14 libros en la lista
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El libro del año. Define el fin de la era de la globalización y explica el mayor conflicto geopolítico desde la guerra fría. Si hay un conflicto que está definiendo ahora mismo la geopolítica mundial es la guerra de los chips.
Todas las tecnologías actuales, de los misiles a los microondas, de los smartphones a los coches, funcionan con semiconductores. La economía mundial, el equilibrio de poderes, la supremacía militar y el desarrollo industrial dependen de su producción constante.
Hasta hace poco, Estados Unidos era el principal productor de semiconductores, lo que le permitía mantener su liderazgo como primera superpotencia mundial. Sin embargo, su posición dominante se ve cada vez más amenazada por competidores de Taiwán, Corea, Europa y, sobre todo, China, que inyecta anualmente miles de millones en un programa de fabricación de procesadores con el fin de alcanzar a su competidor estadounidense. No solo está en juego la prosperidad económica de Estados Unidos, sino también su superioridad militar.
Chris Miller muestra cómo los microprocesadores han revolucionado el mundo y cambiado el curso de la Historia, y cómo la lucha por esta tecnología podría conducir no solo a su escasez mundial, sino también al nacimiento de una nueva Guerra Fría con una superpotencia hostil desesperada por cubrir la brecha que la separa de su rival.
Esclarecedor, pertinente y cautivador, La guerra de los chips es una obra esencial para entender el papel vital de esta tecnología en la situación política y económica actual y el futuro que nos espera.
Jason Furman
The Netanyahus
An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family
A Jewish historian is forced to play host to Benzion Netanyahu and his family during a hiring committee interview at a campus in upstate New York. Mixing fiction with nonfiction, The Netanyahus is a genre-bending comedy of blending, identity, and politics that showcases Joshua Cohen's impressive skills as a writer.
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Corey RobinEmbark on a thrilling adventure through time with Enver Eleven, the newest recruit of the Agency. Enver's first mission: prevent the apocalypse from occurring again. In this Afrofuturistic tale filled with conspiracy and intrigue, follow Enver as he travels through hotspots across the timeline to save human history. Will Enver be able to preserve our very existence? Find out in the award-winning novel by Imraan Coovadia.
Jason Furman
2022-03-20T23:26:56.000ZExplore the challenges of balancing career and family as you follow women's journey towards achieving equity in the workplace and at home. Claudia Goldin's in-depth look at the experiences of college-educated women throughout the twentieth century sheds new light on the struggle for true equality for dual career couples. Discover how COVID-19 has hindered women's advancement, and learn how remote and flexible work could be the pandemic's silver lining. Find out why we must make fundamental changes to the way we work and value caregiving to achieve lasting change.
Jason Furman
El precio de la paz
Dinero, democracia y la vida de John Maynard Keynes (Contextos)
A page-turning biography of world-changing economist John Maynard Keynes and the big ideas, inspired by his friendships with the Bloomsbury Group, that outlived him.
In the spring of 1934, Virginia Woolf sketched an affectionate "biographical fantasy" of her great friend John Maynard Keynes. Writing two years before the publication of his magnum opus, The General Theory, Woolf nevertheless found herself unable to condense her friend's already-extraordinary life into anything less than twenty-five themes, which she jotted down at the opening of her portrait: "Politics. Art. Dancing. Letters. Economics. Youth. The Future. Glands. Genealogies. Atlantis. Mortality. Religion. Cambridge. Eton. The Drama. Society. Truth. Pigs. Sussex. The History of England. America. Optimism. Stammer. Old Books. Hume."
Keynes was not only an economist, as he is remembered today, but the preeminent anti-authoritarian thinker of the twentieth century, a man who devoted his life to the belief that art and ideas could conquer war and deprivation. A moral philosopher, political theorist, and statesman, Keynes immersed himself in a creative milieu filled with ballerinas and literary icons as he developed his own innovative and at times radical thought, reinventing Enlightenment liberalism for the harrowing crises of his day--which included two world wars and an economic collapse that challenged the legitimacy of capitalism and democratic government itself. Keynes's extraordinary life took him from intimate turn-of-the-century parties in London's riotous Bloomsbury art scene to the fevered negotiations in Paris that shaped the Treaty of Versailles, through stock market crashes on two continents, diplomatic breakthroughs in the mountains of New Hampshire, and wartime ballet openings at Covent Garden.
In this riveting biography, veteran journalist Zachary D. Carter unearths the lost legacy of one of history's greatest minds. John Maynard Keynes's vibrant, deeply human vision of democracy, art, and the good life has been obscured by technical debates, but in The Price of Peace, Carter revives a forgotten set of ideas with the power to reinvent national government and reframe the principles of international diplomacy in our own time.
Jason Furman
2020-12-31T03:31:37.000ZHow education and technology affect each other, and what it means for society: this book provides a fascinating historical analysis of the relationship between education, wages, and inequality in the US in the twentieth century. Discover how the American educational system became the engine of the world's richest nation, and how technological change has affected the race between education and inequality in recent decades. A must-read for anyone interested in the future of work and education.
Jason Furman
Las personas más raras del mundo
How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous
Un relato audaz y épico sobre cómo la coevolución de la psicología y la cultura creó la peculiar mente occidental que ha moldeado profundamente el mundo moderno. Quizás usted sea RARO: criado en una sociedad occidental, educada, industrializada, rica y democrática. Si es así, eres bastante peculiar psicológicamente. A diferencia de la mayor parte del mundo actual, y de la mayoría de las personas que han existido, las personas RARAS son muy individualistas, obsesionadas con sí mismas, orientadas al control, inconformistas y analíticas. Se centran en sí mismos -sus atributos, logros y aspiraciones- por encima de sus relaciones y roles sociales. ¿Cómo llegaron a ser las poblaciones WEIRD tan psicológicamente distintas? ¿Qué papel desempeñaron estas diferencias psicológicas en la revolución industrial y la expansión global de Europa durante los últimos siglos? En ‘El pueblo más raro del mundo’, Joseph Henrich se basa en investigaciones de vanguardia en antropología, psicología, economía y biología evolutiva para explorar estas cuestiones y otras más. El autor explica los orígenes y la evolución de las estructuras familiares, el matrimonio y la religión, así como el profundo impacto de estas transformaciones culturales en la psicología humana. Al trazar un mapa de estos cambios a través de la historia antigua y la antigüedad tardía, Henrich revela que las instituciones más fundamentales del parentesco y el matrimonio cambiaron drásticamente bajo la presión de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Fueron estos cambios los que dieron lugar a la psicología WEIRD que coevolucionaría con los mercados impersonales, la especialización laboral y la libre competencia, sentando las bases del mundo moderno. Provocador y atractivo tanto por su amplio alcance como por sus sorprendentes detalles, El pueblo más raro del mundo’ explora cómo la cultura, las instituciones y la psicología se moldean mutuamente, y explica lo que esto significa tanto para nuestro sentido más personal de quiénes somos como individuos como para las fuerzas sociales, políticas y económicas a gran escala que impulsan la historia humana.
Jason Furman
2020-10-19T02:04:59.000ZThe Riches of This Land is a character-driven narrative that sheds light on the decline of the middle class in America, while providing a roadmap for its revival. Jim Tankersley blends his personal experiences with new economic and political research to unravel the mystery of the American economy since the 1970s. He also addresses policies that have led to inequality and the dangerous theories of the economy peddled by politicians like Trump. The book concludes with policy prescriptions that can create more and better jobs for all workers, regardless of race or gender, and restore upward mobility.
Jason Furman
Divided We Fall
America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation
Divided We Fall warns of the potential dangers of our polarized society and the potential for the United States to fracture into regions, destabilizing the world. French presents a mix of cutting edge research and fair-minded analysis while calling for unity and tolerance in the face of escalating violence and extreme ideologies.
Jason Furman
2020-10-10T21:03:21.000ZThe Republic of Beliefs by Kaushik Basu
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
El pueblo contra la democracia by Yascha Mounk
Los filósofos terrenales by Robert L. Heilbroner
El Maestro y Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov