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Taylor Lorenz

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Technology reporter at The New York Times covering internet culture.
4 книг в списке
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Health Communism book cover
Health Communism
A Surplus Manifesto
Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant - 2022-10-18
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"Health Communism" is a powerful critique of how capitalism has instrumentalized health, disability, and illness to create a class seen as "surplus." Written by the hosts of the popular podcast "Death Panel," the book argues for a new global left politics aimed at severing the ties between capital and health. The authors examine how the health industry has emerged to manage and contain populations deemed unfit to work and marked for extraction. Ultimately, this book calls for a radical new politics of solidarity built on the understanding that we must not base the value of human life on one's ability to be productive within the current political economy.
Taylor Lorenz
This book is essential reading      источник
micha frazer-carroll
Can't Even book cover
Can't Even
How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation
Anne Helen Petersen - 2020-09-22
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A deep examination of burnout culture among millennials, exploring the causes of this widespread phenomenon and its impact on our lives. The author delves into the cultural shifts and pressures that sustain burnout, and provides a framework for understanding the root causes of the issue. Through original interviews and detailed analysis, readers gain valuable insights on how burnout affects our work, parenting, and social lives. This enlightening book offers a redemptive look at the lives of millennials, and is a must-read for anyone trying to understand this generation.
Taylor Lorenz
@jordanzakarin @luke_winkie Yeah, I’m not sure if you’ve read it but I can’t recommend this book enough I cried reading it      источник
Lurking book cover
How a Person Became a User
Joanne McNeil - 2020-02-25
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Explore the fascinating history of the internet from the perspective of its users with this concise, but wide-ranging book. From searching and safety to identity and community, Joanne McNeil delves into the primary concerns of people online and uncovers the profound, intimate story of how we became who we are today. As one of the most respected cultural critics online, McNeil provides a singular vision of who we are and what we do in the constantly changing cultural space of the internet.
Taylor Lorenz
I reviewed Joanne’s fantastic new book for the NYT. It’s a great read full of so much thoughtful reporting and critiques of the tech platforms that have shaped our identities. I loved it.      источник
Sandy Hook book cover
Sandy Hook
An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth
Elizabeth Williamson - 2022-03-08
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Sandy Hook is a poignant and definitive investigation of the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Based on extensive research and exclusive sources, Elizabeth Williamson uncovers how the shooting became overrun with malicious conspiracy theories denying its existence. The book chronicles the families' struggle against these damaging myths and threats to their very lives. Through unflinching reporting, narrative storytelling, and intimate portraits, Sandy Hook exposes how false narratives distort and destroy our society.
Don Winslow