Лучшие книги по математике
Откройте секреты математики с помощью этих популярных математических книг. Будь то для учебы в школе или из интереса, этот список включает в себя наиболее рекомендуемые книги учителями, математиками и ведущими образовательными блогами.

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"Math Curse" is a playful yet relatable story about a girl who wakes up to a day where everything seems like a math problem. From getting ready for school to solving the mystery of why math is everywhere, this book offers a relatable and fun take on the subject. With humor and a relatable tone, "Math Curse" shows readers that even the toughest math problems can be conquered.
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This math adventure story follows Sir Cumference, Lady Di of Ameter, and their son Radius as they help King Arthur find a solution to the threat of war from a neighboring kingdom. With wordplay, puns, and problem solving, they create the perfect round table with the help of Geo of Metry, making math fun and accessible for everyone.
Представлено в 10 статьях
Многие ученики (и их родители тоже) уверены, что у них нет способностей к математике. Хотя на самом деле каждый может наслаждаться математикой и добиваться хороших результатов в ее изучении. Это доказала Джо Боулер, профессор и исследователь из Стэнфорда, изучавшая то, как учатся тысячи учеников и студентов и то, как можно раскрыть их потенциал.
Существует большой разрыв между правильными подходами и теми, что наблюдаются в школе и воспитании сейчас. Боулер адаптировала прорывную концепцию «Гибкого сознания» Кэрол Дуэк для обучения математике, показав, как можно на практике помочь учащимся почувствовать себя увереннее.
Математика часто кажется скучной, потому что для многих это набор незапоминаемых формул и счетных процедур с не всегда понятной целью и сомнительной применимостью в жизни, а также с неумолимостью оценки: неверный ответ в конце перечеркивает все старания.
Автор предлагает преподавать математику иначе — в первую очередь как логику. Она рассказывает о тех шагах, которые нужно делать школам, преподавателям, учителям, чтобы улучшить математическое образование для всех.
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Explore the fascinating world of polygons and shapes in this charming children's book. Follow a triangle as he seeks excitement and discovers the joys of being a quadrilateral. But when his insatiable hunger for angles leads to trouble, he learns a valuable lesson. With vivid illustrations and a special teaching section, this book is perfect for young learners.
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Master math skills in a fun and engaging way with this clever book! With rhyming couplets and visual clues, this book uses riddles and games to help kids learn to group numbers for quick counting. Written by a lifelong math lover, and featuring vibrant illustrations, this book is a winning addition to any child's bookshelf!
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"12 Ways to Get to 11" is a playful and imaginative counting adventure perfect for young readers. Join the search for missing number 11 as you discover creative ways to add up to eleven. From the magician's hat to the barnyard, this book will capture your child's attention with its witty and charming illustrations.
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This delightful book explores the concepts of area and perimeter through a family reunion where things don't go as planned. Mr. and Mrs. Comfort set up seating for 32 guests, but everyone has their own idea of where to sit, forcing the family to rearrange the table. Kids and adults alike will enjoy learning math concepts in a relatable and fun way. Perfect for grades 5-6, it's also a great addition to any family's bookshelf.
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"Ten Black Dots" by Donald Crews is a delightful picture book that introduces basic math concepts to children ages 4 to 6. Through a unique counting exercise, young readers will develop their visual learning skills, explore their creativity, and practice counting numbers. This award-winning classic is a perfect supplement for homeschooling or as an activity book for young children.
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Великая теорема Ферма
The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem
История загадки, которая занимала лучшие умы мира на протяжении 358 лет.
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Hannah FryA heartwarming tale about friendship and sharing, this beloved classic follows the delightful story of a family sharing homemade cookies with friends. Perfect for reading aloud, The Doorbell Rang also teaches young children basic math concepts. Named a Notable Book for Children by the American Library Association, this picture book is a must-have for any child's collection.
Представлено в 6 статьях
The Boy Who Loved Math by Deborah Heiligman
Удовольствие от x by Steven Strogatz
One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J Pinczes
Игры разума by Sylvia Nasar
Что такое математика? by Richard Courant
Multiplying Menace by Pam Calvert
Fractions in Disguise by Edward Einhorn
Elevator Magic, Level 2 by Stuart J. Murphy
The Girl With a Mind for Math by Julia Finley Mosca
Гёдель, Эшер, Бах by Douglas R. Hofstadter
Journey through Genius by William Dunham
One Grain Of Rice by Demi
Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith Viorst
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar by Masaichiro Anno
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics by John A. van de Walle
The Lion's Share by Matthew McElligott
One Odd Day by Doris Fisher
The Mission of Addition by Brian P. Cleary
What's Math Got to Do with It? by Jo Boaler
How Much Is a Million? by David M Schwartz
The Action of Subtraction by Brian P. Cleary
Counting Crocodiles by Judy Sierra
Книга шифров by Simon Singh
Anno's Counting Book Big Book by Mitsumasa Anno
Sort it Out! by Barbara Mariconda
Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
Bedtime Math by Laura Overdeck
Each Orange Had 8 Slices by Paul Giganti Jr.
Quack and Count by Keith Baker
Place Value by David A. Adler
Запомнить все by Peter C. Brown
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
Как не ошибаться by Jordan Ellenberg
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics by Timothy Gowers
Простая одержимость by John Derbyshire
A Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart
Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus P. Thompson
Official SAT Study Guide 2020 Edition by The College Board
The Man Who Knew Infinity by Robert Kanigel
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12 by Peter Liljedahl
Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni
The Music of the Primes by Marcus du Sautoy
Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler
Making Number Talks Matter by Cathy Humphreys
Two of Everything by Lily Toy Hong
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras? by Julie Ellis
PWN the SAT by Mike McClenathan
Mathematics for Human Flourishing by Francis Su
Principles to Actions by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Full House by Dayle Ann Dodds
The Penny Pot by Stuart J. Murphy
Equal Shmequal by Virginia Kroll
The Best Of Times by Gregory Tang
Math Fables by Greg Tang
Even Steven and Odd Todd, Level 3 by Kathryn Cristaldi
Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream by Cindy Neuschwander
The Four Pillars of Geometry by John Stillwell
A Mathematician's Apology by G. H. Hardy
On a Beam of Light by Jennifer Berne
My Even Day by Doris Fisher
The Number Devil by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott
Triangle by Mac Barnett
A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars by Seth Fishman
How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten by Jane Yolen
Mission by Loreen Leedy
365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental
A Place for Zero by Angeline Sparagna Lopresti
Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Tally O'Malley by Stuart J. Murphy
Pigs Will Be Pigs by Amy Axelrod
Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh
The Great Graph Contest by Loreen Leedy
Just a Little Bit by Ann Tompert
Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12 by John Hattie
Бесконечная сила by Steven Strogatz
The Power of Moments by Chip Heath
Humble Pi by Matt Parker
Ten Apples Up On Top! by Theo. Lesieg
Лидеры едят последними by Simon Sinek
Начни с вопроса «Почему?» by Simon Sinek
Гибкое сознание by Carol S. Dweck
Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей by Dale Carnegie, Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster Audio
Трудные диалоги by Kerry Patterson
Алгоритмы by Thomas H. Cormen
One by Kathryn Otoshi
Любимое уравнение профессора by Yoko Ogawa
Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
SAT Math Prep by Kaplan Test Prep