Who Didn't by Courtney Milan
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite
The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin
If He's So Great, Why Do I Feel So Bad? by Avery Neal
Healing from a Narcissistic Relationship by Margalis Fjelstad
Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll
Кэрри by Stephen King
Заколдованная Элла by Gail Carson Levine
Этика блядства by Janet W. Hardy
Сияние by Stephen King