La liberacion del alma
The Journey Beyond Yourself
Michael A. Singer
¿Quién eres tú realmente? ¿Cómo sería poder elevarte sobre tus barreras y vivir libre de limitaciones? ¿Qué puedes hacer cada día para liberarte y hallar paz interior? La liberación del alma ofrece una respuesta sencilla y profundamente intuitiva a esas cuestiones. Tanto si esta es la primera vez que exploras tu espacio interior como si has dedicado toda tu vida al viaje interno, este libro transformará tu relación contigo mismo y con el mundo que te rodea. En La liberación del alma Michael Singer emplea el Gnana Yoga (el yoga del intelecto) para llevarnos paso a paso hasta la Fuente con elegante simplicidad.
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I was having a birthday party last year, and a friend handed me this. I was so riveted that I asked the author, who almost never gives interviews, to talk with me on OWN. Here's one of my favorite observations in this essential work: "To attain true inner freedom, you must be able to objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them.... Once you've made the commitment to free yourself of that scared person inside, you will notice that there is a clear decision point at which your growth takes place. – fuente2020-01-15T21:43:36.000Z
@crswenny Yeah, love that book! The Untethered Soul was life changing for me. – fuente2019-12-30T13:55:03.000Z
@sophiabendz AMAZING BOOK. also the most amazing part of writing the list was I did it on a Sunday and it was the first time I’ve achieved anything productive in my own home with my children underfoot;))) – fuente2017-02-09T00:00:00.000Z
I was so astonished by the book that I contacted him and flew down to Florida and stayed several days in his “compound” and interviewed him about his success. I re-read the book at least once every few months. – fuente2020-01-16T05:43:36.000Z
Just finished reading The Untethered Soul. This quote resonated with me the most:
“You cannot spend your life avoiding things that are not actually happening, or everything will become negative” – fuente