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Sarah Drasner

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Sarah Drasner is an award-winning Speaker, VP of Developer Experience at Netlify, Vue core team member, and Staff Writer at CSS-Tricks. Sarah is formerly Principal Lead of Emerging Markets, Cloud Advocates at Microsoft and Manager of UX & Engineering at Trulia/Zillow Group.
15 libros en la lista
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La vida invisible de Addie LaRue book cover
La vida invisible de Addie LaRue
V. E. Schwab - 2020-10-06
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Una vida que nadie recuerda. Una historia que nunca olvidarás. Francia, 1714. En un momento de desesperación, una joven hace un pacto faustiano para conseguir una vida infinita. ¿Cuál es el precio que deberá pagar para vivir eternamente? El olvido. Todas y cada una de las personas que conoce la terminarán olvidando. Así es cómo comienza la extraordinaria vida de Addie LaRue; una vida que atraviesa siglos y continentes, una vida que atraviesa la historia y el arte, en la que ella intenta comprender hasta dónde será capaz de llegar con tal de dejar su marca en el mundo. Sin embargo, todo cambia cuando, después de 300 años, Addie conoce a un hombre en una librería. Pero hay algo más… él es la única persona que recuerda su nombre.
Sarah Drasner
@elyktrix Great book!      fuente
The Laid Back Guide To Intermittent Fasting book cover
The Laid Back Guide To Intermittent Fasting
How I Lost Over 80 Pounds and Kept It Off Eating Whatever I Wanted
Kayla Cox - 2018-10-19
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Discover an easy and effective method of eating that can help you lose weight permanently with The Laid Back Guide To Intermittent Fasting. Written by a mom of three who lost over 80 pounds through this method, this book simplifies the process, eliminating the need for calorie counting, carb restriction, or portion limitation. With a regimen of intermittent fasting six days a week, along with six miles of walking daily and one cheat day, the author found consistent weight loss with what felt like little effort. Learn from her mistakes and struggles, and get all the tips, tricks, and lessons you need to achieve your weight loss goals in a laid back and enjoyable way.
Sarah Drasner
@kyleiop It’s a book about intermittent fasting, which I’ve been enjoying. I usually read things written by doctors if it’s about health, but this one was worth the read. Called ‘a laid back guide to intermittent fasting’      fuente
Pensar en sistemas book cover
Pensar en sistemas
A Primer
Donella H. Meadows - 2008-12-03
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Autora del best seller internacional Los límites del crecimiento, que muestra las consecuencias del crecimiento descontrolado en un planeta finito, Meadows fue una pionera del análisis ambiental y social hasta su prematura muerte, en 2001. Pensar en sistemas es un manual esencial que lleva el pensamiento sistémico fuera del ámbito de los ordenadores y las ecuaciones al mundo tangible, mostrando cómo desarrollar las habilidades del pensamiento sistémico que los líderes de pensamiento de todo el mundo consideran fundamentales para la vida del siglo xxi. Algunos de los mayores problemas que enfrenta el planeta —guerras, hambre, pobreza y degradación ambiental— son esencialmente fallos del sistema. No pueden resolverse arreglando una pieza de forma aislada de las demás, porque incluso los detalles aparentemente menores tienen un enorme poder para socavar los mejores esfuerzos de un pensamiento demasiado estrecho. Meadows, conocida por profundizar en la ciencia detrás de los dilemas globales, nos recuerda que prestemos atención a lo importante, no solo a lo cuantificable. En un mundo cada vez más complicado, abarrotado e interdependiente, Pensar en sistemas nos ayuda a evitar la confusión y la impotencia, un primer paso para buscar soluciones proactivas y eficaces.
Sarah Drasner
I really enjoyed the book Thinking in Systems. So many insights that can be applied across so many fields. Couldn’t help but relate some of it to software eng, such as reactivity, even though that’s not was she was referring to. Interconnection -> signal, etc      fuente
Kill It with Fire book cover
Kill It with Fire
Manage Aging Computer Systems (and Future Proof Modern Ones)
Marianne Bellotti - 2021-03-17
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"Kill It with Fire" is a must-read for business, community, and political leaders facing the challenges of aging computer systems. Written by a superstar in the field, this book offers sound strategies for modernization and future-proofing of current systems. Through real-world case studies and playful prose, the author explores the technical and organizational challenges of modernizing complex legacy systems, providing valuable insights for readers in both older and newer companies. This is a timely and thoughtful resource for spearheading modernization efforts in the face of the Legacy Apocalypse.
Sarah Drasner
This book, Kill it with Fire, is such a great real-life exploration about what it’s like maintaining and attempting to modernize legacy systems. Highly recommended! Takes a second to get going to stick with it beyond the first chapter.      fuente
Big Potential book cover
Big Potential
How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being
Shawn Achor - 2018-01-30
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Discover "Big Potential" and unlock your hidden sources of potential. Bestselling author Shawn Achor reveals that success and happiness are not competitive sports, but depend on how well we connect with, relate to, and learn from each other. Learn five strategies for lifting the ceiling on what we can achieve while returning happiness and meaning to our lives. Expand the pie and achieve BIG Potential together. A new path to thriving in the modern world awaits.
Sarah Drasner
@calonso I wouldn’t over index on either. Both have their place, and when used well, are force multipliers. I highly suggest the book Big Potential for understanding the power of collaboration.      fuente
Recomendado por
Adam Grant
Writing An Interpreter In Go book cover
Writing An Interpreter In Go
Thorsten Ball - 2016-11-23
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Learn how to create a programming language from scratch in "Writing An Interpreter In Go" by Thorsten Ball. Follow along as we use the Monkey programming language to build a fully working interpreter, complete with C-like syntax, first class functions, closures, and more. Unlike other textbooks, this book emphasizes hands-on learning with snippets of code and tests included throughout. Start creating your own programming language today!
Sarah Drasner
@uxdxdev @munificentbob This book by @thorstenball is also great!      fuente
Crafting Interpreters book cover
Crafting Interpreters
Robert Nystrom - 2021-07-28
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Learn how programming languages are designed and implemented in this must-read for software engineers. Set aside any preconceived notions of a dreaded "compilers" class, as this book breaks down the field's useful techniques in an engaging way. Crafting Interpreters will teach you both high-level concepts and gritty details, from parsing and semantics to bytecode representation and garbage collection. Ultimately, you’ll build a full-featured scripting language in just a few thousand lines of code. Get your hands dirty and walk away with newfound knowledge that will make you a stronger software engineer.
Sarah Drasner
The book Crafting Interpreters by @munificentbob is artfully executed. Even if you have existing knowledge in the space, it’s still a fascinating read because he explains concepts and builds things in such an interesting and engaging way. With some humor/anecdotes too!      fuente
Ideas That Created the Future book cover
Ideas That Created the Future
Classic Papers of Computer Science
Harry Lewis - 2021-02-02
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Explore the evolution of computer science with Ideas That Created the Future. Featuring 46 classic papers from Aristotle and Leibniz to Norbert Wiener and Gordon Moore, the book covers all aspects of the field from theory and practice to logic and software systems. Accompanied by essays from editor Harry Lewis, this collection provides historical and intellectual context for the discoveries and inventions that have shaped today's digital world.
Sarah Drasner
Anyways, this book is really good. It gives a little context to each paper before diving in. Starts with the first system of logic by Aristotle, in “Prior Analytics”      fuente
Breve historia del tiempo book cover
Breve historia del tiempo
From the Big Bang to Black Holes
Stephen Hawking - 1998-09-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1988)
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Breve historia del tiempo, de Stephen Hawking, se ha convertido en un fenómeno editorial en todo el mundo: con ventas que superan los cinco milones de ejemplares, y traducida a más de 30 idiomas, su autor es aclamado como el físico teórico más brillante después de Einstein. Ahora, para todos los que desean saber más acerca de la vida y la obra del profesor Hawking, ofrecemos este manual imprenscindible para la cabal comprensión de su obra. Las entrevistas, sinceras y personales, contenidas en este volumen trazan el curso que han seguido la vida y la obra del profesor Hawking y revelan a la persona real que está detrás de su propia torre teórica. Su madre y su hermana relatan al lector cómo fue su juventud y cómo llegó a ser el hombre que es. Sus condiscípulos y compañeros de la escuela de física de Oxford evocan con humor y familiaridad sus días de estudiante poco inclinados al estudio. Los maestros del profesor Hawking en Oxford y Cambridge lo recuerdan como un joven con evidente talento y con muy poca tolerancia por los estudios convencionales. Sus colegas científicos describen las ideas que dieron forma tanto a sus trabajos como a los del porpio Hawking y la majestuosidad de los conceptos que éste último desarrolló. Y finalmente, este libro presenta las opiniones del verdadero experto: el profesor Hawking mismo, quien expresa sus audaces ideas en refrescantes palabras. Meticulosamente complementada con notas biográficas de cada participante y pasajes explicativos que amplían las ideas científicas que se exponen; totalmente ilustrada con fotografías de los participantes, además de dibujos y gráficas que iluminan los conceptos científicos que se expresan -entre los que se incluyen los agujeros negros y la flecha del tiempo-, esta obra es una extraordinaria historia oral: un retrato fascinante e intensamente conmovedor de las mentes más grandiosas del siglo XX.
Sarah Drasner
@dan_abramov IMO “A Brief History of Time” does a great job of this framing- past, present, and acknowledging that whatever he says in the book is only the moment of understanding he is currently in.      fuente
Data Sketches by Nadieh Bremer, Shirley Wu
You Don't Know JS Yet by Kyle Simpson
Coders by Clive Thompson
CSS by Eric A. Meyer
JavaScript elocuente. Una introducción moderna a la programación by Marijn Haverbeke
Aprenda a programar con Python by Zed Shaw