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Neville Medhora

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Neville Medhora runs KopywritingKourse.com and helps out with AppSumo and TheHustle.
13 libros en la lista
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Proyecto Hail Mary book cover
Proyecto Hail Mary
A Novel
Andy Weir - 2021-05-04
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La nueva novela del autor de El marciano, que se convertirá en una película protagonizada y producida por Ryan Gosling. UN ÚNICO ASTRONAUTA. UNA MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE. UN ALIADO QUE JAMÁS HABRÍA IMAGINADO. Ryland Grace es el único superviviente en una misión desesperada. Es la última oportunidad y, si fracasa, la humanidad y la Tierra misma perecerán. Claro que, de momento, él no lo sabe. Ni siquiera puede recordar su propio nombre, y mucho menos la naturaleza de su misión o cómo llevarla a cabo. Lo único que sabe es que ha estado en coma inducido durante mucho mucho tiempo. Acaba de despertar y se encuentra a millones de kilómetros de su hogar, sin más compañía que la de dos cadáveres. Muertos sus compañeros de tripulación, y a medida que va recuperando confusamente los recuerdos, Grace se da cuenta de que se enfrenta a una misión imposible. Recorriendo el espacio en una pequeña nave, depende de él acabar con una amenaza de extinción para nuestra especie. Sin apenas tiempo y con el ser humano más cercano a años luz de distancia, habrá de conseguirlo estando completamente solo. ¿O no? Proyecto Hail Mary, una aventura interestelar irresistible como solo Andy Weir podía imaginar, es una historia de descubrimiento, especulación y supervivencia a la altura deEl marciano, que nos lleva a lugares que nunca soñamos alcanzar.
Neville Medhora
"Hail Mary" by @andyweirauthor is one of the best fiction books I've read in a LOOOONG time! • It's a "hard science" novel so all the physics are real, but the story is fiction. • You get captivated by the story, but also learn some clever engineering in the process! • 10/10      fuente
Ogilvy & la publicidad book cover
Ogilvy & la publicidad
David Ogilvy - 1985-03-12 (publicado por primera vez en 1983)
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Este libro contiene la esencia de la filosofía publicitaria de David Ogilvy. La obsesión de Ogilvy es transmitida en cada uno de sus capítulos: hacer publicidad eficaz, que venda.
Neville Medhora
My top 3 books to read on copywriting: Advertising Secrets of the Written Word -Joseph Sugarman Ogilvy On Advertising -David Ogilvy Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got -Jay Abraham      fuente
Recomendado por
Andrew ChenNoah Kagan
The Adweek Copywriting Handbook book cover
The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America's Top Copywriters
Joseph Sugarman - 2006-12-11
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A practical guide to crafting copy that will entice and motivate customers to buy. Legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman provides expert advice and proven guidelines for writing the heart and soul of the advertising business. This is the ultimate companion for anyone looking to succeed in the industry.
Neville Medhora
@KehindeJejelaye So true! I still recommend this as one of my top 3 books on copywriting :)      fuente
Piense y Hágase Rico (Think and Grow Rich Series) book cover
Piense y Hágase Rico (Think and Grow Rich Series)
Napoleon Hill - 2016-04-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1937)
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The bestselling success book of all time--Think and Grow Rich-- is now available in Spanish. El libro de éxito más vendido de todos los tiempos —Piense y hágase rico— ya está disponible en español. Piense y hágase rico ha sido llamado el "abuelo de toda la literatura de motivación". Fue el primer libro que se atrevió a preguntar audazmente: "¿De qué está hecho un ganador?". Napoleon Hill, el hombre que hizo la pregunta y escuchó la respuesta, hoy en día se considera como uno de los ganadores más destacados del mundo. ¡Descubra los secretos que le harán descubrir su mayor potencial! Si usted está feliz con su vida tal como es, deje de leer ahora mismo. Pero si usted quiere más de la vida —más riqueza, más éxito, más independencia— entonces usted está a punto de unirse a las legiones de mujeres y hombres exitosos que juran por Piense y hágase rico de Napoleon Hill. Esta es la edición original, de la clásica y legendaria guía que ha demostrado a millones de lectores en todo el mundo cómo alcanzar sus objetivos a través de una serie de leyes, claras y sencillas, que llevan al éxito. No espere más, ¡ponga estas reglas a trabajar para usted hoy mismo!. Todo comienza con las primeras líneas de esta valioso libro. Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?" The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world's winners himself. Unlock the Secrets to Your Highest Potential! If you are happy with your life just as it is, stop reading right now. But if you want more out of life – more wealth, more success, more independence – then you are about to join the legions of successful men and women who swear by Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Here is the original, classic edition of the legendary guidebook that has shown millions of readers around the world how to attain their goals – through clear, simple, step-by-step laws to achievement. Put these rules to work for you today. It all starts with the opening lines to this treasured work.
Neville Medhora
I’d bet money this book has restored countless relationships, made millions of millionaires and saved many lives.      fuente
How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time book cover
How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time
Gary C. Halbert - 2014-08-29
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This book is a cult classic that teaches how to make maximum money in minimum time with proven marketing techniques. Even though it was written back in 1990, the strategies and concepts are still profitable. The author, Gary C. Halbert, invented "Gun-To-The-Head-Marketing" and wrote the most widely mailed sales letter in history. He shares his real-world advice on how to get your mail opened and read, write killer headlines, and create killer sales messages. This addictive book is loaded with step-by-step guidance on marketing that people are still using to make a lot of money today.
Neville Medhora
One of the funniest and best books I’ve read in a long time!      fuente
How to Get Rich book cover
How to Get Rich
One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets
Felix Dennis - 2007-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2008)
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Learn from the expert on how to create a successful business empire and become wealthy. In How to Get Rich, the author shares personal insights and lessons learned from creating a publishing empire and becoming one of the richest people in the UK. This isn't your typical get-rich-quick guide - the author doesn't peddle investment tips or motivational slogans. Instead, he wants to help readers embrace entrepreneurship and shares valuable lessons on topics like the dangers of a regular paycheck and the importance of ownership. With a refreshing and humorous tone, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to build their own successful career.
Neville Medhora
Quite possibly the most fun I’ve ever had reading a book!      fuente
Un manual de vida book cover
Un manual de vida
The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness
Epictetus - 2004-05-01 (publicado por primera vez en 125)
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Este Manual, resumen de la doctrina epictetea, es el único prontuario de moral estoica que nos ha legado la Antigüedad, y el más importante epítome de las enseñanzas prácticas del estoicismo de la época imperial helenísticoromana. Sus directrices y consejos todavía pueden resultar útiles a cuantos quieran liberar su ánimo de las angustias y tensiones que tanto oprimen al hombre en la actual civilización crematística y técnica. En cualquier caso, es un auxiliar precioso para acostumbrarse a robustecer la voluntad y adquirir el dominio de sí mismo.
Neville Medhora
If you have a problem, quickly flip through this book and I bet some sort of solution will arise.      fuente
Breakthrough Advertising book cover
Breakthrough Advertising
Eugene M. Schwartz - 2004-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1966)
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Learn how to channel the forces in the marketplace with this must-read book for business owners and marketing experts. Delve into the universal problem of all copywriting: How to write a headline and an ad that will open up a whole new market. Perfect for those looking to increase sales in their business.
Neville Medhora
Goes through different stages of large-scale advertising and the thought processes behind them.      fuente
Recomendado por
Ramit Sethi
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got book cover
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got
Jay Abraham - 2001-10-12 (publicado por primera vez en 2000)
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Discover how to realize success that you never thought was possible with help from Jay Abraham's program. In "Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got," one of the top marketing experts in the world shares his proven strategies to find and create opportunities for wealth-building in any venture. Through clear examples and practical advice, you'll learn to spot hidden assets, overlooked opportunities, and untapped resources that can lead to untold success. This book will give you fresh eyes to see how to maximize your income, influence, power, and overall success.
Neville Medhora
Lots of great examples of businesses growing their existing revenue.      fuente
A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech
Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joseph Sugarman
This is Earl Nightingale by Earl Nightingale
The Boron Letters by Gary C. Halbert