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Jennifer Ouellette

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Jennifer Ouellette is a science writer based in Los Angeles, California. Her writings are aimed at mainstream audiences unfamiliar with complex scientific issues.
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Where Do They Go? book cover
Where Do They Go?
Julia Alvarez - 2016-11-02
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This picture book by a bestselling author addresses the emotional side of death for children. It asks where loved ones go after they die and ponders whether they watch over us. Illustrated by a Vermont woodcut artist, the book is a beautiful and comforting meditation on death that is perfect for young readers who have questions about what happens next. A Spanish-language edition is also available.
Jennifer Ouellette
"Where do they go?" is an accessible and tender children's book about death      источник
О тирании book cover
О тирании
20 уроков ХХ века
Timothy Snyder - 2017-03-28
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Есть ли что-то общее между Германией 1933 года и Америкой, избравшей президентом Дональда Трампа? В книге Тимоти Снайдера "О тирании" такое сопоставление не выглядит натяжкой. Автор призывает прислушаться к урокам минувшего века и с их помощью предотвратить скатывание к диктатуре в нынешнем. "Мы не мудрее европейцев, которые видели, как демократия уступает фашизму, нацизму и коммунизму в ХХ веке, — пишет Снайдер. — Наше единственное преимущество в том, что мы можем учиться на их опыте. И сейчас для этого самое время". Тимоти Снайдер — один из ведущих американских историков, широко известный в Европе, о которой написано большинство его работ.
Jennifer Ouellette
A Beautifully Illustrated Edition of On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, the Bestselling Book by Historian Timothy Snyder      источник
The Journal of a Disappointed Man book cover
The Journal of a Disappointed Man
& A Last Diary
W.N.P. Barbellion - 1984-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1919)
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A poignant memoir of poverty, illness, and a love for family, nature, music, and literature. The Journal of a Disappointed Man is a masterpiece that captures the exquisite beauty of life in the face of its most tremendous challenges. Written with eloquence and passion and accompanied by a thoughtful introduction from H.G. Wells, this book is a testament to the life and struggles of the author, a naturalist who battled multiple sclerosis.
Jennifer Ouellette
Discussing "The Journal of a Disappointed Man." – A Book You Might Not Know. It's "a collection of journal entries from naturalist diarist Bruce Frederick Cummings" and "perhaps the best known personal account of living with multiple sclerosis."      источник
Longitude book cover
The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
Dava Sobel - 2005-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1995)
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Discover the thorniest scientific dilemma of the eighteenth century in this suspenseful tale. With thousands of lives and the fortunes of nations at stake, follow one man's forty-year obsession with building a perfect timekeeper to solve the "longitude problem" and keep sailors from getting lost at sea. Full of heroism, chicanery, and fascinating glimpses into astronomy, navigation, and clock-making, this epic quest will leave you rethinking our world.
Jennifer Ouellette
How the Issue of Longitude at Sea Was Solved With the Newly Invented Pocket Watch in the 1770s. (Highly recommend reading Dava Sobel's "Longitude" as well.)      источник
Richard BransonRaychelle Burks
The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth book cover
The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth
And Other Curiosities from the History of Medicine
Thomas Morris - 2018-10-18
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This historical curiosity book explores some of the strangest and most perplexing medical cases across the world, from a mysterious epidemic of dental explosions to a remarkable woman who spurted urine from every orifice. With anecdotes from seventeenth-century Holland to Tsarist Russia, uncover the monuments to human stupidity and exceptional surgical ingenuity long before the advent of anesthesia. Delve into weird, hilarious remedies and miraculous recoveries from apparently terminal injuries.
Jennifer Ouellette
Body Horrors: The soldier who removed his own bladder stone, and other medical history marvels. British journalist @thomasngmorris tells the tales in his book, "The Mystery of the Exploding Teeth."      источник