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Jenny Lawson

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Jennifer Lawson is an American journalist, author and blogger.
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Клара и Солнце book cover
Клара и Солнце
A novel
Kazuo Ishiguro - 2021-03-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
Клара совсем новая. С заразительным любопытством из-за широкого окна витрины она впитывает в себя окружающий мир — случайных прохожих, проезжающие машины и, конечно, живительное Солнце. Клара хочет узнать и запомнить как можно больше — так она сможет стать лучшей Искусственной Подругой своему будущему подростку От того, кто выберет Клару, будет зависеть ее судьба. Чистый, отчасти наивный взгляд на реальность, лишь слегка отличающуюся от нашей собственной, — вот, что дарит новый роман Кадзуо Исигуро. Каково это — любить? И можно ли быть человеком, если ты не совсем человек? История, рассказанная с обескураживающей искренностью, заставит вас по-новому ответить на эти вопросы. Кадзуо Исигуро — лауреат Нобелевской и Букеровской премий; автор, чьи произведения продаются миллионными тиражами. Его новый роман «Клара и Солнце» — повествование на грани фантастики, тонкая спекулятивная реальность. Но, несмотря на фантастический флер, это история о семье, преданности, дружбе и человечности. Каково это — любить? И можно ли быть человеком, если ты не совсем человек?
Jenny Lawson
Give me a recommendation for a good book to give for Xmas. I’ll start. Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro.      источник
You Love Me book cover
You Love Me
A You Novel
Caroline Kepnes - 2021-11-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
A highly anticipated new thriller in a bestselling series, featuring the infamous Joe Goldberg. He's done with cities, done with love, and ready to start a family on a cozy island in the Pacific Northwest. But when he meets the town librarian, Mary Kaye, he'll stop at nothing to win her over, even if it means meddling in her already busy life. Can true love triumph for these two, or will Joe's obsession lead to his demise? Get ready for a gripping ride full of twists, turns, and unexpected outcomes.
Jenny Lawson
@WendiAarons @jesslahey @CarolineKepnes Such wonderful women to share a pub date with! Also, I read both of their books and they’re AMAZING.      источник
Nicola YoonKaren Rivers
The Addiction Inoculation book cover
The Addiction Inoculation
Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence
Jessica Lahey - 2021-04-06
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn how to prevent substance abuse in children with The Addiction Inoculation, a compassionate and evidence-based guide written by a teacher, mother, and recovering alcoholic. Based on research in psychology, child welfare, substance abuse, and neuroscience, this life-saving resource offers practical tools for identifying and supporting addiction-resistant kids, from interpreting early signs of abuse to navigating difficult conversations with children. Parents, educators, coaches, and pediatricians can benefit from this essential guide to raising healthy, happy, and addiction-free children.
Jenny Lawson
@WendiAarons @jesslahey @CarolineKepnes Such wonderful women to share a pub date with! Also, I read both of their books and they’re AMAZING.      источник
Dark Archives book cover
Dark Archives
A Librarian's Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human Skin
Megan Rosenbloom - 2020-10-20
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Discover the dark and grisly world of books bound in human skin in this captivating and macabre read. Author Megan Rosenbloom, a librarian and journalist, delves into the historic and scientific truths behind anthropodermic bibliopegy, unearthing the origins of dozens of such books held in the world's most famous libraries and museums. Along the way, she reveals the stories of the doctors, murderers, innocents, and indigents whose lives are sewn together in this disturbing collection. A rare and thrilling narrative that combines detective work, academic intrigue, history, and medical curiosity.
Jenny Lawson
If you like Mary Roach you'll like this. So much research. So much focus on the ethics and myths and stories in such a readable way. The @Ologies podcast did a great episode on the book recently called "Anthropodermic Biocodicology" if you need more convincing. :)      источник
Lindsey Fitzharris
Here for It book cover
Here for It
Or, How to Save Your Soul in America; Essays
R. Eric Thomas - 2020-02-18
Рейтинг Goodreads
This hilarious and poignant memoir-in-essays explores the struggles of growing up different in a world that demands conformity. Eric Thomas writes with humor and heart about his experiences reconciling his Christian identity with his sexuality, code-switching in college, and accidentally becoming internet famous. For fans of Samantha Irby, Michael Arceneaux, and David Sedaris, this book is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt like they didn't quite fit in.
Jenny Lawson
My friend Laura asked if I could score a copy of this book bc she thought I would love it and that very day it arrived in my mail. I can only conclude that @oureric is some sort of psychic. Also, go preorder this book bc it is fantastic.      источник