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Daniel Negreanu

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Daniel Negreanu is a Canadian professional poker player who has won six World Series of Poker bracelets and two World Poker Tour championship titles.
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The End of Gender book cover
The End of Gender
Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society
Debra Soh - 2020-08-04
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Neuroscientist and sexologist Debra Soh challenges popular gender myths in The End of Gender. Through research-based analysis and original research, she tackles the nature vs. nurture debate, debunking misconceptions about gender, gender-neutral parenting, and gender dysphoria. Soh challenges the accepted idea that gender is a social construct and a spectrum, arguing that there are differences between male and female brains. The End of Gender is a timely and provocative work that will challenge readers' understanding of gender identity and its place in society.
Daniel Negreanu
@VannCorroo Have you read The End of Gender? Really good book by neuroscientist @DrDebraSoh You can support transgender rights while also being opposed to medical procedures on children.      fuente
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Nick Gillespie
La transformación de la mente moderna book cover
La transformación de la mente moderna
How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
Greg Lukianoff - 2018-09-04
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Algo extraño está sucediendo en las universidades de todo el mundo. Alumnos que dicen defender ideas progresistas abuchean a políticos y conferenciantes y les impiden hablar. Cada vez en mayor número, muchos estudiantes son reacios a exhibir sus opiniones y a discutirlas con franqueza. De un tiempo a esta parte, lo que debería ser el «gimnasio de la mente» está lleno de personas que rehúyen el debate y el pensamiento crítico. Tal y como describen en este libro el experto en libertad de expresión Greg Lukianoff y el psicólogo Jonathan Haidt, el motivo de tal situación se debe a tres ideas equivocadas que se han introducido en el subconsciente de muchos jóvenes, y no tan jóvenes, que creen defender una visión generosa e inclusiva de la educación. La primera: lo que no te mata te hace más débil. La segunda: debes confiar siempre en tus sentimientos. Y, por último: la vida es una lucha entre las personas buenas y las malas. Como demuestra este libro osado y erudito, estas nociones, que pueden parecer beneficiosas porque protegen al individuo y halagan sus propios instintos, en rea-lidad contradicen los principios psicológicos básicos sobre el bienestar. Abrazar estas falsedades, y con ello propugnar una cultura de la seguridad en la que nadie quiere escuchar argumentos que no le gustan, interfiere con el desarrollo social, emocional e intelectual de los jóvenes. Y les hace más difícil recorrer el camino, con frecuencia complejo y tortuoso, de la vida adulta. O, en palabras del propio Haidt: «Muchos jóvenes nacidos después de 1995, los que han ido llegando a las universidades a partir de 2013, son frágiles, hipersus-ceptibles y maniqueos. No están preparados para encarar la vida, que es conflicto, ni la democracia, que es debate. Van de cabeza al fracaso.»
Daniel Negreanu
@JazzHandMeDowns @jay_schiavone Have you read Coddling of the American Mind? Excellent book on how, through good intentions we hurt our children by not allowing them fail and learn from it, among other things.      fuente
Life's a Gamble book cover
Life's a Gamble
Mike Sexton - 2016-07-07
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Experience the world of poker through the eyes of a legend. Mike Sexton has been a top performer on both the felt and business side of poker for over four decades. He's won a World Series of Poker bracelet, helped create PartyPoker, and was a key player in the launch of the World Poker Tour. In "Life's a Gamble," Sexton recounts his personal experiences and shares his insights on the game's legendary characters. For anyone who loves poker or compelling gambling adventures, this book is a must-read.
Daniel Negreanu
If you haven’t read it yet, pick up a copy. One of the most enjoyable reads I’ve ever had, full of great gambling stories throughout. I read the entire book in one sitting and I just never do that but it was so good!      fuente
Positively Fifth Street book cover
Positively Fifth Street
Murderers, Cheetahs, and Binion's World Series of Poker
James McManus - 2004-03-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2003)
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Experience the thrill of the World Series of Poker and a murder mystery in one heart-pumping book. Follow James McManus as he covers the event for Harper's Magazine, only to be lured by the tables himself. Risking his entire advance, he attempts to play in the tournament while also investigating the mysterious death of the tournament's host. Positively Fifth Street is a suspenseful and humorous account of McManus' own progress, the competitive atmosphere, and the primal instincts that drive us.
Daniel Negreanu
“@Dom_Chez: @RealKidPoker favorite poker book(s)?” Positively Fifth Street, The Big Deal, and The Biggest Game in Town #oldschool      fuente
The Biggest Game in Town book cover
The Biggest Game in Town
Al Alvarez - 2002-02-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1983)
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Step into the world of professional poker with this captivating book. Follow the annual World Series of Poker and delve into the minds of the players who obsess over the game. From bizarre rituals to psychological struggles, this book sheds light on the unique world of high-stakes poker.
Daniel Negreanu
“@Dom_Chez: @RealKidPoker favorite poker book(s)?” Positively Fifth Street, The Big Deal, and The Biggest Game in Town #oldschool      fuente
Big Deal book cover
Big Deal
One Year as a Professional Poker Player
Anthony Holden - 2002-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1990)
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Follow biographer Anthony Holden as he delves into the world of professional poker players across Las Vegas, Malta, and Morocco. Discover the intense world of poker that Holden insists is not just gambling, but a paradigm of life itself. With hair-raising excitement and a cast of eccentric characters, this book is a must-read for any fans of the game.
Daniel Negreanu
“@Dom_Chez: @RealKidPoker favorite poker book(s)?” Positively Fifth Street, The Big Deal, and The Biggest Game in Town #oldschool      fuente
Los cuatro acuerdos book cover
Los cuatro acuerdos
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Don Miguel Ruiz - 2001-01-15 (publicado por primera vez en 1997)
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Una guía práctica para la libertad personal El conocimiento tolteca surge de la misma unidad esencial de la verdad de la que parten todas las tradiciones esotéricas sagradas del mundo. Aunque no es una religión, respeta a todos los maestros espirituales que han enseñado en la tierra, y si bien abraza el espíritu, resulta más preciso describirlo como una manera de vivir que se distingue por su fácil acceso a la felicidad y el amor. El doctor Miguel Ruiz nos propone en este libro un sencillo procedimiento para eliminar todas aquellas creencias heredadas que nos limitan y substituirlas por otras que responden a nuestra realidad interior y nos conducen a la libertad.
Daniel Negreanu
It’s the simplicity that makes the book so powerful. Anytime I have a friend who wants to embark on the journey of introspection, that’s always where I start.      fuente