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Los cuatro acuerdos book cover

Los cuatro acuerdos

A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Don Miguel Ruiz

Una guía práctica para la libertad personal El conocimiento tolteca surge de la misma unidad esencial de la verdad de la que parten todas las tradiciones esotéricas sagradas del mundo. Aunque no es una religión, respeta a todos los maestros espirituales que han enseñado en la tierra, y si bien abraza el espíritu, resulta más preciso describirlo como una manera de vivir que se distingue por su fácil acceso a la felicidad y el amor. El doctor Miguel Ruiz nos propone en este libro un sencillo procedimiento para eliminar todas aquellas creencias heredadas que nos limitan y substituirlas por otras que responden a nuestra realidad interior y nos conducen a la libertad.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1997
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As soon as I read it, I felt that if I applied these four agreements, I really could change my life, and I did start noticing a difference.      fuente
Four agreements      fuente
A seriously powerful book.      fuente
I just think it’s got a lot of great principles and ideas.      fuente
We have a library at Square and it contains two of my favorite books: The Yoga Sutras and The Four Agreements.      fuente
It’s the simplicity that makes the book so powerful. Anytime I have a friend who wants to embark on the journey of introspection, that’s always where I start.      fuente
If you haven't read this book, you should. Whenever I follow these principles, my life is better.      fuente
"Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river." Virginia Woolf #quote Strongly recommend "The Four Agreements". Up there with the best books l have ever read 📚      fuente
@pvincler Excellent advice, awesome book!      fuente
This #NationalAuthorsDay I want to highlight @donMiguelRuiz. #TheFourAgreements is a fantastic book that has changed the way I view the world for the better. Highly recommended reading.      fuente
@poetrybyair I love that book 🔥🔥      fuente
1. It’s kind to take responsibility 4 a mixup. And its liberating. It feels good + it makes others feel good. 2. I need to be impeccable with my words. We all do if we want to make a truthful + positive impact. Great book recommendation: The Four Agreements by @donMiguelRuiz      fuente
Book #8 9/10 A book I would recommend everyone to read. These four statements have been my guide before and even more so now. Ty @bp22      fuente
@BruceVH One of my all time favorite books.      fuente
One of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I read a book a week and this one really is a game changer.      fuente
The book “The Four Agreements” holds deep wisdom & is simple to understand. I have given it to my clients on occasion as it includes foundational principles of #leadership. Here is a quick article summarizing just that. #TuesdayThoughts      fuente