Brian Earp
Рекомендованные Книги
Brian David Earp is an American bioethicist, philosopher, and interdisciplinary researcher. He is currently Associate Director of the Yale-Hastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy at Yale University and The Hastings Center, and a Research Fellow at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.
20 книг в списке
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Is our trust in medical interventions misplaced? In this provocative book, the author explores the flaws in medical research, the questionable effectiveness of many interventions, and the limitations of empirical methods. With a critical eye, Medical Nihilism challenges readers to question their assumptions and consider the evidence.
P. D. Mangan"Polysecure" explores the intersection of attachment theory and consensual nonmonogamy. Through her unique nested model, author and Polyamorous psychotherapist Jessica Fern delves into the impact of emotional experiences on our relationships. This book offers six actionable strategies to help individuals in nonmonogamous relationships form secure and healthy attachments. From theory to practice, "Polysecure" is a must-read for anyone in nontraditional relationships.
Brian Earp
2022-08-10T10:41:52.000ZExplore the complex and current 'gender wars' or 'TERF wars' within the LGBTQ community with Female Masculinities and the Gender Wars. Finn Mackay examines the generational shift challenging assumed fixity of sex, gender, and sexual identity through queer and female masculinities. With growing political backlash against transgender and trans rights movements, this book uniquely approaches the debate through the lens of female masculinity, butch and transmasculine lesbian masculinities. In the wake of popular discourse on 'toxic masculinity', men's rights activism, and the MeToo movement, this groundbreaking work sheds light on essential topics in political science and sociological academia.
Brian Earp
2022-07-24T20:28:57.000ZThis powerful book explores how patriarchal culture keeps men from expressing emotions and loving fully. Written with trademark candor and fierce intelligence, the author provides new and challenging ways for men to address common concerns such as fear of intimacy and loss of their patriarchal place in society. The Will to Change shows men how to reclaim the best part of themselves, no matter their age, marital status, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. A must-read for all who seek spiritual unity and emotional fulfillment.
Brian Earp
2022-06-04T20:04:28.000ZExploring the erosion of public confidence in science, Harry Collins' book challenges the notion that scientific expertise is fallible. Despite recent scandals, Collins argues that science still holds a special status and should serve as an example for citizens on how to think and act.
Join the conversation around anatomy and normality with One of Us. Alice Domurat Dreger shares the stories of those living with socially challenging anatomies, while also exploring the historical context of anatomical politics. This thought-provoking work challenges assumptions and expands our understanding of what it means to be "normal" in our society.
Discover the power of anger in the fight against racial injustice with this urgent call to action. Philosopher Myisha Cherry argues that anger has been unfairly demonized and that Lordean rage, a form of anger mobilized for change, is crucial in the anti-racist struggle. Using philosophy, social psychology, and history, she shows how anger can be harnessed, cultivated, and focused to challenge racism and effect lasting change. This accessible resource is a must-read for politically and socially engaged readers seeking new tools for changing the world.
Kate Manne
Making the Mark
Gender, Identity, and Genital Cutting (Ohio RIS Africa Series Book 93)
Explore the practice of female genital cutting and the cultural context surrounding it in Making the Mark. Miroslava Prazak presents a gritty ethnography that weaves together the perspectives of girls, boys, family members, circumcisers, political and religious leaders in a rural Kenyan farming society. Discover how gender, identity, and social status intersect with this controversial tradition, and learn about the evolving perspectives of practitioners amidst anti-cutting campaigns led by international NGOs, local activists, and donor organizations. Set against the backdrop of the rolling hills of southwestern Kenya, Making the Mark provides a rich mosaic of voices contributing to the debate over this life-altering ritual.
Brian Earp
2022-04-29T17:37:26.000ZExplore the complex relationship between British colonial officers and Muslim Sudanese in Civilizing Women. Janice Boddy focuses on the efforts to end female circumcision in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan from 1920-1946, revealing how this was tied to other colonial concerns such as slavery and cotton farming. This engaging book delves into the nuanced process of colonizing selfhood and the role of British women in it. Boddy also discusses the fraught relations between political officers, missionaries, and African nationalists. A cautionary tale for those considering contemporary interventions.
Brian Earp
2022-04-18T04:09:22.000ZThe Life Inside by Andy West
Automation and Utopia by John Danaher
Искусство любить by Erich Fromm
Hunger by Roxane Gay
What Love Is by Carrie Jenkins
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
The Age of Wonder by Richard Holmes
Cosmopolitanism by Kwame Anthony Appiah
Размножение в неволе by Esther Perel
Marriage, a History by Stephanie Coontz
Love by Mary Evans