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Infomocracy book cover
Book One of the Centenal Cycle (The Centenal Cycle (1))
Malka Older - 2016-06-07
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Ready for a political thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat? Infomocracy explores a world where a powerful search engine monopoly has ushered in a new era of global micro-democracy. With another election on the horizon, the Supermajority is in tight contention and everything is on the line. But as power grows, so does corruption. Join Ken, Domaine, and Mishima as they navigate the biggest political experiment of all time. Infomocracy is a stunning debut novel by Malka Older.
Daniel PinkJosh Felser
Lucky Ghost book cover
Lucky Ghost
The Martingale Cycle
Matthew Blakstad - 2017-07-27
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In "Lucky Ghost," journalist Alex Kubelick finds herself caught up in a new game that trades real-life emotions for digital currency. But someone is controlling the game for their own purposes, and Alex soon finds herself on the run from dangerous enemies. With the world economy on the brink of collapse, Alex must seek out the mysterious Lucky Ghost for answers. This gripping novel is part of the Martingale cycle, a series of interconnected novels exploring the life of computing pioneer Elyse Martingale.
Бесконечная война book cover
Бесконечная война
Joe Haldeman - 2003-09-02 (впервые опубликовано в 1974)
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Самостоятельный роман, начало цикла «Бесконечная война». Продолжения в серии не издавались
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Clancy BrownBerci MeskóPierce Brown
Год потопа book cover
Год потопа
Margaret Atwood - 2009-09-22
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Книги Маргарет Этвуд неизменно отличаются поразительной оригинальностью и глубиной. Они неоднократно были отмечены престижными литературными наградами, в числе которых Букеровская премия (за "Слепого убийцу"). Премия Артура Кларка (за "Рассказ Служанки"), Литературная премия генерал-губернатора Канады, итальянская "Премио монделло" и другие. "Год потопа" - это амбициозная панорама мира, стоявшего на грани рукотворной катастрофы и шагнувшего за эту грань: мира, где правит бал всемогущая генная инженерия, и лишь вертоградари в своем саду пытаются сохранить многообразие живой природы; мира, в котором девушке-меховушке прямая дорога в ночной клуб "Чешуйки" - излюбленное злачное заведение как крутых ребят из Отстойника, так и воротил из охраняемых поселков Корпораций.
Selected Stories book cover
Selected Stories
Theodore Sturgeon - 2013-04-28 (впервые опубликовано в 2000)
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"Selected Stories" by Theodore Sturgeon showcases the works of one of America's greatest writers. Fellow authors such as Bradbury, Vonnegut and King have praised and envied his short stories, and for good reason. In these stories, the aftermath of a nuclear Holocaust is explored, a man reflects on memory and experience and a young woman with cancer comes across a strange healer. Sturgeon's storytelling is powerful and provoking, leaving a lasting impression on readers.
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I Still Dream book cover
I Still Dream
James Smythe - 2018-04-05
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Explore the possibilities and horrors of artificial intelligence in this captivating novel. In 1997, Laura Bow created Organon, a rudimentary AI, which is now at the forefront of a new technological wave. Laura must decide whether to reveal its full potential to the world, risking its power falling into the wrong hands. Will Organon save humanity or lead it to extinction? Don't miss this powerful tale of love, loss, and hope that offers a frighteningly human look at who we are now and who we could be if we only allow ourselves.
Ее тело и другие book cover
Ее тело и другие
Carmen Maria Machado - 2017-10-03
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Фантастическая коллекция историй, позволяющая по-новому взглянуть на истинную женственность и сексуальность. Среди героинь Мачадо – идеальная жена с идеей жертвенности; женщина, которая решается на операцию по уменьшению желудка, чтобы обрести фигуру мечты; писательница, которая в поисках творческого вдохновения сталкивается с воспоминаниями из детства… Заимствуя приемы из самых разных жанров от научной фантастики и магического реализма до хоррора и документалистики, Кармен Мария Мачадо сочетает несочетаемое, исследуя роль и самоощущение женщин в современном мире. Она одна из главных современных представительниц новой экспериментальной прозы. Лауреат Национальной книжной премии критиков США, финалист Национальной книжной премии США, премии Nebula и Франца Кафки.
Eva VictorLulu Miller
Pattern Recognition book cover
Pattern Recognition
William Gibson - 2005-02-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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A market-research consultant is offered a secret assignment to investigate mysterious video snippets that have a strong fan base on the internet. When her apartment is burglarized and her computer is hacked, she realizes the job is more dangerous than expected. With clues leading her to Tokyo and Russia, she uncovers the source of the footage, and in doing so, unravels secrets about her father's past.
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Seth Godin
Lock In book cover
Lock In
A Novel of the Near Future
John Scalzi - 2014-08-26
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A highly contagious virus has swept the world, causing "Lock In" - a condition where victims are awake, aware, but unable to move or respond. Rookie FBI agent Chris Shane investigates a Haden-related murder with veteran agent Leslie Vann, unraveling a much bigger crime that takes them from corporate power to virtual spaces and an emerging new culture.
The Continent of Lies book cover
The Continent of Lies
James Morrow - 1985-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1984)
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In a dystopian future, cutting-edge virtual reality has become toxic, sending users spiraling into a nightmare. Our protagonist is a dreambean critic, but when his daughter falls into a coma after trying the latest cephapple, he must find the source of the poison and save her. Will he succeed before the anti-dreambean movement bans the technology forever?
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Children of the New World by Alexander Weinstein
Version Control by Dexter Palmer
Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle
Tunc. by Lawrence Durrell
The Punch Escrow by Tal M. Klein
Broadcast by Liam Brown
Нейромант by William Gibson
Buying Time by Joe Haldeman
Speak by Louisa Hall
Nunquam by Lawrence Durrell
Супергрустная история настоящей любви by Gary Shteyngart
The Feed by Nick Clark Windo
HAPPY by Nicola Barker
The Dark Net by Benjamin Percy
Otherworld by Jason Segel
Не отпускай меня by Kazuo Ishiguro