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Laszlo Bock

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Laszlo Bock is a Romanian-born American businessman who is co-founder and CEO of Humu. He was formerly the Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, Inc.
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Bittersweet book cover
How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole
Susan Cain - 2022-04-05
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Discover the power of a bittersweet outlook on life with this thought-provoking masterpiece. The same author who brought us the bestselling phenomenon, Quiet, delves into the importance of acknowledging our sorrows, longings, and the passing of time. Through personal stories, research, and memoir, we explore bittersweetness as a way of being, a storied heritage that can help us transcend pain and connect with others. At a time of discord and anxiety, this book will bring you unexpected insights and kinship.
Laszlo Bock
@susancain Well-deserved, @susancain! It's a terrific book!      источник
Dying for a Paycheck book cover
Dying for a Paycheck
How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance―and What We Can Do About It
Jeffrey Pfeffer - 2018-03-20
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Discover a powerful book exposing the truth about modern work life and its impact on employee health. Dying for a Paycheck argues that toxic management practices such as long work hours, work-family conflict, and economic insecurity are not only detrimental to employees but also inimical to company performance. With evidence from all over the world, this book provides guidance and solutions for employees, employers, and the government to enhance workplace wellbeing. Join the social movement for human sustainability and create healthier, better workplaces with Dying for a Paycheck.
Laszlo Bock
@mpk This book sums it up pretty well. Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance―and What We Can Do About It      источник
Adam Grant
Не работайте с м*даками book cover
Не работайте с м*даками
И что делать, если они вокруг вас
Robert I. Sutton - 2007-02-22
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The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work. What an asshole! How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford University professor Robert I. Sutton builds on his acclaimed Harvard Business Review article to show you the best ways to deal with assholes...and why they can be so destructive to your company. Practical, compassionate, and in places downright funny, this guide offers: Strategies on how to pinpoint and eliminate negative influences for good Illuminating case histories from major organizations A self-diagnostic test and a program to identify and keep your own inner jerk from coming out The No Asshole Rule is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Business Week bestseller.
Laszlo Bock
@work_matters @nytimes It's still an amazing book!      источник
Daniel PinkMark Hertling
How Change Happens book cover
How Change Happens
Cass R. Sunstein - 2019-04-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover how social change happens through norms, social movements, and nudges with this enlightening book by Cass R. Sunstein. Using behavioral economics, psychology, and more to examine the collapse of social norms and the rise of new ones, Sunstein explains how everything from sexual harassment to white nationalist sentiments became mainstream. Learn how small nudges can create big differences and the important role of social divisions and biases in shaping change. This book will open your eyes to the power of social norms and how they can be harnessed for positive change.
Laszlo Bock
Fantastic book!      источник
Impro book cover
Improvisation and the Theatre
Keith Johnstone - 1987-01-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Unlock your improvisation skills with this classic book by Keith Johnstone. Originally published in 1987, the book focuses on the art of improvisation, exploring the subjects of spontaneity, storytelling, and creativity. Get ready to challenge your notions and unleash your creativity in this must-read for anyone interested in improvisation.
Laszlo Bock
@rtilleard SUCH a good book. Glad you liked it!      источник
Stewart BrandTom Critchlow