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Olivia Wilde

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Olivia Wilde is an Irish and American actress, producer, director, and activist. She is known for her role as Remy "Thirteen" Hadley. In 2019, she directed her first film, the teen comedy Booksmart, to critical acclaim.
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Unfollow book cover
A Memoir of Loving and Leaving the Westboro Baptist Church
Megan Phelps-roper - 2019-10-08
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This gripping memoir delves into the life of an activist who grew up in the notorious Westboro Baptist Church. Phelps-Roper reveals her journey from a childhood of protesting against homosexuality and other alleged vices, to her eventual departure from the church and moral awakening. Through her story, readers are shown the dangers of black-and-white thinking and the need for true humility in a time of angry polarization.
Olivia Wilde
Cannot even begin to recommend this enough. If you don't know Megan's story, this will blow your mind. Even if you do already know about her profound capacity for love and courage and humility, this is well worth a read. Read it and then buy it for everyone since you know you haven't even started holiday gift shopping. It should honestly be required reading as we head into an election year. So moving. So good.      fuente
Recomendado por
Nadia Bolz-Weber
The Dreamers book cover
The Dreamers
A Novel
Karen Thompson Walker - 2019-01-15
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A mysterious illness sweeps through a college town in Southern California, causing people to fall asleep and not wake up. Panic ensues as the number of cases multiplies, and the town is put under quarantine. As classes are canceled and supplies run low, a group of individuals from various walks of life are forced to come together and try to make sense of the illness. Unusual levels of brain activity are recorded in those infected, who are dreaming heightened dreams, but what are they dreaming of?
Olivia Wilde
Loving this one      fuente
Recomendado por
Berci Meskó
Una educación book cover
Una educación
A Memoir
Tara Westover - 2018-02-20
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Nacida en las montañas de Idaho, Tara Westover ha crecido en armonía con una naturaleza grandiosa y doblegada a las leyes que establece su padre, un mormón fundamentalista convencido de que el final del mundo es inminente. Ni Tara ni sus hermanos van a la escuela o acuden al médico cuando enferman. Todos trabajan con el padre, y su madre es curandera y única partera de la zona. Tara tiene un talento: el canto, y una obsesión: saber. Pone por primera vez los pies en un aula a los diecisiete años: no sabe que ha habido dos guerras mundiales, pero tampoco la fecha exacta de su nacimiento (no tiene documentos). Pronto descubre que la educación es la única vía para huir de su hogar. A pesar de empezar de cero, reúne las fuerzas necesarias para preparar el examen de ingreso a la universidad, cruzar el océano y graduarse en Cambridge, aunque para ello deba romper los lazos con su familia.
Olivia Wilde
Sat down in my plane seat, didn't feel take-off, 6 hours of flying, or landing. Unreal. Thank you, Tara Westover. Consider me educated.      fuente
Cómo cambiar tu mente book cover
Cómo cambiar tu mente
Lo que la nueva ciencia de la psicodelia nos enseña sobre la conciencia, la muer
Michael Pollan - 2018-05-17
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Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? One of America's most admired writers takes us on a mind-altering journey to the frontiers of human consciousness When LSD was first discovered in the 1940s, it seemed to researchers, scientists and doctors as if the world might be on the cusp of psychological revolution. It promised to shed light on the deep mysteries of consciousness, as well as offer relief to addicts and the mentally ill. But in the 1960s, with the vicious backlash against the counter-culture, all further research was banned. In recent years, however, work has quietly begun again on the amazing potential of LSD, psilocybin and DMT. Could these drugs in fact improve the lives of many people? Diving deep into this extraordinary world and putting himself forward as a guinea-pig, Michael Pollan has written a remarkable history of psychedelics and a compelling portrait of the new generation of scientists fascinated by the implications of these drugs. How to Change Your Mind is a report from what could very well be the future of human consciousness.
Olivia Wilde
I love what he did for the food revolution, but he’s also just an incredible investigative thinker, It’s an interesting discussion on how we view mental health and hallucinogenic drugs and the kind of ancient connection between those two things.      fuente
Outside the Wire book cover
Outside the Wire
Ten Lessons I've Learned in Everyday Courage
Jason Kander - 2018-08-07
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"Outside the Wire" is a political memoir by Jason Kander, a former Army Captain and founder of Let America Vote, who is considered the future of the Democratic Party by Barack Obama. Kander candidly shares his journey from soldier to politician, detailing important lessons he's learned along the way. With his signature voice, Kander inspires readers to a life of service and offers a hopeful vision of America's future.
Olivia Wilde
Nothing easier or more calming than reading a good book.      fuente
El poder book cover
El poder
Naomi Alderman - 2017-10-27 (publicado por primera vez en 2016)
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Una niña en la América profunda escapa de un padre maltratador. Un chico en Nigeria filma a una mujer que está siendo atacada en un supermercado. La hija de un criminal del este de Londres ve cómo su madre es asesinada. Una senadora en Nueva Inglaterra se esfuerza por proteger a su hija. Cuatro personajes que sufren las tensiones construidas a través de siglos de desequilibrio y amenaza están dispuestos a llegar lejos en su determinación por establecer un nuevo orden mundial. Cuatro chicas que descubren que poseen un poder: el de la electricidad. Con un simple movimiento de sus manos, pueden infligir un dolor agonizante e incluso la muerte. Un nuevo poder, extraordinario y devastador, ha llegado y cambiará el mundo para siempre.
Olivia Wilde
Believe the hype      fuente
Recomendado por
Barack ObamaBill Gates
Mama Tried book cover
Mama Tried
Dispatches from the Seamy Underbelly of Modern Parenting
Emily Flake - 2015-10-06
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A hilarious and honest illustrated book about the unexpected realities of pregnancy, birth, and early parenting. New Yorker cartoonist Emily Flake shares relatable anecdotes and essays about everything from morning sickness to mommy groups. Mama Tried is the perfect read for sleepless parents and a sweet reminder for those already out of the woods.
Olivia Wilde
Holy Shit, this book is hilarious(and honestly, necessary). What to expect can go blow itself. Buy this for any breeders in your life.      fuente
No Is Not Enough book cover
No Is Not Enough
Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need
Naomi Klein - 2017-06-13
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An urgent and insightful book by a renowned journalist on how we got to this surreal political moment and what we can do to create a better future. Trump's reckless agenda, including a corporate coup in government and sweeping aside climate science, will generate disasters and shocks. Naomi Klein argues that Trump is not an aberration but a logical extension of dangerous trends that have unleashed a rising tide of white nationalism globally. We need more than resistance; we need a roadmap for a fair and caring world. A timely and inspiring call to action.
Olivia Wilde
Thank you for writing this inspiring kick in the ass, Naomi Klein.      fuente
Radical Hope book cover
Radical Hope
Letters of Love and Dissent in Dangerous Times
Carolina de Robertis - 2017-05-02
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"Radical Hope" features a moving collection of letters written by an array of acclaimed novelists, poets, political thinkers, and activists. The letters provide a bold perspective of the love, courage, and hope necessary to navigate through difficult times of uncertainty, upheaval, and fear - especially in the wake of the recent US presidential election. This book will inspire readers to rise above weariness and discouragement, towards a brighter future with radical hope.
Olivia Wilde
This book is like a cool drink of water.      fuente
Al Franken, Giant of the Senate by Al Franken
The Girls by Emma Cline
Find Me Unafraid by Kennedy Odede
Entre el mundo y yo by Ta-Nehisi Coates
La mujer que no quería amar. Y otras historias sobre el inconsciente by Stephen Grosz
El círculo by Dave Eggers
El día que los crayones renunciaron by Drew Daywalt
Joan of Arc by Mark Twain