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Read This Twice

Books to check out based on Read This Twice recommendations

автор Anna Hakobyan
26 книг в списке
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По умолчанию
The Broken Ladder
Keith Payne
someone said "Keith Payne’s book Broken Ladder completely changed my understanding of the psychology of inequality and the connection between the feeling of powerlessness and control. It’s a must #rethinkreading recommendation    
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning
Laurie Lee
As I read the comment about this book "The idea you could step out of your front door and explore the world and have adventures and all you needed was you. That your own self was sufficient. That was everything. A wonder."    
Пять языков любви
Gary Chapman
The Courage to Be Disliked
Ichiro Kishimi
Психология денег
Morgan Housel
Тонкое искусство пофигизма
Mark Manson
Препятствие как путь
Ryan Holiday
Tara Westover
Момент взлета
Melinda Gates
Когда все рушится
Pema Chodron
The Untethered Soul
Michael A. Singer
Подумайте еще раз
Adam Grant
Вы хотите поговорить об этом? Психотерапевт
Lori Gottlieb
Великие дерзания
Brené Brown
Can't Hurt Me
David Goggins
Сознание дзен, сознание новичка
Shunryu Suzuki
Waking Up
Sam Harris
Тело помнит все
Bessel van der Kolk
Oliver Burkeman
Все достижимо
Marie Forleo
More Than Enough
Elaine Welteroth
Неудобные разговоры
Douglas Stone
Это началось не с тебя
Mark Wolynn
Американские боги
Neil Gaiman
Атлант расправил плечи
Ayn Rand
Час ведьмы
Chris Bohjalian