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Jordan Peterson

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Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto
40 libros en la lista
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The Great Mother book cover
The Great Mother
An Analysis of the Archetype
Erich Neumann - 1991-02-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1955)
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Explore how the feminine has been expressed throughout history, from goddesses to demons, gardens to hovering skies. In this book, the author delves into the essential relationship between individual consciousness and the ungraspable matrix of the Great Mother. Discover the many ways the feminine has been experienced and expressed, spanning cultures and time periods.
Jordan Peterson
See the great book The Great Mother by Erich Neumann. The negative elementary feminine is the archetypal devouring mother: death and torment by compassion.      fuente
The Discovery of the Unconscious book cover
The Discovery of the Unconscious
The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry
Henri F. Ellenberger - 1981-10-16 (publicado por primera vez en 1970)
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Explore the vast evolution of psychology and dynamic psychiatry with this captivating classic work. Follow the fascinating journey from ancient exorcists to modern-day psychologists, as described by a distinguished author and psychiatrist. You'll discover the long chain of development that led to the innovative psychological systems of Janet, Freud, Adler, and Jung.
Jordan Peterson
This is accurate. Clinicians participating are implicit in producing a psychogenic epidemic. For the history of such social illnesses, which almost always preferentially affect young women, see Henri Ellenberger: The History of the Unconscious (a truly great book).      fuente
The Return of the God Hypothesis book cover
The Return of the God Hypothesis
Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe
Stephen C. Meyer - 2021-03-30
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This groundbreaking book presents scientific evidence of the existence of God, using physics, cosmology, and biology. The author refutes popular arguments from the "New Atheists" by analyzing evidence from three scientific fields: cosmology, physics, and biology. He concludes that the data support not only the existence of an intelligent designer, but a theistic creator. A must-read for those interested in the ultimate mystery of the universe.
Jordan Peterson
Reading Stephen C. Meyer's Return of the God Hypothesis. It's a difficult book, well-written, densely informative. He claims (p. 211) "without functional criteria to guide a search through the vast space of possible sequences, random variation is probabilistically doomed."      fuente
Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity book cover
Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity
The Search for a Meaningful Life
Christopher Kaczor, Matthew Petrusek - 2021-07-29
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Explore the depths of Jordan Peterson's thought on psychology, philosophy, and religion in this systematic analysis from a Christian perspective. Discover the points of contact with Christianity and the ways in which faith fulfills Peterson's project. With a focus on his biblical series on YouTube and bestselling book 12 Rules for Life, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a meaningful life.
Jordan Peterson
A beautifully produced book...      fuente
El último abrazo book cover
El último abrazo
Las emociones de los animales y lo que nos cuentan de nosotros
Frans de Waal - 2020-03-10 (publicado por primera vez en 2019)
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Este libro comienza narrando el último encuentro entre Mama, una hembra de chimpancé moribunda, y su cuidador. La escena, en la que Mama intenta sonreír mientras se abraza a la persona que se ocupó de ella durante años fue filmada y ha emocionado a millones de personas a través de la red. Al hilo de este episodio, De Waal habla del significado de las expresiones faciales, las emociones ocultas tras la política humana o la ilusión de la libertad. Esta obra describe las múltiples maneras en que los humanos y el resto de animales estamos íntimamente conectados y nos muestra que los humanos no somos la única especie capaz de amar, odiar, temer o avergonzarse.
Jordan Peterson
Reading Mama's Last Hug, by the eminent and brilliant primatologist Frans de Waal, who revolutionized our understanding of chimpanzee social organization. The book is a model of clarity and subtle depth      fuente
Recomendado por
Yuval Noah Harari
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know book cover
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know
And Many Others You Will Find Interesting
Ronald Bailey - 2020-08-31
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Discover the truth about the world's major trends with this eye-opening book. Contrary to popular belief, the world is not getting worse. With data showcasing falling fertility rates, reduced global poverty, and expanding forests since 1982, author Ronald Bailey shows readers the facts about our planet's most significant trends. Although problems like climate change and declining wildlife populations still persist, reading this book will provide insight into the world's true state and provide inspiration for positive change.
Jordan Peterson
Everyone should have this book.      fuente
The Horse's Mouth book cover
The Horse's Mouth
Joyce Cary - 1999-10-31 (publicado por primera vez en 1944)
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Immerse yourself in the portrait of an impoverished painter who values his intuition more than anything else in The Horse's Mouth. This classic film adaptation features a charming protagonist, Gulley Jimson, who defies conventional values in pursuit of his artistic vision. Follow Jimson across London, as he searches for inspiration and creativity, while encountering destruction along the way. Experience the world through Jimson's eyes, with its wonderful lustre and terrible beauty, in this searing, fast-paced book.
Jordan Peterson
The Horse's Mouth by Joyce Cary. A book from my great books list:      fuente
El Maestro y Margarita book cover
El Maestro y Margarita
Mikhail Bulgakov - 1996-03-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1967)
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Esta es una novela dentro de otra. Por una parte, la llegada del diablo a Moscú y la repercusión que eso tiene en la vida de Margarita y su amante, el Maestro, y por otra, la admirable novela escrita por el Maestro sobre Poncio Pilatos y Jesucristo.
Jordan Peterson
The Master and the Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. A book from my great books list:      fuente
La isla book cover
La isla
Aldous Huxley - 2002-07-30 (publicado por primera vez en 1962)
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En una isla imaginaria de Pali se produce el choque entre dos modos de entender la vida y las relaciones humanas. Cuando el periodista Will Farnaby desembarca en la isla entra en contacto con unas costumbres, unos ritos, una religión y una actitud ante la vida. De este contraste se deriva fácilmente una reflexión sobre los valores que encarna Farnaby, los propios del mundo occidental, y que los cuestione.
Jordan Peterson
Island by Aldous Huxley a book from my great books list      fuente
Recomendado por
Aubrey Marcus
El viejo y el mar book cover
El viejo y el mar
Ernest Hemingway - 1996-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1952)
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Con un lenguaje de gran fuerza y sencillez, El viejo y el mar narra la historia de un viejo pescador cubano a quien la suerte parece haber abandonado, y del desafío mayor al que se enfrenta: la batalla despiadada y sin tregua con un pez gigantesco en las aguas del golfo. Escrito en 1952, por encargo de la revista Life, este relato lo confirmó como uno de los escritores más significativos del siglo XX, obteniendo el premio Pulitzer en 1953 y allanando su carrera hacia el Nobel de Literatura, que recibió en 1954.
Jordan Peterson
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway a book from my great books list      fuente
1984 by George Orwell
Unsafe Space by Tom Slater
How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place by BjøRN Lomborg
Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham
Our Culture, What's Left of It by Theodore Dalrymple
The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine
El hombre en busca de sentido by Viktor E. Frankl
Affective Neuroscience by Jaak Panksepp
Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen R. C. Hicks
Adiós a las armas by Ernest Hemingway
Más allá del bien y del mal by Friedrich Nietzsche
Crimen y castigo by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Panzram A Journal of Murder by Thomas E. Gaddis
Archipiélago GULAG by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell
The Charterhouse of Parma by Stendhal
Maps of Meaning by Jordan B. Peterson
La violación de Nanking by Iris Chang
Un mundo feliz by Aldous Huxley
The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski
Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Por quién doblan las campanas by Ernest Hemingway
Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Aquellos hombres grises by Christopher R. Browning
A History of Religious Ideas, Vol. 3 by Mircea Eliade
The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas S. Szasz
The Gulag Archipelago Volume 1 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann
A History of Religious Ideas, Volume 1 by Mircea Eliade
Modern Man in Search of a Soul by C. G. Jung