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Eric Alper

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Eric Alper is a Canadian music correspondent, blogger, radio host and former director of media relations at eOne Music Canada based in Toronto, Ontario. Eric now runs a music public relations company That Eric Alper, and is the host of That Eric Alper show on SiriusXM.
25 libros en la lista
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Never a Dull Moment book cover
Never a Dull Moment
1971 The Year That Rock Exploded
David Hepworth - 2016-06-07
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"Never a Dull Moment" takes readers on a captivating journey through 1971, a monumental year that marked the shift from pop to rock music. Author David Hepworth celebrates the arrival of iconic stars like David Bowie, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin and explores how they worked together to create a new era of music that would last longer than anyone predicted. From major moments to legendary songs, and even the cultural inspirations behind the music, 'Never a Dull Moment' is an epic tale of the best year in rock and roll.
Eric Alper
@TimGavrich The book the 1971 doc is based on is brilliant. Love David Hepworth!      fuente
Recomendado por
Edgar Wright
Beautiful Scars book cover
Beautiful Scars
Steeltown Secrets, Mohawk Skywalkers and the Road Home
Tom Wilson - 2017-11-21
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A moving and honest memoir about Tom Wilson's life growing up in Hamilton, with World War II vets, wrestlers, and factory workers as his company. Despite carving out an international music career and becoming a father, Tom battled demons and addiction while waiting for the truth to emerge. Beautiful Scars is a story about scars, both the ones that hurt us and the ones that make us who we are. Wilson writes with extraordinary compassion and unflinching honesty in his search for the truth.
Eric Alper
Tom Wilson was raised in the rough-and-tumble world of Hamilton and the deeply guarded secrets kept by his parents. When the truth emerged, it would sweep up the St. Lawrence River to the Mohawk reserves of Quebec. His book is a must-read.      fuente
The Science of Song book cover
The Science of Song
How and Why We Make Music
Alan Cross - 2021-09-07
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Discover the science and history of music with this engaging illustrated book. Explore the basics of sound and music, and how technology has transformed how we listen to it. Learn about the progression of recorded music, the creation of everyday items like headphones, and the science behind our experience of music. Playlists accompany each topic, featuring a range of artists and genres. Written by a team of well-known journalists and writers, this book is perfect for adolescents beginning to explore the subject. With cross-curriculum links to physical science, engineering, technology, music, and history, this book is a fascinating blend of education and entertainment. Includes a timeline, glossary, resources, and index.
Eric Alper
Get This Book: The Science of Song: How and Why We Make Music by Alan Cross, Emme Cross and Nicole Mortillaro.      fuente
Blues All Around Me book cover
Blues All Around Me
The Autobiography of B. B. King
B. B. King - 1996-11-01
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"Blues All Around Me" is more than just a memoir. B.B. King, the undisputed blues king, shares his story of overcoming monumental odds to succeed as an artist in an often unfriendly world. He tells it straight from the heart, covering themes of tragedy, triumph, and everything in between. The book also explores how blues music changed during its migration from the Mississippi Delta to urban areas like Chicago. Don't miss this unique and true-to-life tale of one of the most influential musicians of all time.
Eric Alper
Written with verve and purpose, this book isn’t just about the Blues— it’s a history lesson and makes a great gift for any budding music lover in your life. More of my picks on @theHUBWM: #wellprepped #wellpreppedfortheholidays #ad      fuente
Cómo dejamos de pagar por la música - El fin de una industria, el cambio de siglo y el paciente cero de la piratería book cover
Cómo dejamos de pagar por la música - El fin de una industria, el cambio de siglo y el paciente cero de la piratería
A Story of Obsession and Invention
Stephen Witt - 2015-06-16
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¿QUÉ OCURRE CUANDO TODA UNA GENERACIÓN COMETE EL MISMO CRIMEN? Cómo dejamos de pagar por la música documenta por primera vez uno de los fenómenos clave de la cultura contemporánea: la debacle de la industria musical tal y como la conocíamos, y la irrupción de la cultura digital, la piratería y los archivos de audio MP3 como vehículo del nuevo consumo de la música. Tras años de investigación, Stephen Witt construye un fascinante relato que explora tres momentos de la historia que explican cómo ha cambiado el mundo en relación con el consumo de la música grabada. El primero de los momentos nos lleva a los investigadores e ingenieros alemanes, encabezados por Karlheinz Brandenburg, que, buscando un método que permitiera comprimir el sonido para facilitar su transmisión, dieron con un invento que, a pesar de que fue inicialmente denostado por el comité que decide qué estándares tecnológicos llegan al consumidor (MPEG), revolucionaría a finales del siglo xx la manera como el público escucharía la música a partir de ese momento. En segundo lugar, la investigación de Witt nos lleva a Dell Glover: el «paciente cero» de la piratería, uno de los primeros que empezó a filtrar los discos de éxito del momento semanas antes de que salieran al mercado. Glover, que trabajaba en la planta de CD de Kings Mountain, Carolina del Norte, perteneciente al gigante de la industria musical PolyGram, extraía subrepticiamente los CD de la fábrica antes de que se publicaran y los «colgaba» en las primigenias redes piratas, a partir de las cuales se extendían como el cáncer por todo el mundo. El tercer gran protagonista es una de las eminentes figuras de la industria musical norteamericana: Doug Morris, que, al frente de las principales majors de la música, contempló cómo la industria musical que había contribuido en gran parte a levantar se iba a pique. Cómo dejamos de pagar por la música es el relato de esta controvertida historia que traza el paso del CD al MP3, y del pago por la música a la «gratuidad». Fenómenos como Napster, The Pirate Bay, el iPod y iTunes de Apple, y un largo etcétera, se dan cita en este libro que ilumina uno de los fenómenos más paradigmáticos de nuestro tiempo.
Eric Alper
Books on the music industry you should read:“How Music Got Free: A Story of Obsession and Invention, Stephen Witt The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA, and the Hidden History of Hollywood, Dennis McDougal Please Kill Me: Uncensored Oral History of Punk, Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain      fuente
Por favor, mátame book cover
Por favor, mátame
The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
Legs McNeil - 2006-04-13 (publicado por primera vez en 1996)
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"Por Favor, Mátame" es una completa retrospectiva sobre la gestación y el nacimiento punk, narrada por sus propios protagonistas. Sin embargo, al decir punk no hablamos tan sólo del estereotípico movimiento británico del '77, sino también de la trepidante aventura musical que empezó a tomar forma bajo tierra a mediados de los años 60, en Estados Unidos. Partiendo del Nueva York de 1966, con la Velvet Underground y Nico, Andy Warhol y los personajes de la Factory, el libro viaja a Detroit (MC5, Stooges), Nueva York de nuevo (Patti Smith, New York Dolls, Ramones, Television... ), Gran Bretaña (The Clash, Sex Pistols... ) para así escalarecer el proceso por el cual fue alumbrado el punk y su posterior impacto mundial.
Eric Alper
Books on the music industry you should read:“How Music Got Free: A Story of Obsession and Invention, Stephen Witt The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA, and the Hidden History of Hollywood, Dennis McDougal Please Kill Me: Uncensored Oral History of Punk, Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain      fuente
Recomendado por
Seth Mandel
The Last Mogul book cover
The Last Mogul
Lew Wasserman, MCA, and the Hidden History of Hollywood
Dennis McDougal - 2001-04-20
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Discover the life story of the elusive and feared Lew Wasserman, the most powerful man in Hollywood for over 50 years. This extraordinary biography draws on interviews with over 350 colleagues, relatives, and rivals, as well as tens of thousands of pages of documents. Wasserman was guru to Hollywood legends like Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando, and mentored a new generation of filmmakers including Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. This thoroughly researched and engrossing portrait of a show business legend is not to be missed.
Eric Alper
Books on the music industry you should read:“How Music Got Free: A Story of Obsession and Invention, Stephen Witt The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA, and the Hidden History of Hollywood, Dennis McDougal Please Kill Me: Uncensored Oral History of Punk, Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain      fuente
Ropa música chicos book cover
Ropa música chicos
A Memoir
Viv Albertine - 2014-01-01
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Como los viejos elepés, este libro tiene una cara A y una cara B. La primera po­dría titularse «Sexo, drogas y punk». La segunda, «Hay vida después del punk». Viv Albertine llega a Londres en 1958 con cuatro años, procedente de Sídney. Estas memorias arrancan con su infan-cia y adolescencia, entre descubrimientos musicales –John Lennon, los Kinks, Marc Bolan–, conciertos -–de los Stones, David Bowie...–, primeras escapadas –a Ám­sterdam– y primeras experiencias adultas –con ladillas incorporadas–. A finales de los setenta, dos encuentros lo cambian todo: conoce a Mick Jones y descubre a Patti Smith. A partir de ahí, Viv se integra en la emergente escena punk y vive en primera línea aquellos años de revuelta, provocación y excesos: los Sex Pistols, Malcolm McLaren, Vivienne Westwood, los Clash, Sid Vicious y Johnny Thunders, la formación del grupo de chicas The Slits, en el que toca la guitarra, los locales míticos, el Soho, con sus cines porno y sus clubs, los conciertos salvajes, la heroína, las peleas con skinheads, el des­cubrimiento del free jazz y la gira a la que invitan a Don Cherry..., hasta que a principios de los ochenta su banda se disuelve. Arranca entonces la cara B, con la necesidad de reinventarse, el interés por el cine, un aborto, una hija, el cáncer de cuello de útero, el divorcio tras un largo matrimonio y su nueva situación como mujer madura, tema al que dedica una canción: «Confessions of a MILF».
Eric Alper
Books You Should Read: Clothes, Clothes, Clothes... by Viv Albertine Le Freak by Nile Rodgers Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan Just Kids by Patti Smith Life by Keith Richards Black By Design: A 2-Tone Memoir by Pauline Black Miles: The Autobiography by Miles Davis      fuente
Black by Design book cover
Black by Design
Pauline Black - 2012-06-12 (publicado por primera vez en 2011)
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"Black By Design" is a captivating memoir that charts the incredible journey of Pauline Black, lead singer of The Selecter, from her humble beginnings as a child adopted by a working-class family, to her rise as the Queen of British Ska. This book reflects on the themes of identity, music, race, family and the search for roots as Black shares hilarious and enlightening stories about touring with some of the biggest British bands of the era, as well as her venture into acting and broadcasting. Discover a story of courage, talent and perseverance!
Eric Alper
Books You Should Read: Clothes, Clothes, Clothes... by Viv Albertine Le Freak by Nile Rodgers Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan Just Kids by Patti Smith Life by Keith Richards Black By Design: A 2-Tone Memoir by Pauline Black Miles: The Autobiography by Miles Davis      fuente
Le Freak book cover
Le Freak
An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco and Destiny
Nile Rodgers - 2011-10-18
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Discover the fascinating story of the man behind some of the most iconic songs in pop music today. From Chic to David Bowie, Madonna to Michael Jackson, Nile Rodgers wrote and produced the songs that defined the 70s and 80s, selling millions of records in the process. In "Le Freak," Nile Rodgers takes us behind the velvet rope of the era's most glamorous clubs, and through the underground subcultures that influenced his music. An absorbing memoir from a brilliant storyteller, "Le Freak" is a celebration of pop music's most sparkling era, and the man who helped set it in motion.
Eric Alper
Books You Should Read: Clothes, Clothes, Clothes... by Viv Albertine Le Freak by Nile Rodgers Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan Just Kids by Patti Smith Life by Keith Richards Black By Design: A 2-Tone Memoir by Pauline Black Miles: The Autobiography by Miles Davis      fuente
The Never-Ending Present by Michael Barclay
Woman Walk the Line by Holly Gleason
The Game by Jon Pessah
El arte de pedir by Amanda Palmer
Vida by Keith Richards
Éramos unos niños by Patti Smith
The Wrong Stuff by Billy Lee
Crónicas by Bob Dylan
The Bronx Zoo by Sparky Lyle
Moneyball by Michael Lewis
Five Seasons by Roger Angell
Veeck As In Wreck by Bill Veeck
Ball Four by Jim Bouton
The Boys of Summer by Roger Kahn
Miles - the Autobiography by Miles Davis by Miles Davis