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Sheryl Sandberg

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Sheryl Sandberg is an American technology executive, author, and billionaire. She is the chief operating officer of Facebook and founder of LeanIn.Org. In June 2012, she was elected to Facebook's board of directors by existing board members, becoming the first woman to serve on its board
11 libros en la lista
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Ahora Descubra Sus Fortalezas book cover
Ahora Descubra Sus Fortalezas
Gallup - 2020-02-02 (publicado por primera vez en 2001)
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Un libro espectacular para descubrir sus 5 fortalezas principales, con esto dar mas efectividad, ideal para orientacion de adolecentes.
Sheryl Sandberg
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton. This book has been instrumental in how we think about developing talent at Facebook      fuente
Una arruga en el tiempo book cover
Una arruga en el tiempo
Madeleine L'Engle - 2017-11-07 (publicado por primera vez en 1962)
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Física cuántica y romance adolescente en una alocada odisea espacial. Un clásico inclasificable de la literatura juvenil. Meg Murry, nuestra protagonista, tiene problemas para adaptarse en la escuela, es difícil adivinar que sus padres son científicos. Papá desapareció tiempo atrás en extrañas circunstancias, pero mamá no ha perdido la esperanza de volver a verlo. Su hermano pequeño, Charles, es un niño prodigio; su mente posee una percepción excepcional que le permite ver más allá de las apariencias. Es esa habilidad la que les permitirá encontrarse con las señoras Qué, Cuál y Quién, y descubrir que detrás de ellas se esconde un increíble secreto, “la arruga en el tiempo” que puede llevarlos a otros mundos. Justo lo necesario para emprender la búsqueda de su padre perdido, ¿no creen? En el espacio exterior no existe el aire, así que respira hondo y prepárate a viajar junto a Meg, Charlie y su amigo Calvin para averíguarlo.
Sheryl Sandberg
I wanted to be Meg Murry, the admittedly geeky heroine of A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. I loved how she worked with others to fight against an unjust system and how she fought to save her family against very long odds. I was also captivated by the concept of time travel. I keep asking Facebook’s engineers to build me a tesseract so I, too, could fold the fabric of time and space. But so far no one has even tried.      fuente
Recomendado por
Danielle Morrill
La gran apuesta book cover
La gran apuesta
Inside the Doomsday Machine
Michael Lewis - 2015-11-16 (publicado por primera vez en 2010)
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La gran apuesta es la excepcional crónica del crash inmobiliario que originó la mayor crisis de los últimos ochenta años. Cuando en otoño de 2008 la economía estadounidense se hundió, arrastrando tras de sí a buena parte del mundo desarrollado a una crisis de la que aún no hemos salido, a un grupo de personas no le sorprendió en absoluto. Eran unos cuantos inversores y analistas inteligentes que habían comprendido lo que estaba pasando, pero no dijeron nada, paralizados por el miedo y las posibles ganancias. La pregunta clave que plantea Michael Lewis es: ¿quién se dio cuenta del riesgo que suponía dar por sentado que los precios del sector inmobiliario seguirían siempre al alza? Un riesgo complicado, además, por la creación de esos activos extraños y artificiales a partir de hipotecas dudosas. Para contestar esta pregunta Lewis nos presenta una historia increíble a través de los personajes que la protagonizaron, repleta de indignación y oscura ironía. «El mejor contador de historias de nuestra generación.» MALCOLM GLADWELL «Nadie escribe con mayor agilidad narrativa sobre dinero y finanzas que Michael Lewis. Logra usar las historias de sus protagonistas para explicar la avaricia, la estupidez y la hipocresía de un sistema con una carencia notoria de supervisión seria. Con un estilo parecido al de Tom Wolfe, Lewis consigue introducir al lector de modo colorido en el mundo darwiniano del mercado de bonos.» MICHIKO KAKUTANI , The New York Times «Probablemente el mejor libro de periodismo financiero de la historia.» Felix Salmon, Reuters «La obra de nuestro mejor periodista económico, en su mejor forma. Y de lectura obligatoria.» GRAYDON CARTER, Vanity Fair
Sheryl Sandberg
Michael Lewis’s ability to boil down the most complicated subjects is like a magic trick. You can’t believe your eyes. He takes on important issues — from the 2008 Wall Street crash in The Big Short to parenting in Home Game - and breaks them down to their deepest truths. His combination of an extraordinary analytical mind and a deep understanding of human nature allows him to weave together data and events to offer a fresh and insightful narrative. Whatever the topic, the result is always compelling and even thrilling. I am in awe of him.      fuente
Bossypants book cover
Tina Fey - 2011-04-05
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A hilarious and honest memoir tells the story of Tina Fey's journey from a middle-school gym class nightmare to becoming a well-known comedian on TV. From her years on SNL to motherhood and all the ups-and-downs in between, Fey reveals all with her trademark humor. Don't miss out on her never-before-solicited opinions on topics ranging from breastfeeding to the electoral process.
Sheryl Sandberg
I absolutely loved Tina Fey’s Bossypants and didn’t want it to end. It’s hilarious as well as important. Not only did I laugh on every page, but I was nodding along, highlighting and dog-earing like crazy. On Page 3, she offers amazing advice to women in the workplace: No pigtails, no tube tops. Cry sparingly. (Some people say, Never let them see you cry. I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.) It is so, so good. As a young girl, I was labeled bossy, too, so as a former — O.K., current — bossypants, I am grateful to Tina for being outspoken, unapologetic and hysterically funny.      fuente
El método Lean Startup book cover
El método Lean Startup
Cómo crear empresas de éxito utilizando la innovación continua
Eric Ries - 2011-01-01
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El método Lean Startup supone un nuevo enfoque que se está adoptando en todo el mundo para cambiar la forma en que las empresas crean y lanzan sus productos.Eric Ries define una startup como una organización dedicada a crear algo bajo condiciones de incertidumbre extrema. Esto se cumple tanto para aquellas personas que trabajan en el garaje de su casa como para un grupo de profesionales experimentados de una de las empresas queaparecen en el ranking de la revista Fortune. Lo que todos ellos tienen en común es la misión de traspasar la incertidumbre para encontrar el camino hacia un negocio sostenible.El enfoque que el autor nos muestra en El método Lean Startup hace que las empresas sean más eficientes en el uso del capital y que apoyen de manera más efectiva la creatividad humana. Se trata de poner en marcha diversas prácticas que acortan el ciclo de desarrollo del producto, miden el progreso real sin recurrir a los indicadores vanidosos y ayudan a entender qué es lo que realmente quieren los consumidores.Además, este método permite a la empresa cambiar de dirección con agilidad y alterar¡ los planes minuto a minuto.En lugar de despilfarrar tiempo diseñando elaborados planes de negocio, el método Lean Startup ofrece a los emprendedores de empresas grandes y pequeñas la mejor manera para poner a prueba de forma continua su visión, para adaptarla y ajustarla antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Sheryl Sandberg
The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries, provides a great inside look at how the tech industry approaches building products and businesses.      fuente
Home Game book cover
Home Game
An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood
Michael Lewis - 2010-06-07 (publicado por primera vez en 2009)
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Discover a hilarious and brutally honest memoir about the daily struggles of fatherhood in Home Game. Written by a father of three, experience his first-hand account of life immediately after each birth, bringing to light the quirks and triumphs of raising children. This book is a relatable and refreshing take on everyday household life that will have you laughing out loud. It's the raw and realistic perspective that you never knew you needed.
Sheryl Sandberg
Michael Lewis’s ability to boil down the most complicated subjects is like a magic trick. You can’t believe your eyes. He takes on important issues — from the 2008 Wall Street crash in The Big Short to parenting in Home Game - and breaks them down to their deepest truths. His combination of an extraordinary analytical mind and a deep understanding of human nature allows him to weave together data and events to offer a fresh and insightful narrative. Whatever the topic, the result is always compelling and even thrilling. I am in awe of him.      fuente
Recomendado por
Ben Carlson
Harry Potter book cover
Harry Potter
La Colección Completa (1-7)
J. K. Rowling - 2007-10-16
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Los siete libros electrónicos de Harry Potter, una de las series más premiadas y vendidas en todo el mundo, están ya disponibles en una única descarga con las magníficas portadas de Olly Moss. Disfruta de las historias que han despertado la imaginación de millones de lectores de todo el mundo.
Sheryl Sandberg
I would love to meet J. K. Rowling and tell her how much I admire her writing and am amazed by her imagination. I read every Harry Potter book as it came out and looked forward to each new one. I am rereading them now with my kids and enjoying them every bit as much. She made me look at jelly beans in a whole new way.      fuente
Conscious Business book cover
Conscious Business
How to Build Value through Values
Fred Kofman - 2006-10-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2005)
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"Conscious Business" by Fred Kofman explores the power of conscious leadership and values-based work. Gain insights into creating a workplace with authentic communication, accountability, and ethical principles. This book offers valuable techniques to help individuals and businesses live up to their highest potential. Discover how finding your passion and expressing your essential values can lead to success and personal fulfillment in all areas of life. Maximize your potential in the workplace and beyond with this definitive resource.
Sheryl Sandberg
It had a profound effect on my career and life. I think about his lessons almost every day — the importance of authentic communication, impeccable commitments, being a player not a victim, and taking responsibility. I have given this book to so many team members at work, and I’ve seen it inspire people overnight to be more aware of their actions and impact on others.      fuente
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Jeff WeinerReid Hoffman
Queen of Fashion book cover
Queen of Fashion
What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution
Caroline Weber - 2006-09-19
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"Queen of Fashion" by Caroline Weber tells the stunning story of how Marie Antoinette transformed herself from a naive teenager to a dazzling icon, whose extravagant fashion statements would shape the future of her nation. Explore her dazzling riding gear, elaborate ballroom disguises, and extravagant pouf hairstyles. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in history, fashion, or the tragic story of the French monarchy.
Sheryl Sandberg
I can’t list my favorite authors without including my college roommate Caroline Weber. I love her books because I hear about them from start to finish — with the many ups and downs that go into publishing. Much of what she writes is for the comp lit crowd — not tech execs — but she is always willing to explain passages to me. In 2007, she published the brilliant and fun Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution. There are few books that I have enjoyed as much. And while I admit I’m biased, it’s not just me — The Washington Post Book World named it one of the best books of the year.      fuente
A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen
El mundo como voluntad y representación I by Arthur Schopenhauer