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Michelle Rodriguez

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Mayte Michelle Rodriguez is an American actress. Her breakout role as a troubled boxer in the independent film Girlfight was met with critical acclaim and earned her several awards, including the Independent Spirit Award and Gotham Award for Best Debut Performance.
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A Beautiful Question book cover
A Beautiful Question
Finding Nature's Deep Design
Frank Wilczek - 2015-01-01
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Discover the relationship between beauty and science with A Beautiful Question. Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek guides you through the ages, from Plato to the present, exploring how the pursuit of beauty has shaped scientific discovery. As Wilczek takes you to the edge of knowledge, you’ll witness the thrilling synthesis between beauty and truth in a gorgeously illustrated and mind-shifting book. This is a dazzling and accessible work from one of our best thinkers that will leave you feeling enlightened and in awe of the world around us.
Michelle Rodriguez
Listening to A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design by Frank Wilczek via @audiobooksn What a wonderful book, such a unique view, a logical open minded look at the contemplations of the ancients, so refreshing📜✨      источник
The Doors of Perception book cover
The Doors of Perception
Aldous Huxley - 1954-01-01
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Explore the depths of human perception and consciousness through Aldous Huxley's philosophical essay. Originally published in 1954, this book details Huxley's personal experience with mescaline and delves into the insights he gained, from aesthetic pleasures to spiritual awakenings. Drawing inspiration from William Blake's poetry, Huxley shares his reflections on the meaning of art and religion through his transformative journey.
Michelle Rodriguez
Aldous Huxley on Technodictators via @YouTube ‘Doors of Perception’ is a great book entry level to hallucinogenics      источник
The Golden Passport book cover
The Golden Passport
Harvard Business School, the Limits of Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite
Duff McDonald - 2017-04-25
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the inner workings of Harvard Business School, one of our most influential capitalist institutions, in this riveting and timely intellectual history from bestselling author Duff McDonald. While a Harvard degree guarantees respect, an HBS degree is the "golden passport to life in the upper class." Yet, despite the enormous success of HBS, it has failed to meet the goals of its founders to create socially constructive leaders. McDonald explores the dynamics of this exclusive club and important questions about HBS's role in the moral failings of Western capitalism. A must-read for anyone curious about the shape of our society and our lives.
Michelle Rodriguez
Here’s a great book to read on clubs tribes &the foundations of economic subterfuge in good old America      источник
Homo Deus book cover
Homo Deus
Краткая история будущего
Yuval Noah Harari - 2017-02-21 (впервые опубликовано в 2015)
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В своей первой книге, ставшей всемирной сенсацией "Sapiens. Краткая история человечества", Юваль Харари рассказал, как Человек Разумный пришел к господству над нашей планетой. "Homo Deus" является своего рода продолжением темы — это попытка заглянуть в будущее. Что произойдет, когда Google и Facebook будут лучше, чем мы сами, знать наши вкусы, личные симпатии и политические предпочтения? Что будут делать миллиарды людей, вытесненных компьютерами с рынка труда и образовавших новый, бесполезный класс? Как воспримут религии генную инженерию? Каковы будут последствия перехода полномочий и компетенций от живых людей к сетевым алгоритмам? Что должен предпринять человек, чтобы защи
Michelle Rodriguez
After reading the wonderful book ‘Homodeus’, I’ve come to one conclusion... Mankind & Humanity don’t mix. Blame it on ‘The Tyranny of The Unquantifiable’😏 there’s irony in there somewhere I’m sure...      источник