Proyecto Hail Mary
A Novel
Andy Weir
La nueva novela del autor de El marciano, que se convertirá en una película protagonizada y producida por Ryan Gosling.
Ryland Grace es el único superviviente en una misión desesperada. Es la última oportunidad y, si fracasa, la humanidad y la Tierra misma perecerán.
Claro que, de momento, él no lo sabe. Ni siquiera puede recordar su propio nombre, y mucho menos la naturaleza de su misión o cómo llevarla a cabo.
Lo único que sabe es que ha estado en coma inducido durante mucho mucho tiempo. Acaba de despertar y se encuentra a millones de kilómetros de su hogar, sin más compañía que la de dos cadáveres.
Muertos sus compañeros de tripulación, y a medida que va recuperando confusamente los recuerdos, Grace se da cuenta de que se enfrenta a una misión imposible. Recorriendo el espacio en una pequeña nave, depende de él acabar con una amenaza de extinción para nuestra especie.
Sin apenas tiempo y con el ser humano más cercano a años luz de distancia, habrá de conseguirlo estando completamente solo.
¿O no?
Proyecto Hail Mary, una aventura interestelar irresistible como solo Andy Weir podía imaginar, es una historia de descubrimiento, especulación y supervivencia a la altura deEl marciano, que nos lleva a lugares que nunca soñamos alcanzar.
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Like most people, I was first introduced to Weir’s writing through The Martian. His latest novel is a wild tale about a high school science teacher who wakes up in a different star system with no memory of how he got there. The rest of the story is all about how he uses science and engineering to save the day. It’s a fun read, and I finished the whole thing in one weekend. – fuente2023-01-24T22:41:48.000Z
@andyweirauthor Can’t think of a better place to read it - brilliant book @andyweirauthor – fuente2021-05-06T03:11:11.000Z
Perhaps the best audio book I have heard! #projecthailmary by Andy Weir is great but the performance of Ray Porter of all of the characters is award winning. I cannot stop listening. Sooo good! – fuente2021-06-04T18:12:25.000Z
Best sci fi book i've read in a long long time. Has lots of real science/engineering in it. Incredible read. – fuente2022-12-31T20:42:43.000Z
Read 30 books this year and the best ones were Gideon the Ninth by @tazmuir and Project Hail Mary by @andyweirauthor! Looking forward to 2023! – fuente2021-07-18T14:57:08.000Z
Project Hail Mary: 5/5 stars.
I have no idea why this book was so much fun, but it was really, really good. The science was clever, the story was great. – fuente2021-09-06T07:30:39.000Z
If you want to read something that celebrates science at its core, read Project Hail Mary from @andyweirauthor. An excellent and brave science fiction book! – fuente2021-07-09T02:51:52.000Z
The hype around Project Hail Mary is real. One of the best books I've ever read and couldn't put it down. Highly recommend checking it out especially if you love sci-fi – fuente2021-05-17T15:31:36.000Z
The plot of Andy Weir's PROJECT HAIL MARY consists mostly of science problems and their solutions. Joyously.
My question is: What is the youngest age of readers that revel in the book? Because they WILL want to become scientists.
Anybody got examples? – fuente2021-06-28T16:12:27.000Z
"Hail Mary" by @andyweirauthor is one of the best fiction books I've read in a LOOOONG time!
• It's a "hard science" novel so all the physics are real, but the story is fiction.
• You get captivated by the story, but also learn some clever engineering in the process!
• 10/10 – fuente2021-12-26T20:24:59.000Z
I just finished Project Hail Mary by @andyweirauthor and it’s easily one of the best sci-fi books I’ve ever read. and I read a LOT of them. my highest rec from 2021. – fuente