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Peter Morville

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Peter Morville is president of Semantic Studios, an information architecture and findability consulting firm. He may be best known as an influential figure and "founding father" of information architecture, having coauthored the best-selling book in the discipline, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web.
7 книг в списке
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How Buildings Learn book cover
How Buildings Learn
What Happens After They're Built
Stewart Brand - 1995-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1994)
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Discover the secret to building structures that stand the test of time in How Buildings Learn. This book proposes that buildings are best adapted when perpetually reshaped by their occupants, and that architects can evolve from being artists of space to becoming artists of time. From the evolution of bungalows to the adoption of the Santa Fe Style, this far-ranging survey examines the essential territory that most studies have yet to explore. Learn how to work with time by reading How Buildings Learn.
Peter Morville
@prfloriano What a wonderful book, enjoy!      источник
Gender Queer book cover
Gender Queer
A Memoir
Maia Kobabe - 2019-05-28
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Discover an intensely cathartic autobiography that explores the journey of self-identity. This touching guide delves into what it means to be non-binary and asexual, grappling with coming out to family and society, and facing the trauma of pap smears. More than a personal story, this book is a valuable resource for advocates, friends, and all those seeking understanding on gender identity.
Peter Morville
I bought Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe because it was the #1 most banned and challenged book of 2021. But I read it in one sitting because it's really good.      источник
Десять тысяч дверей book cover
Десять тысяч дверей
Alix E. Harrow - 2019-09-10
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В начале двадцатого века одна юная особа, отыскав загадочную книгу, отправляется в фантастическое путешествие, чтобы узнать тайну своего прошлого... Будучи подопечной богатого мистера Локка, Январри Сколлер чувствует, что не слишком отличается от других артефактов, украшающих коридоры его особняка: ее заботливо содержат, по большей части не замечают, и она совсем здесь не к месту. Однажды Январри обнаруживает странную книгу, в которой рассказывается о загадочных дверях, ведущих в другие миры... Каждая страница открывает ей невероятную историю, тесно связанную с ее собственной судьбой...
Peter Morville
You had me at temerarious. Thank you @cwodtke for recommending this delightful book by @AlixEHarrow      источник
Билли Саммерс book cover
Билли Саммерс
Stephen King - 2021-08-03
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Билли Саммерс — профессиональный киллер с жестким моральным кодексом: он принимает заказы только на действительно «плохих парней». Но ему, бывшему морпеху, это занятие не по душе, и однажды он решает отойти от дел, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Перед этим Билли предстоит выполнить еще один заказ, который обеспечит ему безбедное существование. Его чутье и опыт подсказывают: в этом деле что-то не так и оно не такое простое, как кажется на первый взгляд. Однако на кону стоят слишком большие деньги. И Билли отправляется в тихий провинциальный городок Ред-Блафф и начинает тщательную подготовку к своему последнему выстрелу. Последнему ли?..
Peter Morville
I've been enjoying books by @StephenKing for over 35 years, and Billy Summers is one of the best.      источник
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Sand Talk book cover
Sand Talk
How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World
Tyson Yunkaporta - 2020-05-12 (впервые опубликовано в 2019)
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Indigenous author Tyson Yunkaporta presents a paradigm-shifting book that offers a unique perspective on global systems tied to the natural and spiritual world. Sand Talk covers historical and cultural issues, education, money, power, and sustainability, providing answers on how to do things differently. Yunkaporta uses symbols and diagrams to convey knowledge, providing a new model for everyday life. Sand Talk presents a different way of thinking, one that is spiritually and physically tied to the earth around us, and how it can save our world.
Peter Morville
Of all the books I’ve read in the past year or so, Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta is one of my favorites. It’s about indigenous knowledge systems.      источник
Tim Kastelle
Content Everywhere book cover
Content Everywhere
Strategy and Structure for Future-Ready Content
Sara Wachter-Boettcher - 2012-12-12
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Discover how to create flexible and reusable content for the future of information sharing in "Content Everywhere." Author Sara Wachter-Boettcher explains why better copy isn't enough for today's endless devices and channels, and provides valuable insights on making your content more manageable and meaningful no matter where it goes. Say goodbye to fixed, single-purpose content, and hello to a future-ready strategy.
Peter Morville
Content Everywhere by @sara_ann_marie is the most useful book about content strategy and IA and UX that I've read in a long time.      источник
Whipping Girl book cover
Whipping Girl
A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity
Julia Serano - 2007-05-14
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"Whipping Girl" offers a unique perspective on femininity, masculinity, and gender identity from the viewpoint of a biologist and trans woman. Author Julia Serano shares her powerful experiences, pre- and post-transition, to reveal societal attitudes towards trans women, gender, and sexuality. The book debunks misconceptions about transsexuality and exposes how cultural beliefs about femininity are rooted in fear, suspicion, and dismissiveness. Serano argues that modern feminists and transgender activists must embrace and empower femininity to promote gender equality.