15 libros en la lista
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By More Than Providence
Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783 (A Nancy Bernkopf Tucker and Warren I. Cohen Book on American–East Asian Relations)
This historical book explores the United States' evolving policy towards East Asia, dating back to the 18th century. From early debates about partnering with China or Japan, to modern concerns about defending the Pacific, the author uncovers recurring themes in American statecraft. Drawing on archives and interviews, he focuses on a central fear: that a rival power might use the Pacific to isolate and threaten the United States, preventing trade and the spread of democracy. Follow the ideas of history's major strategists and statesmen, including Mahan and Kissinger, to gain clarity on America's stake in the region.
Michael McFaul
El libro del año. Define el fin de la era de la globalización y explica el mayor conflicto geopolítico desde la guerra fría. Si hay un conflicto que está definiendo ahora mismo la geopolítica mundial es la guerra de los chips.
Todas las tecnologías actuales, de los misiles a los microondas, de los smartphones a los coches, funcionan con semiconductores. La economía mundial, el equilibrio de poderes, la supremacía militar y el desarrollo industrial dependen de su producción constante.
Hasta hace poco, Estados Unidos era el principal productor de semiconductores, lo que le permitía mantener su liderazgo como primera superpotencia mundial. Sin embargo, su posición dominante se ve cada vez más amenazada por competidores de Taiwán, Corea, Europa y, sobre todo, China, que inyecta anualmente miles de millones en un programa de fabricación de procesadores con el fin de alcanzar a su competidor estadounidense. No solo está en juego la prosperidad económica de Estados Unidos, sino también su superioridad militar.
Chris Miller muestra cómo los microprocesadores han revolucionado el mundo y cambiado el curso de la Historia, y cómo la lucha por esta tecnología podría conducir no solo a su escasez mundial, sino también al nacimiento de una nueva Guerra Fría con una superpotencia hostil desesperada por cubrir la brecha que la separa de su rival.
Esclarecedor, pertinente y cautivador, La guerra de los chips es una obra esencial para entender el papel vital de esta tecnología en la situación política y económica actual y el futuro que nos espera.
Michael McFaul
The Hawk and the Dove
Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the History of the Cold War
Discover the striking tale of two American men who were at the epicenter of the Cold War. Despite holding opposing strategies for winning the conflict, they remained lifelong friends. One believed in preparing to win a nuclear clash, while the other advocated for containing the Soviet Union. This masterful double biography tells the story of the Cold War through the careers of two of its most interesting and important figures.

Russia's Crony Capitalism
The Path from Market Economy to Kleptocracy
This insightful book delves into Russia's economic system and how it has been used to consolidate power and control in the hands of Putin's wealthy and loyal network of cronies. Learn about Putin's tactics and their implications for Russia's future, including the hidden wealth in offshore havens and the impact on the stagnating economy. A must-read for those interested in understanding the inner workings of modern-day Russia.
Michael McFaul
2022-03-09T20:07:02.000Z"Here, Right Matters" is a powerful memoir by retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman. A naturalized citizen, Vindman made the decision to report the infamous phone call that led to presidential impeachment, despite intense pressure to stay silent. In this stirring account, Vindman shares his childhood as an immigrant, his career in service of his new home, and the fallout and cost of his brave actions. "Here, Right Matters" is a call to arms for those who refuse to let America betray its true self.
Michael McFaul
Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy
An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity
This book tackles the prevalent issue of economic inequality in America - a country that prides itself on being the land of opportunity. Despite this, the US lags behind developed nations when it comes to measures of inequality and economic mobility. Author Joseph E. Stiglitz debunks the common belief that these stark conditions are inevitable consequences of market outcomes, globalization, and technological progress. He argues that American inequality is a result of misguided structural rules that actually stifle economic growth. This book provides valuable insights on the policies that need to change to encourage greater equality without sacrificing growth.
Michael McFaul
2020-11-28T05:19:49.000ZInvisible China delves into the real economic consequences of China's rapid development, shedding light on the country's overreliance on unskilled labor and its potential for an economic crisis. Authors Scott Rozelle and Natalie Hell draw on extensive surveys on the ground, revealing that while China may be the world's second-largest economy, its labor force has one of the lowest levels of education of any comparable country. The book speaks not only to an urgent humanitarian concern but also a potential economic crisis that could upend economies and foreign relations around the globe. This timely call to action is essential reading for economists, policymakers, the business community, and general readers alike.
Michael McFaul
2020-11-13T17:48:35.000Z"The Kill Chain" by Christian Brose highlights how new technologies are threatening America's military might. It emphasizes that the future of war is not about buying better versions of the same military systems; instead, it is about buying faster, better kill chains. Former Staff Director for the Senate Armed Services Committee and senior policy advisor to Senator John McCain, Christian Brose elaborates on one of the greatest strategic predicaments facing America now -- that they are playing a losing game. The book emphasizes that the biggest obstacle to adapting is the sheer force of the status quo.
Michael McFaul
2020-09-15T05:26:26.000ZRecomendado por
Chris FralicIn Tough Love, Susan Rice shares her inspiring story of a life in service to family and country. As National Security Advisor to President Obama, Rice provides an insider's account of pivotal moments in American diplomacy and foreign policy. She reveals previously untold stories behind recent national security challenges, including the struggle to contain the fallout from Edward Snowden's leaks, the U.S. response to Russian interference in the 2016 election, and the surreal transition to the Trump administration. With unmatched insight and bluntness, Rice culminates with an appeal to the American public to bridge our dangerous domestic divides in order to preserve our democracy and sustain our global leadership.
Michael McFaul
2020-07-31T21:18:00.000ZRecomendado por
Barack ObamaNosotros by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Welfare for Autocrats by Jennifer Pan
The Back Channel by William J. Burns
The Third Revolution by Elizabeth C. Economy
Unstable Majorities by Morris P. Fiorina
The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom by John Pomfret