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Серии КнигRed Rising Saga

Серия книг Red Rising Saga

Книги серии Red Rising Saga по порядку

http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/ser...The first three books are the original trilogy, which continues in a second trilogy. Sons of Ares , a comics prequel series later collected in graphic novel form, precedes this.
Golden Son book cover
Алое восстание book cover
Morning Star book cover
5 книг в серии
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Алое восстание book cover
Книга 1
Алое восстание
Pierce Brown - 2014-01-28
Рейтинг Goodreads
Земля умирает, и только колонизация ближнего космоса дает человечеству шанс на спасение. Пять веков назад в опасные марсианские недра спустились люди, чтобы добыть драгоценный гелий-3, необходимый для терраформирования планеты. Эта каста, называющая себя алой, верит, что ее подвиг не пропадет зря и потомки будут жить наверху, как в раю. Однажды Дэрроу узнает, что все это неправда. Поверхность Марса давно благоустроена, на ней уже сменилось несколько поколений золотой касты. Этот факт тщательно скрывается от алых, которых золотые считают безмозглыми рабочими муравьями, обреченными рождаться и умирать на подземной каторге, чтобы обеспечивать безбедное существование «сверхчеловекам». С помощью группы заговорщиков молодой шахтер пробирается наверх, намереваясь разрушить власть угнетателей изнутри…
Dan Stemkoski
Golden Son book cover
Книга 2
Golden Son
Pierce Brown - 2015-01-06
Рейтинг Goodreads
Unleash a revolution in this thrilling book as Darrow, a Red, fights against the elitist Golds to liberate his people. Sacrificing everything, including his own identity, he infiltrates their privileged realm to destroy it from within. As he navigates this cruel world, Darrow finds friendship, respect, and even love, but also powerful enemies. To succeed, he must overcome his human desire for revenge and strive for a hopeful rebirth, all while following the principles of love and justice laid down by his beloved. With danger and deceit lurking at every turn, will Darrow choose to live for more?
Morning Star book cover
Книга 3
Morning Star
Pierce Brown - 2016-02-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
A thrilling conclusion to the Red Rising Trilogy, Morning Star follows Darrow as he seeks revenge against his Gold overlords who hanged his wife and enslaved his people. Darrow has transformed himself and climbed the ranks of Society to unleash a revolution from within. Facing powerful enemies, including former friends, Darrow must inspire those in darkness to break free and claim a long-denied destiny.
Iron Gold book cover
Книга 4
Iron Gold
Pierce Brown - 2018-01-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
A gripping tale of war and revolution, Iron Gold follows the story of Darrow, the once-hero of a revolution to break the chains of society, now struggling to bring an end to the endless war that has consumed his world. Alongside Darrow, other characters' destinies become intertwined, leading to a new universe fraught with tragedy and triumph. This stunning new saga from bestselling author Pierce Brown is a must-read for fans of epic science fiction.
Federico Viticci
Dark Age book cover
Книга 5
Dark Age
Pierce Brown - 2019-07-30
Рейтинг Goodreads
In the sequel to Iron Gold, a decade after the Red Rising revolution, Darrow wages a rogue war on Mercury to salvage his dream of Eo. But is he still the hero he once was? Meanwhile, Lysander au Lune aims to bring peace to mankind by uniting the treacherous Gold families, and Mustang fights political and criminal enemies to save her husband. As alliances shift and power is seized, every player is at risk in a game that could turn the Rising into a new Dark Age.
Federico Viticci