Mejores libros de arte
Sumérgete en el mundo visualmente impresionante del arte con estas mejores opciones. Nuestra compilación muestra los mejores libros de arte tal como se presentan en los famosos blogs de libros, clasificados por cuánta frecuencia han sido recomendados.

98 libros en la lista
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Transform mistakes into beautiful opportunities with this award-winning, best-selling interactive book. Beautiful Oops! teaches children that mistakes can lead to creativity and discovery. The book features unique paper engineering with pop-ups, lift-the-flaps, tears, holes, overlays, bends, smudges, and more, demonstrating the magical transformation from blunder to wonder. A life lesson all parents want their children to learn - it's okay to make mistakes!
Presentado en 5 artículos
Un día, en la escuela, Duncan encontró un montón de cartas para él. Eran sus crayones que, molestos por el trato que recibían, decidieron escribir cartas como ultimátum para Duncan. Crayón Beige está cansado de ser el segundón de Crayón Café; Crayón Negro quiere ser usado para algo más que los contornos; y el Naranja y el Amarillo ya no se hablan por que cada uno cree que es el verdadero color del sol. El pobre Duncan sólo quería que sus crayones fueran felices. ¿Qué podrá hacer para tenerlos de vuelta?
Presentado en 4 artículos

Luz y color
A Guide for the Realist Painter (Volume 2) (James Gurney Art)
From New York Times best-selling author of the Dinotopia series, James Gurney, comes a carefully crafted and researched study on color and light in paintings. This art instruction book will accompany the acclaimed Imaginative Realism: How to Paint What Doesn't Exist.
James Gurney, New York Times best-selling author and artist of the Dinotopia series, follows Imaginative Realism with his second art-instruction book, Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter. A researched study on two of art's most fundamental themes, Color and Light bridges the gap between abstract theory and practical knowledge. Beginning with a survey of underappreciated masters who perfected the use of color and light, the book examines how light reveals form, the properties of color and pigments, and the wide variety of atmospheric effects. Gurney cuts though the confusing and contradictory dogma about color, testing it in the light of science and observation. A glossary, pigment index, and bibliography complete what will ultimately become an indispensable tool for any artist.
This book is the second in a series based on his blog, His first in the series, Imaginative Realism, was widely acclaimed in the fantastical art world, and was ranked the #1 Bestseller on the Amazon list for art instruction.
"James Gurney's new book, Color and Light, cleverly bridges the gap between artistic observation and scientific explanation. Not only does he eloquently describe all the effects of color and light an artist might encounter, but he thrills us with his striking paintings in the process." --Armand Cabrera, Artist
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How to Draw
drawing and sketching objects and environments from your imagination
Learn how to draw any object or environment from your imagination with How to Draw! Geared towards artists, architects, and designers of all experience levels, this book teaches basic perspective drawing skills and provides a foundation for more complex forms. Discover the research and design processes used to generate visual concepts, and easily scan over 25 pages to access video tutorials through the Design Studio Press app. With over 26 years of teaching experience, the authors offer invaluable lessons and techniques to help you become a professional artist or designer. This book is a must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to draw or teaches others to do so.
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Press Here , the irrepressible New York Times bestseller, is now available in a Spanish language edition. With four starred reviews, a long-running spot as a New York Times bestseller, and appearances on almost every major "Best of Year" list, this remarkable book has won ardent fans everywhere with its simple but irresistible PRESS HERE on the yellow dot and watch the magic happen! Proving that the power of imagination trumps all technology and sophisticated language, this book's compelling interactivity makes it perfect to read (and play!) in the multilingual home or classroom.
Presentado en 4 artículos
Un curso de descubrimiento y rescate de tu propia creatividad. La mayoría de nosotros anhelamos ser más creativos y muchos creemos que conseguir serlo es imposible porque en realidad no lo somos. Este planteamiento es erróneo y lo único que provoca es que nuestra creatividad se quede dormida en nuestro interior junto a nuestra verdadera esencia. A menudo nos negamos el placer de soñar, de conseguir lo que siempre hemos deseado, de rechazar nuestros impulsos naturales, nuestra propia personalidad. El camino del artista nos enseña a crear con mayor libertad a través de la utilización consciente de una serie de herramientas que nos ayudarán a terminar con el bloqueo creativo.
Presentado en 4 artículos
Este es uno de los libros sobre arte más famosos y populares del mundo. Desde que se publicó -hace 45 anos- no tiene rival como introducción a todos los aspectos del arte desde las más antiguas pinturas en las cavernas hasta el arte experimental de nuestros días. Lectores de todas las edades y especializaciones consideran al profesor Gombrich como un verdadero maestro que sabe combinar conocimiento y sabiduría con una habilidad única para comunicar directamente su propio y profundo amor hacia las obras de arte que describe. La popularidad permanente de la historia del arte radica en la simplicidad de su lenguaje y en la capacidad del autor para presentar una narración clara y directa. Gombrich busca dar algún orden inteligible a la cantidad de nombres, periodos y estilos que pueblan las páginas de trabajos más ambiciosos, y utilizando su comprensión de la psicología de las artes visuales nos hace ver la historia del arte como un entrelazamiento y una alteración constantes de las tradiciones según las que cada obra se refiere al pasado y señala el futuro una cadena viva que todavía une a nuestros tiempos con la epoca de las pirámides. En su nuevo formato, la edición de este clásico seguir conquistando a las generaciones futuras y siendo la primera eleccio´ón de todos aquellos que quieran entrar en contacto con el fascinante mundo del arte.
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"Unleash your inner artist with this colorful and hilarious children's book. Follow along as one creative kid transforms his world with a dab of blue here, a splash of red there, and a goopy smear of green everywhere. With zany illustrations and playful rhymes, this book is sure to bring laughter and joy to storytime."
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This high-quality Spanish-language book can be enjoyed by fluent Spanish speakers as well as those learning the language, whether at home or in a classroom.
Una noche, Harold decide dar un paseo a la luz de la luna. Pero hay un pequeño problema: ¡La luna no esta fuera! Por suerte, Harold lleva consigo su lapiz color morado y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, se "" las pinta solo"" para enredarse en toda clase de aventuras.
Presentado en 3 artículos
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Bethanne PatrickTres ratoncitos blancos encuentran tres frascos de pintura -roja, azul y amarilla- y se ponen a jugar. Saltan, bailan y descubren cosas divertidas como el verde, el anaranjado y el morado. Pero nunca se olvidan del gato...
Presentado en 3 artículos
Ilustracion Creador by Andrew Loomis
The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp
Broad Strokes by Bridget Quinn
How to Be an Artist by Jerry Saltz
Alla Prima II by Richard Schmid, Katie Swatland
Dalí. Les dîners de Gala by Taschen
The Skillful Huntsman by Khang le
Camille y los girasoles by Laurence Anholt
The World Atlas of Street Art and Graffiti by Rafael Schacter
Light for Visual Artists Second Edition by Richard Yot
Art Fundamentals by Gilles Beloeil
Roba como un artista by Austin Kleon
All the Beauty in the World by Patrick Bringley
The Legend of Zelda by Patrick Thorpe
¡Mézclalo bien! by Herve Tullet
National Geographic The Photo Ark by Joel Sartore
Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees by Lawrence Weschler
Pequeño Azul y Pequeño Amarillo by Leo Lionni
Realismo imaginativo by James Gurney
Rendering in Pen and Ink by Arthur L. Guptill
Okami Official Complete Works by Capcom
The Art of BioShock Infinite by Irrational Games
Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting by John F. Carlson
Linocut for Artists & Designers by Nick Morley
The Art of Blizzard Entertainment by Nick Carpenter
The Artful Parent by Jean Van'T Hul
Peter Reynolds Creatrilogy Box Set by Peter H. Reynolds
Arte by Patrick McDonnell
Only What's Necessary by Chip Kidd
Art, Inc. by Lisa Congdon
Valkyria Chronicles by Sega
Halo by Titan Books
Picasso y sylvette by Laurence Anholt
Las Tijeras de Matisse by Jeanette Winter
The Art Book, Revised New Edition, midi format by Phaidon Editors
Watercolor for the Soul by Sharone Stevens
Soul of a Nation by Mark Godfrey
Rothko by Christopher Rothko
Noah Davis by Noah Davis
Street Art San Francisco by Annice Jacoby
Amado Perro by Maira Kalman
The Artist's Guide by Jackie Battenfield
Stik by Stik
Every Person in New York by Jason Polan
Turner's Sketchbooks by Ian Warrell
My Name Is Georgia by Jeanette Winter
Rituales cotidianos by Mason Currey
Metropolitan Stories by Christine Coulson
Siete días en el mundo del arte by Sarah Thornton
Kuzma Vostrikov and Ajuan Song by Kuzma Vostrikov
1000 лет радостей и печалей (1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows by Ай Вэйвэй, Ai Weiwei
El punto by Peter H Reynolds
Éramos unos niños by Patti Smith
El tiburón de 12 millones de dólares by Don Thompson
The Art of the Mass Effect Universe by Various
Picture This by Molly Bang
El Dibujo Al Alcance de Todos by Andrew Loomis
Composition of Outdoor Painting by Edgar Payne
Graffiti mujer by Nicholas Ganz
The Art of Destiny by . Bungie
Human Anatomy for Artists by Eliot Goldfinger
Vincent's Starry Night and Other Stories by Michael Bird
Ghetto Gastro Presents Black Power Kitchen by Jon Gray, Pierre Serrao, Lester Walker, Osayi Endolyn
How to Sell Your Art Online by Cory Huff
DIBUJA, PINTA e IMPRIME como los grandes artistas by Marion Deuchars
Covert to Overt by Shepard Fairey
Big Bad World of Concept Art for Video Games by Eliott J. Lilly
El Dia Que Pigasso Conocio A Muutisse by Nina Laden
Art Lab for Little Kids by Susan Schwake
Too Much Glue by Jason Lefebvre
Blek le Rat by Sybille Prou
Lines That Wiggle by Candace Whitman
Nick Cave by Damita Jo Freeman
Latoya Ruby Frazier by Dawoud Bey, Latoya Ruby Frazier, Dennis C. Dickerson, Laura Wexler
Steven Klein by Steven Klein, Mark Holborn
Living and Sustaining a Creative Life by Sharon Louden
Before Pictures by Douglas Crimp
Trespass Historia Del Arte Urbano No Oficial by Carlo McCormick
Street Logos by Tristan Manco
From the Sculptor's Studio by Ina Cole
La Guerra del Arte by Steven Pressfield
Marina Abramovic by Marina Abramovic, Katya Tylevich
Art Monsters by Lauren Elkin
My Museum by Joanne Liu
Arte y Miedo by David Bayles
Libera tu magia by Elizabeth Gilbert
How to See by David Salle