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Russell Brand

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Russell Brand is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. After beginning his career as a stand-up comedian and later becoming an MTV presenter, Brand first achieved renown in 2004 as the host of Big Brother's Big Mouth, a Big Brother spin-off.
11 книг в списке
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The Creative ACT book cover
The Creative ACT
A Way of Being
Rick Rubin - 2023-01-17
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Learn to tap into your creativity with The Creative Act, a masterfully written book from legendary music producer Rick Rubin. Unlike other producers, Rubin is known for creating an environment where artists can fully express who they are. In this book, he shares his insights on how to connect with your inner creativity and unlock your true potential as an artist. With wisdom that has been gleaned from a lifetime's work, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to expand their creativity and create moments of transcendence in their work and life.
Russell Brand
📚 @RickRubin created genres. He is like Oppenheimer; a destroyer and creator of worlds a true genius. Read this fantastic book "The Creative Act: A Way Of Being"      источник
Sriram Krishnan
33 Myths of the System book cover
33 Myths of the System
Darren Allen - 2021-04-01
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This provocative book is a guide to the deceitful nature of our civilized system. By dissecting the lies of various ideologies and religions, the author exposes the myths at the core of social, economic, and political structures. Prepare to challenge your understanding of our society.
Russell Brand
A powerful book. A great title. A brilliant communicator. Pick up a copy from @expressiveegg      источник
A Place of Refuge book cover
A Place of Refuge
An Experiment in Communal Living – The Story of Windsor Hill Wood
Tobias Jones - 2016-08-09 (впервые опубликовано в 2015)
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Discover the story of a couple who opened up their home and ten-acre woodland as a refuge to those suffering from crises in their lives. From building a chapel to raising pigs, they encounter extraordinary people, violent antagonism, and astounding generosity. Through the challenges and transformations, they found a way to help people and share their ideals. Learn how they achieved this over the course of five years.
Russell Brand
This book by Tobias Jones (@Tobias_Italia) is a beautiful account about the challenges and joys of communal living. Have a look at it! (A Place Of Refuge)      источник
Dirty Vegan Book 2 book cover
Dirty Vegan Book 2
Matt Pritchard - 2019-12-12
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Discover over 80 brand new vegan recipes in this anticipated follow-up to the bestselling BBC tie-in Dirty Vegan. From the ex-presenter of cult TV show Dirty Sanchez, Matt Pritchard shows just how easy and cheap it can be to go vegan and how proper nutrition can improve all aspects of life. With chapters like Super Quick Midweek Meals and Food with Legs, this cookbook features dishes like Crispy Peking Jackfruit Pancakes and Spiced Chocolate Cake with Maple and Cashew Cream.
Russell Brand
When I knew Pritchard @DirtyVeganTV at MTV in the noughties I didn’t think I’d one day I’d be recommending his vegan cook book. Bong making technique, maybe. The fact is, it’s great.      источник
The Hand & Flowers Cookbook book cover
The Hand & Flowers Cookbook
Tom Kerridge - 2021-03-23
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Discover the revolutionary British cuisine that earned the first (and only) pub in the world two Michelin stars with The Hand & Flowers Cookbook. Chef Tom Kerridge elevates classic dishes with innovative and sophisticated twists in this must-have cookbook. Indulge in 70 of The Hand & Flowers' best dishes including Roast hog with salt-baked potatoes and apple sauce, Smoked haddock omelette, and Chocolate and ale cake with salted caramel and muscovado ice cream. Complete with breathtaking photography by Cristian Barnett, this cookbook is a stunning tribute to one of the world's most authentic restaurants.
Russell Brand
I’m vegan and I don’t drink booze. BUT I still LOVE this book by @ChefTomKerridge, he is a culinary alchemist.      источник
Is This Anything? book cover
Is This Anything?
Jerry Seinfeld - 2020-10-06
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This book showcases the best works of Jerry Seinfeld in comedy over five decades. From his debut at a New York nightclub as a college student to present day, Seinfeld has saved every funny bit he's come up with. In this book, he's compiled his favorite material, organized by decade. It's a hilarious and insightful read that gives readers an inside look at the art of stand-up comedy.
Russell Brand
What a brilliant and funny book by a great man. All @JerrySeinfeld material. On the page they are like haikus or incantations of mirth.      источник
Susan J. Fowler
Because of You book cover
Because of You
Dawn French - 2020-10-15
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"Because of You" by Dawn French is a heart-warming Sunday Times top 10 bestseller about two women who give birth to daughters on the same night but with very different outcomes. Hope brings home a beautiful baby girl, while Anna leaves the hospital empty-handed. 17 years later, their lives intertwine in unexpected ways as the power of a mother's love is tested to its limits. French's signature humor and warmth shine through as she delivers a moving story of love, loss, and redemption.
Russell Brand
Incredible book from one of my comedy heroes - the beautiful and magnificent @Dawn_French      источник
Kill All Normies book cover
Kill All Normies
Angela Nagle - 2017-06-30
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"Kill All Normies" dives into the battle of internet culture wars, where alt right and feminist movements clash in cyber space. The author analyses the revival of 90s culture wars and explores the cultural genealogies and past parallels of these styles and subcultures. Drawing from transgressive styles of 60s libertinism and conservative movements, "Kill All Normies" is an engaging read that makes the case for rejecting the perpetual cultural cycle.
Russell Brand
Very excited by this writer and this book on where we are RIGHT NOW in this mad cultural moment. #angelanagle      источник
Ana Marie CoxSam Freedman
Путь художника book cover
Путь художника
25th Anniversary Edition
Julia Cameron - 2002-03-04
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Любой творческий человек, будь он артист, писатель, танцор, певец или просто наблюдатель, рассказывающий самому себе сказки обо всём увиденном, имеет право называть себя художником. Потому что художник, в контексте данной книги – это творец, способный создать, выдернуть из всеобщего бессознательного нечто уникальное, прекрасное. Часто окружающие люди и жизненные перипетии заставляют человека отказаться от мечты и при этом он ещё и оправдывает себя – «Ничего нового мне всё равно не удастся сказать», «На хлеб этим не заработаешь», «Если я буду целыми днями торчать за мольбертом, любимая бросит меня» и так далее». На самом деле никто не утверждает, что надо выбирать между двумя полюсами: гениальность-бездарность, обеспеченная жизнь-любимое занятие, творчество-любовь. Конечно, проще выбрать что-то одно и держаться за него, как за спасительную соломинку, но кто вам сказал, что оно будет неизменным? Способность к творчеству – это одно из ( а для многих – единственное) подлинное свойство человека, остающееся с нами неизменно, независимо от обстоятельств жизни. Можно всё потерять или неожиданно выиграть главный приз, но творчество никуда не исчезнет. Даже если вы давно махнули рукой на свои способности – вы не перестали быть творческим человеком, вы просто оказались в тупике. Выйти из него за двенадцать недель, если вы не будете лениться, или за неограниченный, но всё же конечный отрезок времени, поможет курс упражнений, приведенный в этой книге.
Russell Brand
RBNews: Week 1, Artist's Way - I love it. A practical, spiritual, nurturing book. I'm...      источник
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Rising in Love by Ram Das Batchelder