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Linda Liukas

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Linda Liukas is a Finnish children's book author, illustrator and an instructor for beginner programmers. In 2014, her Hello Ruby coding book for children raised $380,000 on Kickstarter becoming the platform's most highly funded children's book.
23 libros en la lista
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When We Cease to Understand the World book cover
When We Cease to Understand the World
Benjamín Labatut - 2022-08-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2019)
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This mind-bending work explores scientific discovery, ethics, and the blurred line between genius and madness. Follow the stories of Albert Einstein, Alexander Grothendieck, Erwin Schrödinger, and Werner Heisenberg as they navigate groundbreaking discoveries and the potential consequences of their work. Through a mix of fact and fiction, this book reveals the strange and exhilarating world of science.
Linda Liukas
11/100. When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamin Labatut. Pop physics books are my favorites and this book had so much going for it - I loved the narrative non-fiction style, the voice, the scope. The choice to move towards fiction felt off.      fuente
Lincoln in the Bardo book cover
Lincoln in the Bardo
A Novel
George Saunders - 2017-02-14
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In "Lincoln in the Bardo," the Civil War has begun, and President Lincoln's son, Willie, tragically dies at the age of eleven. Author George Saunders takes this historical event and transforms it into a vivid and unforgettable story of familial love and loss that transcends time and reality. Within the "bardo," a Tibetan transitional state, young Willie's soul is fiercely contested by ghosts, resulting in a thrilling exploration of humanity's ability to love in the face of mortality. This bold and daring novel is a testament to the power of fiction and a must-read for those seeking an imaginative and thought-provoking work of literature.
Linda Liukas
10/100. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders. I wish I had fallen into the world of this book more deeply, but maybe it was my attention, maybe something else. Loved the premise and idea and will keep reading Saunders for sure.      fuente
Wonderworks book cover
The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature
Angus Fletcher - 2021-03-09
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Discover the technological innovations embedded in literature with Wonderworks. From ancient Mesopotamia to Elena Ferrante, writer Angus Fletcher examines the narrative and neuroscientific advancements of literature's greats, including Shakespeare and Austen. These literary breakthroughs alleviate grief, anxiety, and depression while sparking love, empathy, and positive change. Join this exploration of story science and gain new critical insights into the wonder of imaginative representation.
Linda Liukas
9/100. Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature by Angus Fletcher. Blueprints and tools for literary inventions. Enjoyed the stories on fairytales a lot and the book gave lots of new ideas.      fuente
Who We're Reading When We're Reading Murakami book cover
Who We're Reading When We're Reading Murakami
David Karashima - 2020-09-01
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Explore the fascinating rise of Haruki Murakami, from a domestic niche writer to an international literary sensation in "Who We're Reading When We're Reading Murakami." David Karashima delves into the "Murakami Industry," examining the role of translators and editors in creating a global literary culture. This thought-provoking book features interviews with industry insiders, including the man himself, and raises important questions about the translation and editing process for global markets.
Linda Liukas
93/100. Who We're Reading When We're Reading Murakami by David Karashima. A book on translating (Murakami). Reading a lot of translated works and having work with translators myselfwas so excited for this. A bit uneven + sadly stops already in 98, but gives color and background.      fuente
Matrix book cover
A Novel
Lauren Groff - 2021-09-07
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Set against the backdrop of medieval England, Matrix tells the story of Marie de France, a 17-year-old girl sent to be the new prioress of an impoverished abbey. In this new life, Marie finds purpose and love with her mercurial sisters, but as she works to protect and lead them, she must grapple with a world that can never fully accept her. In a mesmerizing portrait of passion and faith, Lauren Groff explores the power of female creativity in a corrupted world.
Linda Liukas
92/100. Matrix by Lauren Groff. A story set in 1100 Europe, the life of Marie de France and her creativity. I enjoyed the talk Lauren Groff gave about the book almost more than the book itself:      fuente
Recomendado por
Roxane Gay
¿Cómo vives? book cover
¿Cómo vives?
The uplifting Japanese classic that has enchanted millions
Genzaburo Yoshino - 2021-10-26 (publicado por primera vez en 1937)
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La pobreza, el acoso escolar, la valentía, los estudios... Un clásico de la literatura japonesa. Una obra maestra para aprender a ver la vida. Koperu tiene 15 años y muchas ganas de saberlo todo. ¿Qué es ser valiente? ¿Por qué hay cosas tan injustas? ¿Quiénes somos en este mundo? Son preguntas un poco difíciles de responder... ¡suerte que su tío puede ayudarlo! Un clásico de la literatura japonesa que nos enseña a ver el mundo con otros ojos. Y tú, ¿cómo vives?
Linda Liukas
91/100. How Do You Live? by Genzaburo Yoshino. Picked this up because a) Miyazaki's upcoming film b) Neil Gaiman forewords. The book has stood time amazingly well and the format with the letters is heartwarming.      fuente
Paris book cover
Julian Green - 2012-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1983)
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Take a leisurely walk through Paris with this bilingual book, written by a born and bred American who lived in Paris throughout his life. Julian Green shares enchanting stories about the hidden corners, lesser-known landmarks, and haunting imagery of Paris. His own photographs bring the journey to life. This book is an excellent pick for tourists and Parisians alike.
Linda Liukas
89/100. Paris by Julian Green. A book where every other page is French, every other English. I liked dipping between the languages. The writing was beautiful.      fuente
Whereabouts book cover
Jhumpa Lahiri - 2021-04-27 (publicado por primera vez en 2018)
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This introspective novel from a Pulitzer Prize-winning author explores a woman's search for meaning and connection in an unnamed city. Through her daily routines and chance encounters, she grapples with the desire to belong and the fear of commitment. This is a poignant and deeply felt work with richly textured landscapes and a daring shift in style and sensibility.
Linda Liukas
88/100. Whereabouts by Jhumpa Lahiri. Surprised myself by liking this a lot - about everything and nothing, but intensely so. It wasn't a pandemic book, but the atmosphere captured something about this time.      fuente
The Thinking Hand book cover
The Thinking Hand
Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture (Architectural Design Primer)) [By
Juhani Pallasmaa
Linda Liukas
73/100. The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture by Juhani Pallasmaa. This was a *hard* book to find. Love how well read Pallasmaa is + helped me lot in both my playground work as well as positioning ideas around learning abstract ideas with our hands.      fuente
Dónde estás, mundo bello book cover
Dónde estás, mundo bello
Sally Rooney - 2023-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2021)
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Dos amigas se acercan a la treintena en ciudades distintas y con trayectorias vitales alejadas. Alice, novelista, conoce a Felix, que trabaja en un almacén, y le pide que viaje a Roma con ella. Eileen, su mejor amiga, trata de superar en Dublín una ruptura coqueteando con Simon, amigo de la infancia. Mientras el verano se acerca, intercambian e-mails sobre su amistad, arte, literatura, el mundo que las rodea, sus complejas historias de amor y el paso a una vida adulta que las espera a la vuelta de la esquina. Dicen que quieren verse pronto, pero ¿qué pasará cuando lo hagan? Alice, Felix, Eileen y Simon todavía son jóvenes, pero pronto dejarán de serlo. Se juntan y se separan, se desean y se mienten. Tienen sexo, sufren por sus amistades y por el mundo en el que viven. ¿Están en la última sala iluminada antes de la oscuridad? ¿Encontrarán una manera de creer en un mundo bello?
Linda Liukas
69/100. Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney. I should have waited a bit longer with this one (I hate hype books), but needed nurturing fiction for the week.. The characters are getting older (as is my generation), and I love the dialogue. Hope Rooney keeps writing.      fuente
Bechi by Koko Hubara
The Empathy Diaries by Sherry Turkle
The Paris Hours by Alex George
Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener
Bowie's Bookshelf by John O'Connell
The New Childhood by Jordan Shapiro
The Design of Childhood by Alexandra Lange
Circe by Madeline Miller
El problema de los tres cuerpos by Cixin Liu
H de Halcón by Helen MacDonald
La canción de Aquiles by Madeline Miller
Normas de cortesía by Amor Towles
Despertares by Oliver Sacks