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Mejores libros de Javascript

Domina el lenguaje de la web con esta lista de los libros de Javascript más celebrados, que incluyen desde guías para principiantes hasta referencias avanzadas que se destacan regularmente en artículos técnicos.

Recomendaciones de 79 artículos, Rand Fishkin, Brian Armstrong, Derek Sivers y 12 más.
Mejores libros de Javascript
71 libros en la lista
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JavaScript. La guía definitiva book cover
JavaScript. La guía definitiva
The Definitive Guide
David Flanagan - 2006-08-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1996)
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JavaScript es el lenguaje interpretado más utilizado, principalmente en la construcción de páginas Web, con una sintaxis muy semejante a Java y a C. Pero, al contrario que Java, no se trata de un lenguaje orientado a objetos propiamente dicho, sino que éste está basado en prototipos, ya que las nuevas clases se generan clonando las clases base (prototipos) y extendiendo su funcionalidad. Este libro es un manual de referencia para el programador, con capítulos que explican todo lo que necesita saber para obtener el máximo partido de JavaScript, así como pulir sus conocimientos y profundizar en el lenguaje. El manual le ofrece la posibilidad de analizar el entorno de la escritura de secuencia de comandos proporcionado por los exploradores web. Además, encontrará una referencia completa para el código JavaScript en la parte del cliente y analiza la herencia de las API, la API DOM de Nivel 2 y los estándares emergentes, como el objeto XMLHttpRequest.
JavaScript elocuente. Una introducción moderna a la programación book cover
JavaScript elocuente. Una introducción moderna a la programación
Tercera actualización
Marijn Haverbeke - 2011-02-06 (publicado por primera vez en 2010)
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Con este libro tiene la posibilidad de aprender JavaScript de manera efectiva y clara. Esta obra está repleta de explicaciones estupendas sobre conceptos de programación y cómo se aplican en JavaScript. Para ayudar a la comprensión, las explicaciones teóricas se ilustran con ejemplos prácticos muy interesantes, de mayor o menor complejidad en función del tema. Así, veremos desde cómo hacer un triángulo, construir una tabla, un robot y un lenguaje de programación hasta un editor de arte con píxeles. Se incluyen explicaciones claras y precisas sobre un tema de programación especialmente difí las estructuras de datos. Como no podía ser menos, también se ha dedicado un capítulo a la resolución de errores y fallos. Una herramienta imprescindible. Y, para terminar, se habla del rendimiento del código generado en JavaScript.
Recomendado por
Sarah Drasner
JavaScript and JQuery book cover
JavaScript and JQuery
Interactive Front-End Web Development
Jon Duckett - 2014-06-30 (publicado por primera vez en 2013)
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Learn JavaScript and jQuery through a visually engaging approach that includes inspiring code examples, infographics, and photography. This book introduces core programming concepts in JavaScript and jQuery, and teaches you how to create scripts from scratch. By following easy-to-follow diagrams, you'll master techniques to make web pages more interactive and interfaces more intuitive. No previous programming experience is required. Whether you want to add animation, tabbed panels, content sliders, interactive galleries, or sort data, this book is perfect for those looking to create more enriching web experiences and express their creativity.
JavaScript book cover
The Good Parts
Douglas Crockford - 2008-05-01
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Explore the elegant and lightweight side of JavaScript with this authoritative book. Author Douglas Crockford narrows down the language to a reliable and maintainable subset, scraping away its bad features to reveal truly outstanding ideas such as functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, and more. With a detailed look at syntax, objects, functions, arrays, and regular expressions, you'll learn how to sidestep the need to unlearn bad parts of the language. Discover how to create effective code with this must-read for anyone developing sites or applications for the web.
Effective JavaScript book cover
Effective JavaScript
68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript (Effective Software Development Series)
David Herman - 2012-11-26
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This comprehensive guide to JavaScript is a must-read for anyone looking to master the language. With concrete examples and 68 proven approaches, author David Herman provides well-proven techniques and best practices to help you build more predictable, reliable, and maintainable programs. From prototype-based object-oriented programming to concurrency, Effective JavaScript covers every facet of programming with the latest versions of the language. Regardless of your experience level, this book will deepen your understanding of JavaScript and improve your programming skills.
Learn JavaScript easily with the help of an interactive approach. This book offers access to 1,750 interactive exercises and covers all the fundamentals of JavaScript programming in half the time. Readers rave about the innovative and engaging approach, with many saying they have never had a more incredible learning experience. Gain the skills to display alerts, gather information, manipulate variables, run routines based on conditions, work with arrays, control colors and much more. Perfect for anyone wanting to start out programming or even complement what they learnt at Codeacademy.
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja book cover
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
John Resig - 2013-01-17 (publicado por primera vez en 2008)
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This comprehensive guide, "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja", helps readers become skilled practitioners in JavaScript through practical examples and step-by-step instruction. Learn key concepts such as functions, closures, and prototypes, as well as best practice techniques like testing and cross-browser development. APIs such as the DOM, events, and timers are also covered. Trust this completely revised edition to take your Javascript knowledge to the next level.
The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript book cover
The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript
Nicholas C. Zakas - 2014-02-14 (publicado por primera vez en 2012)
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This book delves into the often overlooked area of object-oriented programming in JavaScript, revealing the language's true power and expressiveness. Author Nicholas Zakas guides readers through a deep understanding of JavaScript's unique approach to OOP, enabling even those with minimal experience to write more effective, concise code.
Recomendado por
Nicholas C. Zakas
Head First JavaScript Programming book cover
Head First JavaScript Programming
A Brain-Friendly Guide
Eric Freeman - 2014-05-06
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Learn how to add interactivity and functionality to your web pages with Head First JavaScript Programming. This guide uses puzzles, visuals, and fun examples to make learning JavaScript fast and effective, even for beginners. You'll gain a deep understanding of how functions, objects, callbacks, and the Document Object Model work. JavaScript is a popular language that's becoming more essential for web development, so start mastering it today with Head First!
JavaScript for Kids book cover
JavaScript for Kids
A Playful Introduction to Programming
Nick Morgan - 2014-10-25
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JavaScript for Kids is a fun and easy-to-understand guide that introduces young readers to the world of JavaScript programming. With kid-friendly examples, Nick Morgan teaches the basics of strings, arrays, loops, and how to modify elements. Readers will learn how to draw graphics with canvas and create their own games and animations. By the end of the book, they'll have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript.
JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov
Learn JavaScript Visually by Ivelin Demirov
JavaScript para desarrolladores Web (Anaya Multimedia) by Nicholas C. Zakas
Speaking JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer
Programming JavaScript Applications by Eric Elliott
You Don't Know JS by Kyle Simpson
High Performance JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas
You Don't Know JS by Kyle Simpson
You Don't Know JS Yet by Kyle Simpson
You Don't Know Js by Kyle Simpson
High Performance Browser Networking by Ilya Grigorik
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Matt Frisbie
Beginning JavaScript by Jeremy McPeak
JavaScript by David Sawyer McFarland
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani
Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery by Richard York
Understanding ECMAScript 6 by Nicholas C. Zakas
Learning React by Alex Banks
Maintainable JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas
Node.js in Action by Alex R. Young
You Don't Know JS by Kyle Simpson
You Don't Know JS by Kyle Simpson
YOU DON`T KNOW JS 6 VOLUME SET [Paperback] by Kyle Simpson
DOM Enlightenment by Cody Lindley
jQuery in Action by Bear Bibeault
Test Driven JavaScript Development by Christian Johansen Johansen
JavaScript Enlightenment by Cody Lindley
Beginning JavaScript by Paul Wilton
Testable JavaScript by Mark Ethan Trostler
JavaScript Step by Step by Steve Suehring
HTML and CSS by Jon Duckett
Functional JavaScript by Michael Fogus
Functional Programming in JavaScript by Luis Atencio
Learning JavaScript by Ethan Brown
No me hagas pensar. Una aproximación a la usabilidad en la Web by Steve Krug
CSS Secrets by Lea Verou
Object-Oriented JavaScript by Stoyan Stefanov
JavaScript for Impatient Programmers by Axel Rauschmayer
Express in Action by Evan Hahn
JavaScript Programmer's Reference by Alexei White
Building JavaScript Games by Arjan Egges
Cómo diseñar sitios Web más rápidos by Steve Souders
Web Audio API by Boris Smus
JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook by Danny Goodman
Vue.js by Callum MacRae
JavaScript you dont know Volume 1 + Volume 2 + Volume 2 (3 volumes in set. Jingdong) by Zhao Wang Ye Liang Jie Yi [ Mei ] Xin Pu Sen ( Kyle Simpson )
Código limpio by Robert C. Martin
Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins
Javascript Allongé by Reginald Braithwaite
Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms by Loiane Groner
JavaScript Absolute Beginner's Guide by Kirupa Chinnathambi
Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig
Learn React Hooks by Daniel Bugl
JavaScript设计模式(异步图书) by Addy, Osmani, 徐涛
Aprender PHP, MySQL y JavaScript by Robin Nixon
Composing Software by Eric Elliott
Learning JavaScript by Tim Wright
Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript by Michael McMillan
Effective JavaScript by David Herman
High Performance Web Sites by Steve Souders
El programador pragmático. Edición especial by David Thomas