Brene Brown
Libros Recomendados
Dr. Brené Brown is a professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and her latest book, Dare to Lead, which is the culmination of a seven-year study on courage and leadership.
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Challenges narrow perceptions of Blackness as both an identity and lived reality to understand the diversity of what it means to be Black in the US and around the world...
Brene Brown
2021-05-10T14:33:01.000ZThis thought-provoking book, Black Magic, is a powerful exploration of achieving success in a predominantly white world. Through moving interviews with Black leaders, scientists, artists, activists, and innovators, author Chad Sanders sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of staying true to one's identity while navigating white-dominated spaces. From imposter syndrome to the burden of whiteness, this book offers an inspiring and honest perspective on resilience, perseverance, and creativity – qualities Chad calls Black Magic. Don't miss this incredible revelation and celebration of Black achievement.
Brene Brown
Culture Renovation
18 Leadership Actions to Build an Unshakeable Company
This book explores the concept of a culture renovation for businesses to maintain their competitive edge. Rather than attempting to completely transform a culture, leaders should focus on changing what needs to be changed while maintaining what works. With practical insights from top companies like T-Mobile and Microsoft, readers will learn how to identify influencers and blockers, measure progress, and sustain a culture renovation with proven talent practices. This book provides everything needed to plan, build, and maintain a corporate culture that drives profits, growth, and sustainability for years to come.
Brene Brown
2021-01-20T00:08:00.000ZThis compelling memoir by a new voice on racial justice explores growing up Black, Christian, and female in middle-class white America. The author shares her experiences navigating America's racial divide as a writer and expert, helping organizations practice genuine inclusion. Through her personal journey, she illuminates the complexity of America's social fabric and invites readers to confront apathy and recognize God's ongoing work in the world. A must-read for anyone interested in evolving their understanding of racial justice in America.
Un íntimo, poderoso e inspirador libro de memorias de la exprimera dama de Estados Unidos.
Protagonista de una vida plena y exitosa, Michelle Obama se ha convertido en una de las mujeres más icónicas y cautivadoras de nuestra era. Como primera dama de los Estados Unidos de América, y primera afroamericana en desempeñar esa función, contribuyó a que la Casa Blanca alcanzara sus mayores cotas de apertura y pluralidad de la historia; se erigió en destacada defensora de las mujeres y las niñas en Estados Unidos y en el resto del mundo, introdujo cambios drásticos encaminados a promover una vida saludable y activa en las familias, y acompañó a su esposo cuando el país atravesaba algunos de los momentos más desgarradores de su historia. Por el camino nos enseñó pasos de baile, causó furor en Carpool Karaoke y consiguió criar a dos hijas con los pies en la tierra bajo el implacable escrutinio de los medios de comunicación.
En sus memorias, profundamente reflexivas y cautivadoras, Michelle Obama invita al lector a entrar en su mundo relatando las experiencias que han forjado su carácter, desde su infancia en la zona sur de Chicago, hasta los años que vivió en la residencia más famosa del mundo, pasando por su etapa como alta directiva, durante la que tuvo que compaginar la maternidad con la vida profesional. Haciendo gala de una honestidad a toda prueba y de un ingenio vivaz, describe sus logros y decepciones tanto en la esfera pública como en la privada, y narra sin ambages la historia de su vida, con sus propias palabras y en sus propios términos. Cálido, lúcido y revelador, Becoming es un relato excepcionalmente íntimo de una mujer de gran moralidad y valía, que una vez y otra ha superado todas las expectativas y cuya historia nos inspira a seguir su ejemplo.
Brene Brown
2018-11-13T00:00:00.000ZDiscover the secrets of success and satisfaction in the book that turns common beliefs on their head. Rather than striving for more money, time, and resources, Rice University professor Scott Sonenshein demonstrates why we should practice "stretching" - finding creative ways to embrace the resources we already have. Using captivating stories and research in psychology and management, Sonenshein shows how resourcefulness, not abundance, leads to success for individuals and businesses alike.
Brene Brown
2017-02-10T00:00:00.000ZRecomendado por
Adam GrantEste libro relata la historia de un joven pastor andaluz que un día dejó su rebaño de ovejas para emprender un viaje en el que aprendió a escuchar a su corazón y descifrar un lenguaje que está más allá de las palabras. Nos recuerda la incapacidad que las personas tienen para escoger su propio destino. Nos habla de la leyenda personal que cada persona tiene. Vivir la leyenda personal es la razón de vivir. Y cuando quieres algo, todo el Universo conspira para que realices tu deseo, tu sueño. El jóven pastor viaja en busca de su tesoro escondido siguiendo las señales. Dios escribió en el mundo el camino que cada hombre debe seguir. Sólo hay que leer lo que Él escribió para cada uno de nosotros. El Alquimista es comparado con otros libros conocidos como El Principito o Juan Salvador Gaviota. Con este viaje por las arenas del desierto, Paulo Coelho crea un símbolo hermoso y revelador de la vida, el hombre y sus sueños.
Brene Brown
The Velvet Rage
Overcoming the Pain of Growing Up Gay in a Straight Man's World
Explore the impact of growing up gay in a straight world with a focus on coming to terms with the past. The author, drawing on his own journey and contemporary psychological research, reveals the toxic cocktail of shame, rejection, and anger that gay men can internalize, leading to negative outcomes like drug abuse, promiscuity, and depression. Velvet Rage details a path to emotional well-being for gay men and debunks the myth of gay pride.
Brene Brown
2013-04-16T20:33:07.000ZRecomendado por
Soman ChainaniDiscover how embracing "stupid" ideas can lead to success, creativity, and fulfillment. In this inspiring book, learn how to crush fear and overcome obstacles to make your dreams a reality. Drawing on years of research and interviews with successful individuals, the author shows that "stupid" may actually be the new smart. Don't miss out on the potential of your ideas - start something stupid today and achieve authentic success.
Brene Brown
2013-04-15T00:00:00.000ZAn insightful exploration of the diverse human qualities, The Book of Qualities brings our emotions to life with a poet's wisdom and an artist's perceptive eye. This evocative work portrays the complexities of the psyche, using a cast of familiar characters and challenging us to look at our emotions in new and inspiring ways. Experience Excitement's orange socks, Faith and Doubt living in the same building, and Worry's endless lists of everything that could go wrong while waiting for the train. A unique and magical community awaits in this original and thought-provoking book.
Brene Brown
2013-04-15T00:00:00.000ZLecciones de liderazgo creativo by Robert Iger
Todo tiene solución by Marie Forleo
No hay vuelta atrás by Melinda Gates
Imperfect Courage by Jessica Honegger
Lead Yourself First by Raymond M. Kethledge
Why Won't You Apologize? by Harriet Lerner
Positive Discipline Parenting Tools by Jane Nelsen Ed. D.
Love, Henri by Henri J. M. Nouwen
Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For by William A. Gentry
Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner
Sé amable contigo mismo by Kristin Neff
Positive Discipline A-Z by Jane Nelsen Ed. D.
Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen
Disciplina Positiva by Jane Nelsen Ed. D.
La Danza de la Ira by Harriet Lerner
The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers by Jane Nelsen Ed. D.