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Adamu Garba II

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7 книг в списке
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The Marshall Plan book cover
The Marshall Plan
Dawn of the Cold War
Benn Steil - 2018-02-13
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This thrilling account delves into the history behind the Marshall Plan, a massive undertaking to reconstruct western Europe as a bulwark against communism after World War II. Focusing on the years 1947 to 1949, the author brings to life the critical events marking the collapse of postwar US-Soviet relations, and the birth of the Cold War. With fascinating new material from American, Russian, German, and other European archives, this book sheds light on the tenuous balance of power and uncertain order of the late 1940s, providing critical context for understanding today’s international landscape. A must-read for history buffs and anyone interested in global politics.
Adamu Garba II
Done with the first book, started the second one. The Marshal Plan by Benn Steil. An excellent historical records of the making of the European Union, NATO and Post WWII liberal Word Order.      источник
A History of Nigeria book cover
A History of Nigeria
Toyin Falola - 2008-06-02 (впервые опубликовано в 1999)
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Explore the complex history of Nigeria, Africa's most populous country and eighth largest oil producer in the world. Leading historian Toyin Falola and African culture expert Matthew Heaton delve into Nigeria's pre-colonial and colonial past, its journey to independence, and the key themes that have shaped its history such as religion, nationalism, and the economy. Discover how Nigerians have adapted to the country's challenges, and gain insight into its unrealized potential.
Adamu Garba II
Dr. Toyin Falola was the first man to have a tremendous influence on my view of Nigeria, after reading his book "A History of Nigeria",15 years ago. When I saw him interviewed Pres. Obasanjo, I was happy that he still cares about Nigeria despite all the challenges. God Bless him      источник
Technocracy in America book cover
Technocracy in America
Rise of the Info-State
Parag Khanna - 2017-01-10
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"Technocracy in America" presents a thought-provoking argument about the flaws in American democracy and proposes a new system of government: a direct technocracy. Author and globalization scholar Parag Khanna explores successful nations like Switzerland and Singapore to show how a combination of democracy and data can create a more efficient and prosperous society. This manifesto offers practical and proven proposals for redesigning the American political system and invites readers to consider a new vision for the 21st century.
Adamu Garba II
One of the best & super exciting book I read this month is Technocracy in America. @paragkhanna did a great insightful & convincing reasons why democracy should be driven by technocrats. I read this book twice within a week. I’m doing a rejoinder in Nigerian context, expect it.      источник
Platform Revolution book cover
Platform Revolution
How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You
Geoffrey G. Parker - 2016-03-28
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Discover the secrets behind the success of industry giants like Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, Apple, and PayPal in Platform Revolution. Written by three platform business experts, this authoritative book delves into the two-sided markets that are revolutionizing the way we do business. Learn how to start and run a successful platform business, identify prime markets, and monetize networks. The authors also cover crucial issues concerning security, regulation, and consumer trust. Platform Revolution is an indispensable guide that reveals the brilliant future of platforms and how they will alter the lives and careers of millions.
Adamu Garba II
If you have an interest in transforming your business or looking into a strategic policy decisions around the rise of platform businesses, like me, then you need this fantastic book authored by some of the highest level observers of the platform revolution. I just rounded it up.      источник
Kirk Borne
Сверхдержавы искусственного интеллекта book cover
Сверхдержавы искусственного интеллекта
Китай, Кремниевая долина и новый мировой порядок
Kai-fu Lee - 2018-09-25
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Книга о перспективах искусственного интеллекта, написанная одним из главных экспертов по теме и одним из 100 самых влиятельных людей мира по версии The Times. Кай-Фу Ли — один из самых авторитетных людей в области ИИ в мире. Ученый, венчурный инвестор и человек с головокружительной карьерой (Apple, Silicon Graphics, Microsoft, Google). Он утверждает, что драматические изменения, которых все ждут от искусственного интеллекта, наступят скорее, чем предполагается. Но связаны они будут не с «думающими машинами, которые захватят мир», а с экономическими последствиями. Гонка между сверхдержавами, Китаем и США, может привести человечество к катастрофе: ИИ позволит богатым разбогатеть еще больше, а разрыв между ними и бедными станет огромным. Эксперты предсказывают, что ИИ лишит рабочих мест «голубых воротничков», а Кай-Фу Ли говорит, что глубокое обучение лишит работы и «белых воротничков» тоже. Но автор предлагает и решения, потому что, как бы ни были впечатляющи успехи на поле ИИ, есть вещи, доступные только людям. Машины не смогут заменить воспитателей, сообщать диагнозы больным, заботиться о пожилых и, например, дрессировать собак. Это книга о том, как сверхдержавы ИИ стали таковыми, о текущем положении и прогнозах. Они могут быть утешительными, но только если помнить об ответственности, которую налагают на нас технологии. А еще, в конечном счете, это книга о человечности и любви. Для кого эта книга Для новаторов, руководителей и предпринимателей, которые изучают тему искусственного интеллекта, чтобы быть первыми в своей сфере. Книга для всех, кто интересуется темой будущего, развития искусственного интеллекта и противостоянием США и Китая.
Adamu Garba II
Indeed @kaifulee have done great justice to the evolution of #AI & how is shaping the world around us in the most fascinating way. Trust me, this book is an interesting read for public policymakers, business decision-makers, & entrepreneurs. I just hit chapter 6, so interesting.      источник
Prisoners of Geography book cover
Prisoners of Geography
Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (1) (Politics of Place)
Tim Marshall - 2015-07-09
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This acclaimed book examines how geography shapes global politics, using ten crucial regions to explain the strategies of world powers. The author provides unique perspectives on Russia, China, the US, Latin America, and more, exploring how each country's physical characteristics impact their leadership and decision-making. Whether through ancient maps or Google Earth, this compelling read reveals how geography always plays a role in shaping our world.
Adamu Garba II
@KKulthum This was part of the book i read in January this year. It was an impressive peice of book. I love it. I read it twice. It is already in my library. Thank you for this recommendation.      источник
A World in Disarray book cover
A World in Disarray
American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order
Richard Haass - 2017-01-10
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The rules and institutions that upheld the world since World War II are coming to an end, leaving the United States unable to shape the world in its image. Richard Haass, author and President of the Council on Foreign Relations, examines the global disorder caused by everything from terrorism to climate change. He argues for a new global operating system, that embraces the reality of distributed power and weaker states. A World in Disarray features a detailed description of how the U.S. should approach relationships with China, Russia, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Haass examines dysfunctional American politics, mounting debt, and the lack of agreement regarding the U.S.'s place in the world, while painting a comprehensive picture of the current world's condition.
Adamu Garba II
@pzarzalejos @RichardHaass @CFR_org #WorldInDisarray is best book of my 2017 reading so far. It give clear picture on what's currently happening in post American world order      источник