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Атомные привычки book cover

Атомные привычки

Как приобрести хорошие привычки и избавиться от плохих

James Clear

Бестселлер New York Times и USA Today Лучшая деловая книга 2018 года по версии Fast Company Лучшая книга по самопомощи 2018 года по версии Business Insider Может ли одна монетка сделать человека богатым? Конечно, нет, скажете вы. Но если добавить еще одну? И еще? И еще? В какой-то момент количество перейдет в качество. А теперь представьте, что одно крошечное изменение кардинально меняет всю жизнь. Звучит фантастически! Но, как и в случае с монетками, срабатывает эффект сложного процента. И вот уже маленькое, но регулярное действие привело к большим результатам. Атомные привычки - маленькие изменения, в которых скрыта огромную мощь! Вы давно пытаетесь измениться, но не получается. Не корите себя! Виноваты не вы, а система. Джеймс Клир развенчивает мифы о привычках, мотивации и силе воли. Опираясь на научные данные, результаты исследований, личный опыт и опыт успешных людей, он просто и понятно объясняет, как сделать хорошие привычки неизбежными, а вредные - невозможными. Без вариантов!
Дата публикации
Рейтинг Goodreads
This year I was determined to make running a habit. I drew wisdom and strategies from the book Atomic Habits by @JamesClear. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~ Aristotle      источник
@csanhuezalobos I’m reading Atomic Habits now. Great book.      источник
A decent book on self-help tools, not a category I am generally a fan of.      источник
@sweatystartup Changed a lot of lives with that book.      источник
@rick_silva Great book.      источник
I was doubtful, but everyone kept telling me it’s awesome, so I reluctantly read it. Holy crap! It’s GREAT! Feels like the definitive masterpiece on the subject of how to make good habits and break bad ones. Very focused on helping you take action. Very relatable and inspiring.      источник
15. Atomic Habits I do not know of any recent book that is so meaningful, simple and widely loved as this masterpiece by @JamesClear A terrific book to build your reading habit.      источник
It's launch day for @JamesClear's opus, Atomic Habits: I'd attribute about 60% of my good habits to his blog and this book is rapidly filling in the other 40%. At least my bad habits are my own original creation.      источник
@AloisioNRocha Great book      источник
@NkosanaMazibisa @kennethmtata @raziakkhan Great book      источник
@BPhril @iamsumitchhabra @AtomicHabits Atomic Habits is a great book. @JamesClear super smart.      источник
Habits can be brutal. I’ve spent the majority of life battling bad ones: including wrestling with alcohol addition for 20+ years. I learned how to hack habits with help from @JamesClear’s book Atomic Habits. Here’s a summary of what worked for me:      источник
@kola_aina @JamesClear Awesome book.      источник
@tseides @JamesClear @patrick_oshag That is such a good book!      источник
@ChrisOwensDev First off, I love Atomic Habits and never shut up about it. Second, I haven’t read a bad Michael Lewis book yet! I haven’t read The Fifth Risk though, and that ones a fairly different direction.      источник
@dd_trades It is a great book for anyone trying to improve any part of their life      источник
@KyleLeith one of my favorite books...      источник
@TraderMindset @JamesClear Wonderful book      источник
Five book recommendations: 1. Atomic Habits (by @JamesClear) 2. Alchemy (by @rorysutherland) 3. Junior (by @tkemeny) 4. How Brands Grow (by @ProfByron) 5. Elephant in the Brain (by @KevinSimler & @robinhanson)      источник
“What are you reading?” I’m surprised by the number of people that ask me for book recommendations and tips to read more. So to kick-off each month, I thought I’d recommend four recent reads: @kathrynschulz @simonsinek @KateMurphyNews @JamesClear      источник
@CuiProdest_ @BlakeTMcDonald @JamesClear Definitely. I've read a lot of productivity & habit books over the years. This one actually works.      источник
@JamesClear BEST book on personal development out there!      источник
This week's newsletter: I'm making it habitual! Quoting @JamesClear - whose book, Atomic Habits has reframed some of my thinking. Asking Amy Issue #9: Habit keeping      источник
@Vivek_Investor Thanks Vivek! I am glad you liked the notes from the book. The book is a pretty good read.      источник
#todaysgoodread I recently finished the mentioned book. Would surely recommend it for it's scientific approach, really interesting examples and practical applicability.      источник
Given how much @JamesClear is cited in cultural mainstream, I felt the message on habits is clear and there’s no point reading his book. I was wrong. Totally worth it. I’m embarrassed it took me this long to pick it up. 🤓      источник
It's literally a life changing book. If you let it to be. I read it twice, so far.      источник