Серия книг Ender's Saga
Книги серии Ender's Saga по порядку
The Ender's Game series (also known as the "Ender Quintet") is sometimes called Enderverse or the Ender Saga. It is a series of science fiction books by Orson Scott Card. The series started with the novelette "Ender's Game", which was later expanded into the novel Ender's Game. It currently consists of eleven novels and ten short stories. The first…

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Земная цивилизация под угрозой. Уже семь десятилетий человечество ведет безвыигрышную войну с чуждой инопланетной расой, и шансы на победу всё тают. Неужели нет никакой надежды и человечеству придется погибнуть? И такая надежда появляется. На Земле рождается гений, ребенок, которому суждено стать спасителем человечества. Имя его Эндрю Виггин, или Эндер, что значит победитель.
"Игра Эндера" - абсолютный шедевр современной фантастики, и редкий случай в истории жанра, когда роман завоевывает в один год две высшие фантастические награды - премии "Хьюго" и "Небьюла". То есть получает одновременно и читательское и писательское признание.
Get ready to be transported to a futuristic world with an extraterrestrial threat. This thrilling dramatization, written by the bestselling author, brings to life the story of a prodigious child who is sent to a military school in space to train for a new alien invasion. It's a captivating tale that will have you at the edge of your seat.
Много лет прошло с момента уничтожения цивилизации жукеров. Во время колонизации планеты, названной Лузитания, на ней обнаружили еще одну расу разумных инопланетян — «свинксов», или «пеквенинос». Они намного уступают в развитии человечеству (равно как и уничтоженным жукерам), и люди видят в этом способ искупить вину за ту катастрофу. Главная заповедь новой колонии человечества — «Не причинять беспокойства свинксам!».
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This book explores the struggle for survival on the planet Lusitania, where three intelligent species must find common ground amidst a deadly virus. As the threat of a second xenocide looms, a child named Gloriously Bright may hold the key to their salvation.
A computer intelligence named Jane is using her newfound powers to transport different races through the universe at an alarming rate. However, her memory and concentration are faltering as the computer network she's connected to is being shut down. Can she find a way to transfer her "soul" to a human body before it's too late? Explore the fourth installment of the popular science fiction Ender's Game series in Children of the Mind.
A military genius and hero, Ender Wiggin, must choose between living as a pawn on Earth or embarking on a new journey: settling one of the new worlds won in the war. With his sister, Valentine, Ender becomes the governor of Colony One, but faces the challenge of commanding a ship with a captain who does not believe a twelve-year-old boy should rule. This New York Times bestselling direct sequel to Ender's Game explores the aftermath of Ender's victory and his journey to find a new home among the stars.
"The Last Shadow" by Orson Scott Card presents the thrilling conclusion to the Ender series, as the children of Ender and Bean race against time to prevent the deadly descolada virus from destroying all of humanity. On a planet with three sapient species, the stakes are high as they face the possibility of another Xenocide. Don't miss this epic sci-fi adventure.