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Jon Gabriel

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Jon Gabriel is an editor-in-chief at Ricochet and columnist covering diverse subjects including policy, politics, and pop culture. Published in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the New York Post, the Arizona Republic, and other publications.
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Don Quijote de la Mancha book cover
Don Quijote de la Mancha
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - 2003-02-25 (publicado por primera vez en 1605)
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La Real Academia Española conmemora el IV Centenario de Don Quijote de la Mancha con la publicación de una edición de la obra de Miguel de Cervantes preparada por Francisco Rico, el investigador más prestigioso y reconocido de la obra de Cervantes. La obra, que será lanzada simultáneamente en España y América bajo el sello editorial Alfaguara, busca divulgar la gran novela de la literatura española mediante una edición muy cuidada y de gran calidad. El texto de Cervantes va precedido por introducciones de Mario Vargas Llosa, Martín de Riquer, Francisco Ayala y el propio Francisco Rico y se cierra con otra serie de diversos artículos de importantes comentaristas y un extenso glosario de términos que ayudará al lector actual a conocer la lengua de Cervantes. Se trata de una edición de calidad, con un formato de 12,5 x 20,5 cm; sus 1360 páginas están impresas en papel offset blanco. Su gramaje permite, por su ligereza, ofrecer tal número de páginas en un único tomo muy manejable para el lector por su peso y tamaño. Su tapa de cartoné plastificado está impresa a cuatro colores sobre papel estucado semimate de 150 g, los pliegos están cosidos con hilo vegetal, el lomo es redondo y lleva una cinta de registro de raso. De esta forma, se conjuga la calidad y seriedad de la edición conmemorativa del IV Centenario con la belleza del libro en sí, llamado a perdurar en las bibliotecas personales e institucionales.
Jon Gabriel
@jlockett02 @shermanranch1 By reading this book, though, I retrospectively find "Don Quixote" even more brilliant. (And it was already one of my faves)      fuente
Demons book cover
A Novel in Three Parts (Vintage Classics)
Fyodor Dostoevsky - 1995-08-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1872)
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"Demons" by Fyodor Dostoevsky is a dark and humorous novel that delves into the effects of materialist ideology on Russia in the late 1800s. Inspired by a true story, the plot escalates quickly with conspiracy and assassination, and the book is a riot of literary voices. This new English version captures the profusion, energy, and variety of the original novel.
Jon Gabriel
@jamespoulos That book is amazing. And prescient.      fuente
On the Incarnation book cover
On the Incarnation
Saint Athanasius (Popular Patristics)
Saint Athanasius - 1977-06-28 (publicado por primera vez en 318)
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Experience the genius of one of the most revered theological-philosophical thinkers of the early church in this easy-to-read treatise on the incarnation of Christ. Written by Saint Athanasius in the 4th AD, this text is just as relevant today as it was then, as it delves into the doctrine of Christ's incarnation and how it has been under attack throughout history. Discover age-old heresies and the insightful arguments for combating them in this classic work, part of The Fig Classic Series on Early Church Theology.
Jon Gabriel
@megbasham @richbarcellos @SteveMeisterVDM That book is so, so good.      fuente
Frozen Hell book cover
Frozen Hell
The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-1940
William Trotter - 2000-01-01
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Witness epic heroism and guerrilla tactics as tiny Finland fights a legendary war against the mighty Soviet Union in 1939. Experience the unfathomable endurance and charismatic leadership of true military genius that led to their historic victory. Journey through the unforgettable story of this incredible battle, where heroic single-handed attacks on tanks and skiers on a mission witnessed tales that have remained largely untold till today.
Jon Gabriel
@BearOfGrump @GrayConnolly Best book on the subject.      fuente
Recomendado por
Rob McNealy
De cómo los irlandeses salvaron la civilización book cover
De cómo los irlandeses salvaron la civilización
The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe (The Hinges of History)
Thomas Cahill - 1996-02-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1995)
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From the fall of Rome to the rise of Charlemagne - the "dark ages" - learning, scholarship, and culture disappeared from the European continent. The great heritage of western civilization - from the Greek and Roman classics to Jewish and Christian works - would have been utterly lost were it not for the holy men and women of unconquered Ireland. In this delightful and illuminating look into a crucial but little-known "hinge" of history, Thomas Cahill takes us to the "island of saints and scholars, " the Ireland of St. Patrick and the Book of Kells. Here, far from the barbarian despoliation of the continent, monks and scribes laboriously, lovingly, even playfully preserved the west's written treasures. With the return of stability in Europe, these Irish scholars were instrumental in spreading learning. Thus the Irish not only were conservators of civilization, but became shapers of the medieval mind, putting their unique stamp on western culture.
Jon Gabriel
@StudiosShelly Great book! And totally agree. Was just reading up on the Byzantines; toward the end they started getting super autocratic.      fuente
Dressing the Man book cover
Dressing the Man
Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion
Alan Flusser - 2002-10-01
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This guide is a must-read for any man looking to dress well and stylishly without falling victim to fashion trends. With his encyclopedic knowledge of men's clothes and signature wit, Flusser addresses the paradox of modern men's fashion - with more money being spent on clothes than ever before, why are there fewer well-dressed men? Flusser believes that "permanent fashionability" is achievable by being accountable to a personal set of physical trademarks and adapting the fundamentals of permanent fashion to your physique and complexion. The guide takes you through each major clothing classification, helping you apply your own specifics to dressing options. Featuring vintage photographs of stylishly mantled men from the era of Cary Grant, Tyrone Power and Fred Astaire, this book is the quickest route to sartorial fulfillment for any man.
Jon Gabriel
All you young lads should get this book if you want to dress like a grown-up.      fuente
The Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader' book cover
The Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader'
C. S. Lewis - 2006-09-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1952)
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Embark on an unforgettable adventure to the magical world of Narnia, where dragons and spells reign supreme, and where the impossible becomes reality. Follow Edmund, Lucy, and their cousin Eustace aboard the first ship Narnia has seen in centuries, the Dawn Treader, which was built by King Caspian in search of seven good lords banished by his evil uncle. Join the trio on their perilous journey to the Eastern Islands, beyond the Silver Sea, toward Aslan's country at the End of the World.
Jon Gabriel
@NathanWurtzel My favorite book of the series. Never saw the movie, tho.      fuente
La conjura de los necios book cover
La conjura de los necios
John Kennedy Toole - 1994-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1980)
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El protagonista de esta novela es uno de los personajes más memorables de la literatura norteamericana: Ignatius Reilly -una mezcla de Oliver Hardy delirante, Don Quijote adiposo y santo Tomás de Aquino perverso, reunidos en una persona-, que a los treinta años aún vive con su estrafalaria madre, ocupado en escribir una extensa y demoledora denuncia contra nuestro siglo, tan carente de "teología y geometría" como de "decencia y buen gusto"; un alegato desquiciado contra una sociedad desquiciada. Por una inesperada necesidad de dinero, se ve "catapultado en la fiebre de la existencia contemporánea", fiebre a la que Ignatius añadirá unos cuantos grados más. «La Conjura de los Necios» se hizo acreedora al Premio Pulitzer, y en Francia galardonada el año de su publicación como "la mejor novela en lengua extranjera". John Kennedy Toole nació en Nueva Orleans en 1937 y murió e 1969. La publicación de «La Conjura de los Necios» le consagró como uno de los mejores novelistas norteamericanos de todos los tiempos. Anagrama también ha publicado su primera novela «La Biblia de Neón».
Jon Gabriel
@MZHemingway Just read it a couple of months ago. BRILLIANT.      fuente
Ortodoxia book cover
G. K. Chesterton - 2007-01-10 (publicado por primera vez en 1908)
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Es este, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los libros más representativos de G. K. Chesterton y probablemente su mejor ensayo. Una especie de autobiografía espiritual y vagabunda que completa lo iniciado en su libro Herejes, de 1905 (Acantilado, 2007). Optimista y polémico, perspicaz tour de force hacia una filosofía del asombro agradecido y de la libertad mental y emocional, este libro es ya un clásico indiscutible.
Jon Gabriel
@JonahNRO Was thinking of adding a great quote but the whole book is a great quote.      fuente
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Shauna Niequist
Based on a True Story by Norm MacDonald